Chapter 128: You're the wife... And I am the husband.

Asta stared at Heloise with a smirk, she was fixing up her messy appareance, she tried to hide the hickeys but there were too many, and her lips were red at the corner and a little swollen.

''Master!'' Heloise shouted with angery, she didn't want to present herself with an appareance like that..

''Let's move busty maid'' Asta said but Heloise step away.

''Oh? Are you disobeying my orders'' Asta flashed a wild smile.

''Yes Master~'' Heloise said as she shows a naughty smile she turned and lifted up a little her ass, then she lifted up her dress showing Asta her big bubble ass.




Soon Asta and Heloise found the girls...

What happens when incredibly beautiful women like them go out for a walk?


The girls were too beautiful and seductive, each with their own charms and qualities. This, of course, like any typical situation, would cause thousands of men to approach them even unaware that Acier was there, and well... Their audacity cost them more than gasoline.

Heloise and Asta stared open-mouthed at the number of men lying knocked out on the ground, a group of women walked happily while conversing with each other, behind them their subordinates followed with a pile of purchases.

The girls noticed Asta and immediately and approached him, after several moments of greetings and kisses Asta was finally released, his face was full of kisses and his neck had several bites. His very well-groomed hair was now a bit messy...

''Hahahaha! The karma!'' Heloise laughed.

''Karma? What he did?'' Edith asked.

''He was f- bothering me!'' Heloise trip with her words, she was about to said that he was fucking her but what he did, didn't count as that.

''Oh...'' Edith narrowed her eyes she immediately analyzed Heloise as the girls did too. Vienna's eyes glowed and zoomed on Heloise's body.

''They were doing lewd things!'' Vienna said, Acier who was carrying her nodded agressively as the girls did.

''Lewd things? We just were talking'' Asta patted Vienna's head.

''No! I don't trust you!'' Vienna puffed her cheeks and looked to other side.

''But you trusted me when we sleep together...'' Asta said as he flash a faint smile.

''T-T-T I-I-I'' Vienna couldn't even form words, a reddish tone started from her neck until it covered her entire face, a little smoke came out of her head and she covered her face with her hands feeling great embarrassment, and that embarrassment increased with her hands. girls and her mother looking at her with an amused expression.

''Oh~ this beautiful thing...'' Acier kissed her cheek, then she looked at Asta ''You and I have pending accounts'' Acier said as her eyes took the shape of a swirl.

''Of course i am avaible in every moment, this is an exclusive right just for my Mother-in-law'' Asta said making Acier's cheeks turn a little red.

''Hehehe'' Asta laughed with sastifaction.

Asta walks toward Fana and Charlotte, he hugged them and lifted they up.

''How are my pregnant wives?'' Asta said as he look their bellies with a fatherly smile.

''I-Idiot don't said that in front of all these people!'' Fana said as her cheeks turn red.

''Very Hungry!'' Charlotte was honest making all the girls look at her with their jaws dropped.

''Me too..'' Fana was honest too as she look to other side.

''You two... You ate more than ten times!'' Mimosa was the first to talk.

''Ten times? You aren't counting the desserts'' Lily said, making Fana and Charlotte blush with embarrassment.

''W-Well... You know, having the children of a man who is not normal at all has its consequences'' Charlotte said trying to defend herself, Fana nodded agressively at her words.

''Are you telling me I'm a weirdo?'' Asta said and suddenly lower them.

''No!'' Charlotte try to grab Asta but he step away.

''Honey! Sorry! I didn't want to said that!'' Charlotte began to follow him trying to catch him, the girls just looked at they making circles around them, the sight was very funny.

''Mom, That's count as flirt?'' Vienna asked to her mother.

''Mhmm, maybe sweetheart'' Vanessa said with a motherly smile.

''Ohh... My Master is a playboy!'' Vienna said making all the girls cough hard.

''Hahahaha'' Vienna began to laugh with happiness when she saw their reactions, Vanessa couldn't help and flash a warm smile when she saw her daughter being happy... 'I want to make her happy every day, I don't want to fail as a mother' Vanessa said in her mind.

''You.'' Asta in a certain moment appeared behind Vanessa, her body shivered and she slowly turn and stare into his eyes.

''Y-Yes?'' Vanessa felt absorbed by that pale golden eyes, she unconciously gulped 'This man is so dangerous... He is very handsome and he has a lot of qualities that makes him more dangerous to a woman!'

''We have to talk, Alone.'' Asta said with a serious tone, the serious request didn't look serious with a blondie on his back kissing his cheeks and lips.

''A-Alone? Why you can't said that here?'' Vanessa began to feel insecure, will the same story repeat itself? Will she be locked up again? Or her life will be controlled?

Asta looked at Vienna for a moment, she was talking with Acier, he approached Vanessa and whispered in her ear.

''I know that you two are Witches and not simply Witches.''

''!!!'' Vanessa's body shivered, her eyes trembled too. She bite her lips and bow her face, she knows that against this man she can escape with her daughter, she knows how stronger is Asta and he can nullify her magic... She didn't tried nothing.

''And?'' Vanessa looked into Asta's pale golden eyes with a cold expression, she felt that she was being absorbed by those eyes, she unconciously look to other side with her cheeks a little red.

''Woman... Hahahahaha, If I had bad intentions I would have done it before'' Asta couldn't help but laugh.

''Exactly! My husband is strong!'' Charlotte flexed her arms, Asta laughed loudly as she did. Vanessa felt quite jealous, they looked very happy.

''So... What do you want?'' Vanessa stare at Asta's eyes again, and that was a mistake for her..

''Just don't use that spell again, I need to investigate further or find a way to help you and Vienna. Vanessa, that spell that's in you two isn't simple, so please... Please don't use that again, okay?'' Asta said with concern and a soft expression, Vanessa felt very warm and she nodded.

''Thank you, I only ask you to be patient, i won't take long.'' Asta said as he flash a faint smile, he walked and go with the girls.

Asta put down Charlotte, she take advantage and kissed him agressively before run and walk beside Fana, Asta approached Acier and stealed Vienna from her.

''Hey!'' Acier looked at Asta with a hostile expression.

''Huh?'' Asta stared at Acier, Vienna hugged Asta's neck and looked this with an amused smile.

''Give me back the girl!'' Acier said, she showed her four sharp teeth as if she was threatening Asta.

''Come here'' Asta taunted Acier.

Acier immediately pounced on Asta, Asta dodged her and grabbed her waist.

The girls who were talking while walking and Vanessa looked at Asta's next action with surprise.

''Mmm!'' Asta suddenly kissed Acier, both felt as if fireworks exploded in their heads, Asta felt that he was being drugged by those reddish lips of Acier, they were so tasty, like a wine that had been stored for many years. Acier's cheeks turned a little red but she didn't move away from him, Asta hugged her waist tighter and kissed her lovingly.

''I-In front of me no!'' Vienna covered her eyes as her face turn red. But she looked at they with one eye 'They look very happy, b-but that's too lewd!' She covered her eye again.

'They aren't upset?' Vanessa looked at the girls but for her surprise they just were looking at Asta with their eyes curved and they began to whisper things.


'This man will be sucked.' Vanessa realized immediately she approached the girls, and after Asta finished eating the lips of his Mother-in-law he said something that some of the girls blush.

''To think that a mother-in-law's lips taste so delicious... I think I can't live without them anymore''

A woman with silver hair and a red face approached Asta with slow steps, this of course was Noelle Asta looked at her with a faint smile, Under everyone's surprised gaze Noelle kidnapped Asta...

Asta was carried by Noelle who was in her Valkyrie form while all the girls said goodbye to him..

From that day nothing could be known about Asta Pendragon, legends say that the man was sucked dry by his first wife for 69 nights...


Pica Castle.

Asta got up from the bed, his appearance and that of Noelle was a complete disaster, he looked at Noelle's body with a dry throat, he wanted to fuck her more but she couldn't take it anymore and practically ascended to the world of dreams, Asta became felt more and more hot looking at the view. The sheet covered her wonderful butt as she lay on her stomach with a satisfied expression, Asta went to the bathroom to get ready before he attacks his wife on impulse.

'Fuck... These are the effects of do that with Undine and Sylph?' Asta looked at his massive erection, he entered in the pool and began to sing a lullaby.

''HmmHmm excalibur go down or we are going to be here for a lot of time.''

After he finished bathing and talking to his excalibur, he went out from the bathroom, and it was a mistake to look at Noelle again...

'Fuck! This woman... Why she looks more and more sexy and beautiful!' Asta bite his lips, his dragon couldn't help but roar and ascend.

''Mmm?'' Noelle felt Asta and look into his pale golden eyes, her smile became loving and sexy ''Darling~ That was wonderful! I can't move Hehehe'' Noelle leaned on the bed making a sexy position, she lowered her eyes and noticed his massive erection.

''Oh... S-Sorry Darling, I didn't know that you were suffering'' Noelle bite her lips.

''Suffering!? This is a fucking hell'' Asta said as he sits next to her ''But soon it will calm down'' Asta kissed her lips making her let out a soft moan.

''Hnng, yes. Or you want help?'' Noelle said with a naughty smile.

''Just rest love, then you can do whatever you want'' Asta kissed her cheek and stared at her with a loving expression.

''Ughh, okay. You can ask the other girls if you can't calm it, right?'' Noelle said as she lay down.

''They are in the kitchen having dinner'' Asta said as he caressed her hair ''Also this is because I absorbed a lot of pheromones from Sylph and Undine.''

''It must have been paradise for you, you fucked two legendary spirits and impregnated them... What's next? You will fuck a queen Hahahaha!?''

''I've already done it'' Asta whispered in her ear as he flash a naughty smile.

''What!? Asta!?'' Noelle looked intensely at Asta, she pushed him down she practically regained all her energy immediately and made sure to press him down with the ass that he loves so much.

''Speak!'' Noelle said as her eyes turn into a swirl shape.

''Of course, come here'' Asta said, Noelle brought her ear close to Asta's mouth.

''Her name is Noelle''

''Pfft, Idiot! i was thinking that you fucked Lolopechka or other Queen! Don't make this misunderstandings!'' Noelle hit Asta's chest as she flash a faint smile, suddenly her ass was lifted up by Asta's shaft, Noelle began to felt hot in her private parts and her body, she unconciously gulped as Asta did and they both looked into their eyes.

''.....'' A mortal silence hovered in the room.

Suddenly they two as wild animals began to move, Asta squeezed her ass and sank his shaft making her lift her face and moan loudly.



Asta walked out of the room, he looked like new man, first he tasted the Mother-in-law's lips and then he had to fuck the daughter until she was a mess both inside and out, his expression was extremely soft as he went to bed. kitchen, he had to accommodate his axis to another side because he did not calm down even with having eaten Noelle so much.

Asta noticed that his Mother-in-law was alone in the kitchen with a lost expression.

Asta approached her and hugged her from her back.

''Something is happening, Acier?'' Asta asked with concern.

''Nothing i just was lost in my thoughts'' Acier lied, taking care of Vienna and spending time with the girl made her want to have a child, but there were still a lot of things to do.

''You can talk with me about everything... I will not force you to do anything.'' Asta said as he hug her waist.

''They are very nice words, but all that collapsed with your member in the middle of the cheeks of my butt.'' Acier said as she flash a naughty smile.

''What!? When do it get there? Go down boy!'' Asta talked to his member, Acier couldn't help but laugh seductively

''Hahahahahaha!'' Acier turned and huged him ''Who the hell in this world talk to his member?''

''Me!'' Asta said with pride.

''Well.. It looks that my future husband will be a weirdo'' Acier said as her expression became soft.

''Weird or not, you fell for this weirdo'' Asta said with a big smile.

''Are you sure about that? You haven't made me your woman yet'' Acier said with a naughty smile.

''Oh, it's not long now...'' Asta brought his mouth close to her ear.

''I will make sure to make my mother-in-law the happiest woman in the world... And the step for that is to give her a child, a child that you will be able to take care of and see its growth and not lose it... If you aren't satisfied with just one, I will give you as many as you want. As long as my Acier is happy I can do things out of this world.'' Asta said.

''...'' Acier's breath hitched, she looked into Asta's eyes, he was looking at her with a loving expression, she unconciously shivered and felt very happy.

''But there are many things we have to do, are you sure about this?'' Acier asked.

''I'll take care of everything, and you just have to rest'' Asta caressed her belly making her cheeks turn red.

''That's not very fair... While I rest and do nothing you will be working very hard.'' Acier said.

''Well, you're the wife... And I am the husband, as your husband this is my mission and responsibility, give you all the happiness in the world, give you children, take care of them, give them a safe place and not allow you to have to do rash things.'' Asta said as he caressed her cheek, Acier's eyes glowed... For the first time in her life it seemed like a wonderful idea to stay doing nothing and just resting.

''Well, I'll listen to my husband'' Acier flashed a warm and loving expression making Asta unconciously show a happy smile. They kissed softly and in a lovingly way, Asta hugged her waist and she hugged his neck.

''Hmm.. Mchm!''

The sounds of kisses resounding could be heard in the kitchen along with happy giggles from both Acier and Asta.