Chapter 137: He is back... And he is more dangerous now.

Asta slowly entered the castle, inside the hall there was a golden throne, all this castle oozed with divinity and Asta knew that these two angels kept extremely good things here.

Sniff Sniff

Asta smelled the throne and a suspicious smell was on it...

''Disgusting..'' Asta's expression twisted feeling disgusted, he walked to another room and find a lot of artifacts and weapons.

''Whoahh.. Good work Angels!'' Asta said as he touch the artifacts and weapons ''Secre would like these things, I should take these things.'' Asta muttered.

Moments after he found a divine long-sword and two short sword.

''Damn it... These Angels are pirates!'' Asta said as he brandish the long sword.

Minutes after in the large amount of items he find more things...

''Divine gloves,Divine Spear,Divine Armor,Divine....'' Asta continued muttering items.

''...'' Asta place his hand on his chin the first thought that came to his mind when he saw these items was his wives making destruction with them.

''Hehehe...'' Asta flashed a wild smile.

He walk to more rooms and he felt disgusted when he saw some rooms for suspicious things...

''How lucky that they reincarnated me... If it had been another man, they would have turned him into a mess.'' Asta couldn't help but said, Just remembering that disgusting and extremely voluptuous body of the angel hovering over him made his body tremble in disgust.

Those two angels were extremely beautiful and their bodies could drive anyone crazy, but Asta felt disgusted every time the image of one of those two angels touching him came.

He is a man who really likes women but there are certain types of women he can't stand, and he is already satisfied with the great family he has formed. This will be the last Pendragon family he will ever have, and he will ensure that they are so strong that even his names will strike terror into existences that hear it.

''My dear Arturia...'' Asta couldn't help but think of Arturia thinking of a family, Arturia was the woman who gave him the opportunity to be a new warrior, an extremely strong warrior with a thirst for revenge, Arturia allowed him to avenge his family and fallen kingdom and that is something that he is eternally grateful.

''I hope that Artoria will be fine...'' Asta muttered as he walk ''Well, of course she is fine... She's a monster like her father Hahahahaha!'' Asta's laugh resounded all over the entire castle.

''And she have her little sister Illyasviel.'' Asta suddenly stopped and his eyes looked lost and melancholic.

''A little look wouldn't hurt right?'' Asta said and he place his hand on his chest, his pale golden soul emerged and photo appeared in his hand.

''My sweethearts...'' Asta's eyes became lost, and small tears spilled from his face looking at the photo. In the photo there were two women and one little girl, two of them were his cute and beautiful daughters, and the other was from Arturia's Master and him, despite the fact that Arturia was very possessive she allowed a very open relationship between her Mistress and him, luckily despite the low probability that existences like them can have children, Arturia and her Master gave birth to two beautiful, healthy and extremely strong girls.

Asta gave the photo a soft kiss and then put it into his soul again, his fists clenched tightly.

''I will not allow more tragic endings.'' Asta said and sat in the throne, suddenly the playful, calm, loving man and kind disappeared. Now he completely looked like a king, his expression had become devoid of emotions and his mana danced throughout space along with the golden and dark miasma.

The castle began to change...

Now it had become like a small kingdom in space, a kind of war base at a time.

The moon, the sun and the earth trembled slightly. Asta stared at the purple crack in the moon and exerted his pressure on it causing it to react furiously.


''Calm down little portal...'' Asta's soft voice resounded in the entire space, a hand made of a golden miasma patted the portal calming it down.

Some divine artifacts flew around the space and were placed in some places in the space, the kingdom seemed to transform more and more, it seemed to be a great defense base of the planet earth.

Asta was raised in his throne, his chin was on his fist and his hair covered his expression. A dark suit with chains that gleamed gold covered his body chiseled by the gods.


Asta let out a soft sigh, but that sigh resounded in the entire space.

Four great swords similar to his excalibur appeared near the planet earth, he slowly walked over the planet and he brandished his excalibur upwards.

''Excalibur!'' The entire space was covered by a golden light for moments...


Arthur Pendragon is back...




In the middle of the space was a dark dragon, a dragon that covered a large part of the space, its golden eyes widened and the dragon roared and roared with pain, tears of blood spilled from its eyes, the chains around it tinkled...


The dragon roared and roared loudly as if its heart was broken, and a part of its soul had been smashed to pieces.


''Calm down'' A woman that looked like a goddess patted the head of the dragon.




The other woman on top of the dragon heavily stomped on the dragon's head causing its huge body to tremble.

''Calm down little girl'' Her beautiful voice resounded and the dragon immediately stop its roar.


In a kingdom similar to a wonderful paradise out of a fairy tale, an incredibly beautiful woman that looked like a goddess but at the same time looks like a villainess, woke up.

The woman's dark green hair reached to the g

floor, her pale gold eyes widened and sparkled like galaxies. The woman was about to leave her room but a woman exactly like her but a little taller than her stopped her.

''Why do you stop me mother!?'' The woman said.

''My little princess, it's too dangerous outside. I never would allow you to hurt yourself and he would never forgive me'' The woman cupped the face of her daughter.

''Mother... I miss him! I can't wait more! I can't wait more thousands years!'' The woman said between tears.

''I know daughter...'' The woman hugged her.


In the middle of space an amazing and small kingdom was in it, an extremely handsome man even more handsome than Lucifer was in the castle carrying a beautiful girl wuith the same hair color as him.

The man's hair was crimson, and his eyes were a pale gold. He looked at the space in front of him with lost eyes and a lot of nostalgia..

''Father... Is this an invitation?'' The man showed a wild smile, the girl in his arms showed a wild smile too.

''Dad! That is my grandfather!?'' The girl sad with a cute voice.

''Yes, You can feel his soul roaring and his excalibur rising for those fallen again, right?'' The man looked into her daughter's eyes with a fatherly expression.

''Yes! It's wonderful!'' The girl said as she lift up her arms, her pink eyed glowed.

''Haaaa~ Did i heard wrong, darling?'' A woman extremely beautiful stood up from a bed, her white hair reach her shoulders and her pink eyes looked sleepy, she hugged the man from his back and place her chin on his shoulder.

''No, he is back and I thought that the first sensation was perhaps an illusion, but now I am sure that it has returned and as always several women are with him Hahahaha, I thought that those women are normal... but there are descendants between them! It's seems impossible for my father to marry normal women'' The man said and softly laughed.

''Pfft... Your father doesn't learn, first he messed with all those existences thinking that nothing would end up happening and everything happened...''

''Either Nightingale,Okita Soji,Isthar,Nobunaga and more... He made a mess in the devil town! I don't know how Arturia didn't realize her serious mistake Hahaha, leaving a man like him adventure by himself... With those women around? Hahahaha'' The woman said and let out a seductive laugh.

''Well I should have to thank her for that mistake, because otherwise I would not have been born.'' The man said with a soft expression.

''Did my grandfather marry those goddesses?'' The girl in the arms of the man suddenly asked with her cheeks red, she knows a little the history of those goddesses.

''First they wanted to kill each other but they ended up in something else.'' The man said with sweet voice to her daughter.

''Whoahh! Enemies to lovers!'' The girl said as her eyes glow with interest.

''Hahahahaha!'' The man and the woman laughed hearing her daughter words.

''Where are the goddesses now?'' The girl asked.

''Oh... It all ended in a tragic ending, and when Arthur,Arturia and Irisviel raised the excalibur against that thing the universe was on the verge of exploding.'' The woman said as she caressed the cheek of her daughter.

''...'' The expression of the girl turned sad.

''Why do you make that expression?'' Her father asked.

''Doesn't that mean my grandfather was left alone?'' The girl asked making the eyes of her father and mother trembled a little, their expression turned sad.

''My mother, as those goddesses too, wanted to leave Devil Town and live in peace with their children, but that thing refused to let them go and wanted to have its usual show. Then all the existences began to reveal themselves, that's when they began to fall like flies... But my father, he stood up with them, they were like three unstoppable warriors in a frenzy, and together they destroyed practically everything...'' The man began to explain.

''In the end only he survived, but he always kept his promise to both his lovers and wives. He protected his children and allowed them to develop, became existences with an abnormal power''

''And what happened next?'' The girl asked, her mother hugged more tightly the man, the tears spilled from the corner of her big eyes and her daughter's. The girl did not know her grandfather but she could feel the pain and sadness coming from her mother and father.

''Freya allowed him to enter the Valhalla with one condition, once he fulfilled that condition he was able to enter and there he was alone for thousands of years fighting nonstop and sometimes he left the Valhalla and fight against Freya, Well I don't know very well the history but Freya had told me that she nearly had a heart attack when she saw Valhalla on the verge of breaking apart Hahaha'' The man said as he let out a soft laugh and wipe the tears of his daughter ''But then suddenly he just let himself be killed... I think he just wanted to rest and see his lovers and wives.'' The man couldn't help but spill some tears.

''...So how is he back?'' The girl asked.

''Freya was busy with her childreb and some angels infiltrated into the Valhalla somehow... Then they took his soul and reincarnated him.'' The woman asked the question of her daughter.

''Uhh? Freya neglect her Valhalla? For her children? that sounds suspicious.'' The girl said.

''Just as me and your mother focus a lot on you, Freya does the same, sweetheart.'' The man stroke the crimson hair of his daughter.

''Me? I am a independant girl! I have one thousand years!'' The girl said as she puff her cheeks.

''And you are still a girl.'' The woman said hitting a weak point of the girl.

''It's your fault!'' The girl said as her face turn red.

''Hahahaha'' The man and the woman began to laugh making the girl's face turn even redder.

"Dad, Mother!" The girl shouted with cute voice making the place tremble...