Chapter 112: The Witch Queen.

Unlike Yami who had accepted Vanessa's sudden change like it was nothing, Luck and the others were totally the opposite.

They all had the same question...

All these years that they lived with Vanessa, did she always show a false personality? She wasn't a sweet mother who loved and mattered most in her life was her daughter?

The image of Vanessa looking at Vienna with a motherly gaze shattered like glass in front of them, now being replaced by a woman with a thirst for blood and battle. A crazy woman who would dare to destroy an entire planet if she feels the slightest threat to her or her daughter.

Yami sighed, the only thing he cared about most was Vienna but now everything fell apart. Vanessa broke free again and things don't end well when she breaks free.

'Do you promise me that I will be free?' The voice of Vanessa sounded in his mind.

'HAHAHAHAHA! DIE!' The image of Vanessa killing her mother appeared in Yami's mind. 'I should never have messed with a witch...' Yami said in his mind.

''Hahahahahaha!'' Vanessa's crazy laugh resounded throughout the place, Luck didn't notice Vanessa anymore and focused on Yami and Zenon who were fighting.

'All this time I knew that you were hiding many things, but now is not the time to think about that... I am going to kill everything that threatens my squad, and then we will talk about this' Luck clenched his fists and his eyes glowed dangerously he closed his eyes slowly and the sky filled with dark clouds...

''True Lighting Magic: God of War'' Thunder began to descend from the sky surprising Yami and the others, except Vanessa who didn't seem to care. Luck's eyes expelled thunder and medieval armor covered her body and even a horned helmet was formed. He dropped to all fours like a lion about to pounce on his prey...

As if it was an instant blink he appeared next to Zenon, Zenon's eyes widened and his body was bathed in thunder...


Luck showed a wild smile as he attacked Zenon, not even letting his body touch the ground. The thunder almost seemed to eat Zenon's body, Luck seemed to be performing a combo and cleaning the ground with Zenon while the thunder danced around him.

''55%'' Zenon's eyes shone brightly.

The next scene was a total destruction several bones raised from the ground, Luck who was attacking with confidence was impaled by a spike of bone magic, Yami's limbs were also nailed.

''Bleurgh!!!!'' Yami and Luck vomited a lot of blood, Luck's eyes trembled 'What the hell is this magic and power? How is he so strong?' Luck looked at Zenon.

Yami seemed to have entered a total state of frustration and rage. Two had died and now this son of a bitch was going to kill more... his body began to radiate a chaotically dark mana. Before he made a move all the bones were cut like butter by magical threads.

Yami looked with hatred at those threads that were pink before and were now purple, they didn't bring back good memories after all.

''Focus Yami, Focus...'' The magical voice of Vanessa resounded all over the place.


Yami looked at the scene with trembling eyes, Zenon's body was suddenly dragged by threads as if it were a horror movie, his limbs were easily broken and cut. Zenon's head rolled off Vanessa's throne, but then his limbs instantly connected and he regenerated his body.

''Who the hell are you!?'' Zenon asked feeling mad 'I never felt a mana like this, Who's this woman?' Zenon thought as he retreated to Dante's side.

''I am the Witch Queen!'' Vanessa said as she flashed a wild smile, millions of threads rose from the ground destroying the entire place, the area had become a total disaster. The threads moved as if they had a life of their own in front of Dante and Zenon.


''Shall we start?'' Vanessa said, Heloise descended next to her with a dangerous,cold look.

''You're late.'' Vanessa said as she look at her from the corner of her eye.

''My bad, i already called my master before arrive here'' Heloise said as her transparent mana began to dance wildly around her voluptuous body, a grimoire of four clovers summoned next to her...

''Things are going to get out of control here...'' Dante said with a crazy expression, he looked at Zenon and as if they had planned both said at the same time.



They both used the maximum percentage they could use, They didn't use 100% because they needed the last key to unlock their full power. Their demonic forms became even more demonic and disgusting, all their teeth became sharp, long dark wings emerged from their backs and their bodies swelled, the entire area was covered by a dark and nefarious mana.

''Yeah... Things are gonna get crazy here.'' Vanessa said with a seductive voice, She got up from her throne leaving Vienna sitting on it, she snapped her fingers and a beer was summoned in her hands, at a great speed she drank the beer completely and summoned even more.

''Things will get, very,very crazy'' Vanessa's voice sounded seductively again and her cheeks turned red, the members of her squad and Yami were covered by threads making cocoon of threads. She walked slowly and an inmense purple mana countered the dark mana, Heloiose walked slowly beside her too. Her kind expression was totally vanished.

''What a pity that a woman like you is so crazy, but i can fix it'' Dante said as he stood up from his throne, his body growing 100 meters, Zenon walk slowby beside him as several bones covered his body making an armor.

''Mana Zone: The Queen of Witches'' Vanessa transformed, her pink hair reached the floor, a magical witch's dress formed around her voluptuous body and her eyes began to sparkle like stars.

''Mana Zone: Heat Field.'' Heloise said with cold voice, the temperature suddenly got quite hot..

''Mana Zone: Gravity Singularity'' Dante said and a dark sphere of 5 Kilometers emerged over him.

''Mana Zone: Land of Bones.'' Zenon said and bones began to move around the entire place.

In three seconds, Attacks of sufficient caliber to destroy kingdoms began to collide...

The first thing heard was a dull sound as if several nuclear bombs were about to descend... Then the area in the center heated up to cause a huge explosion, after that explosion a gigantic sphere collided with the explosion, gigantic bones they emerged from the ground and shot forward but were sliced by threads.


The entire area was practically flat and pulverized, Yami who was holding Luck in his arms looked at everything with the same stunned expression as his members.

Their sight turned white,black,purple and an inmense explosion occurred again...


It looked like the end of the world in their sights... Vanessa and Heloise were standing in front of those men, Their mana were colliding crazily around the desert that they caused.

''Hahahahaha! Not bad!'' Vanessa said as she flies around the battle with a crazy smile, some marks began to grow on her body...

''Bitch come here!'' Dante shot towards Vanessa, Zenon beside him. Before they could reach Vanessa, Heloise reappeared in front of they. Heloise's legs shone with a transparent mana, she kick Dante's back and punched Zenon's face.



Like a watermelon Zenon's head exploded, And Dante was shot towards Vanessa.

''Let me this man... I'm very mad this day.'' Heloise said as she lift her head and look at Zenon like if she is watching a plague.

''Helose~ To think that you're so strong and you're just a maid, Hahahaha'' Vanessa said as she fight against Dante, rock meteorites were emerging around all the place but she cuts fast they.

''...'' Heloise didn't said anything and leaned her voluptous body and flashed 'kind' smile. Giant bone spikes shot towards her, she trample the floor making an earthquake the bones were instantly destroyed, she ran quickly towards Zenon, she put her fingers together as if to stab with the tips of her hands. Then as if the voluptuous maid was cooking she began to cut the bones with her bare hands.

'Heat Magic...' Zenon thought as he defend himself, Heloise's hands glowed with transparent mana 'This magic may seem useless, but it is too dangerous... Imagine the possibilities.' Zenon's eyes glowed with interest, he began to press more the battle. But it was a big mistake to approach a woman who train with Acier Silva.

Zenon felt that he couldn't breathe and his nose became extremely hot, then the moment Heloise approached him everything happened as if it was a fatality from a certain fighting game.

Heloise cut his head, then her hand then reached into his chest grabbing all his bones and ripped them out of his body instantly, then cut his body into pieces.

''Woah! Savage! I like this busty maid.'' Vanessa said as she cut the rock meteors, suddenly a meteor was descending on Vienna, Dante was flashing a devil smile as he looks at Vanessa.

''What you are going to do now Hahaha?'' Dante didn't know it, but he had made a big mistake, a mistake that would scare him the most out of his life, he looks at Vienna and his eyes widened.

As if all the events were a lie, Vanessa disappeared along with the throne and the meteorite.

''Meow~'' A cat was on the lap of Vienna playing with her.

''You... You dare to touch my daughter!?'' A terrifying pressure of mana covered the whole place. Dante slowly turned his gaze towards Vanessa and he froze.

He thought he saw the expression of a demon about to commit carnage, the woman's face twisted and her long hair rose in defiance of gravity. Two long whips of threads formed in Vanessa's hands, Dante reacted quickly by retreating but that was not enough to escape Vanessa's wrath.



A whiplash that echoed throughout the place could be heard, the area below Dante was destroyed in 1 kilometer length.

''Gladiator swordmanship!'' Dante said and a compressed a greatsword, but a whiplash destroyed it instantly.

Dante was trembling with fear for the first time, the woman approached him with slow steps and destroyed all his rocks as if nothing, Vanessa's expression could not be seen because of the witch's hat. Dante was thinking about the best strategy and even though he hated it a lot he would have to resort to it, he looked out of the corner of his eye at Zenon who was fighting against the Maid again.

''GRAVITY SINGULARITY!'' Dante shouted and giant dark spheres descended from the sky...

Vanessa's eyes looked instantly at the Spheres and they were covered by a purple mana.

''Spellbound.'' She said softly, her hand clenched as if she is grabbing the giant spheres. Then under the surprised gaze of Dante they spheres exploded. A strange mark was beginning to form on Vanessa's face, the mark went up from her left cheek to above her eyebrow. Her eyes narrowed for a moment feeling pain and Dante did not miss this moment.


Dante hit Vanessa breaking some of her bones, she crawled to a stop. Her upper body slowly rose up, her bloodied face had a dangerous and terrified look on it.

'Daughter you can reject your legacy... Slowly you will become like me!' The crazy voice of woman resounded in Vanessa's head making her shook her head, Dante approached her again but Vanessa went frenzy with her whips.


Dante's body exploded and regenerated, both had gone totally mad in battle fighting to the death. Dante's regeneration gave him an immense advantage over Vanessa, but the problem was that this woman's mana was one that he had never seen before.

'She didn't lie then, if she is a witch we should take them too.' Dante thought as he look at Vanessa with a cold gaze.

More marks began to grow around Vanessa's body, and her eyes were slowly narrowing. She felt lost and began to listen to the sing of her mother.

''Run little witch, Run... They want to set you on a fire.''

Dante approached Vanessa with a sadistic expression, his gigantic hand was about to grab her wide waist but...


Dante's arm exploded, Heloise appeared in front of him and before he could attack her. He began to slowly melt... The maid showed a gentle expression as Dante slowly melted away.

She held Vanessa and darted over to Vienna and held her as well.

''Dante...'' Zenon who was melting too approached Dante. They looked at their eyes and glowed intesenly.

The best decision was to secure the target. If they went after those women again, she was going to make even more time for the captains to kill their demons.

At almost instantaneous speed they appeared at Vanessa's cocoon of threads, Heloise didn't even bother trying to do anything. She just followed her master's order and that was to protect Vienna and Vanessa.

''We'll be back and this time I'll make you mine-'' Dante said but he and Zenon froze when they feel their mana sense screaming danger.

''QUICK ZENON!'' Dante shouted and they dissapeared with Yami and the members of the squad..

''Uhh?'' Heloise was very confused, Vanessa and Vienna suddenly faint at the same time. She lowered them and touched their breasts.

''They are fine but-''

Suddenly a giant dragon hovered over the place, Asta decended from the dragon.

''Good work Heloise'' Asta said, when he looked at the marks on Vanessa's body his eyes twitched and then glowed with a golden hue.

''Thank you Master-'' Before Heloise could finish, Asta took them. They dissapeared and reappeared on top of Salamander.

''Salamander Fly fast towards the clover kingdom!'' Asta said, Salamander's eyes shone and he flew towards the kingdom.

''What is happening Master?'' Heloise asked with concern.

''They are descendants from a Witch Queen'' Asta said and sank in his thought.

''...'' Heloise was totally surprised, she looked at Vanessa with her mouth wide open.

'How can this woman be a Witch Queen? She just seemed like a normal mother and at the same time a bit perverted and naughty and even gets quite drunk at the inns.' Asta looked at Vanessa's marks 'I should have asked them before, she may end up sleeping for quite some time because of this damn spell.... What mother does this to her daughter? Almost all the witches are the same...' Asta grit his teeth, The spell that was placed on Vanessa was a very nefarious spell, the more the woman uses the power she needs the more her personality will twist to that of the previous Witch queens.

'They probably did this to her so that she would be sure to continue their legacy'' Asta said as he lay Vanessa and look at the Kingdom.

''Heloise, Let's finish this fast.'' Asta said as his eyes turn red.

''Hm...'' Heloise noded she looked at her Master from the corner of her eyes 'There is something different with him?'

Asta looked at the giant monsters, he grabbed his greatsword from his grimoire.

''Liebe... Let's kill some demons!'' Asta said with a wild smile as he lift up his sword.

''BLACK DIVIDER!'' Asta's voice sounded distorted as if three different voices were speaking at once.

The silhouette of a gigantic demon hover over the kingdom...