Chapter 143: Richita/Astartea/Asta.

The moment Liebe saw that statue and the meaning, thousands of thoughts assailed his mind.... Asta and he were compatible in assimilation only because of his target and his improved body?


Why did Lucifero take his mother's corpse? or was she dead? If she was alive, why didn't he use her as a hostage?


Something strange was behind thia, was Liebe's meeting with Richita a coincidence? Or was it fate?


Why her mother named her son Asta, and in this grave there is a very similar name....


Who is Richita really?

Was she a pure,kind woman? or there was a demon behind her?

Why would a human possess an ability similar to that of a succubus?

'Liebe my dear son, I can absorb mana and vitality... And I can't control that urge, something strange happen with this ability. Sometimes i can't understand me' The shaky and broken voice resounded in Liebe's mind.

"GRHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Liebe transformed, the demon-killer sword summoned from Asta grimoire, Liebe brandished it and destroyed everything over him.

"Take care of them for a moment Liebe" Asta said with a cold expression, Liebe jump and began to fight against demons of 1 Kilometer tall.



Asta kneel down and began to read the engravings.

"The angel who descended to the inferno... I am sure that my mother of this life isn't an angel because I am not half-angel, So... I think this works works a little like my world" Asta muttered as he read the engravings.

"While more pure,kind or good is the person more can be the dark,nefarious and demonic power..." Asta's eyes trembles.

"She got altered... I was a lightbringer, and when I was altered my powers became extremely strong because of my pure,kind and good will. It's like when the light is more big, the darkness too. Lucifero... That bastard wanted to bring a strong Demon Queen with her body" Asta's face twisted.

"I am sure that she isn't here..." Asta touched the statue of Richita.


"If she became a Demon Queen, maybe she had killed millions of people and maybe she's still killing" Asta stood up, a very clear thought appeared in his mind.

"The reason why I am so compatible with Liebe it's because Richita has relation with Astartea a Demon Queen... Shit there are so many probabilities, maybe she was in the same situation than Julius." Asta said and his mana began to dance around him.

"Well, it seems to be that I am going to have decent enemies" Asta flashed a wild smile his hair began to defy the gravity as he fly.



Liebe was fighting in a wild way slashing demons with his anti magic.

Asta's wild smile grew seeing millions of demons emerging from the ground, he summoned his blood sword from his grimoire and took stance.

His hair hair was moving and his eyes were closed his grip on his sword tightened and it began to glow with a golden hue.

"Die." Asta opened his eyes, a golden trace emerged as he swayed his body and sword.


A transparent and huge slash touched a lot of demons, when the slash touched them they stopped abruptly...


Their gigantic bodies began to fall being absorbed by the slash, with every demon absorbed the slash became more and more stronger making a chain reaction.


A gigantic demon body descended, Liebe was tearing the demon and smashing it.

"Liebe..." Asta looked at Liebe his mental mood is a mess.

"What was our mother?" Liebe asked his hair was covering his expression.

"Probably she has relations with Astartea, a Demon Queen" Asta was honest.

"She isn't a angel? The engravings were talking about a angel who descended to the hell" Liebe said with deep voice.

"Liebe... The term of angel is her personality." Asta said making Liebe's eyes tremble.

Liebe began to shed tears hearing Asta, Asta put Liebe's head on his chest understanding that he doubted Richita for a moment.

"The more pure, kind, and good that person is. The more stronger the transformation will be." Asta said wistfully.

"What kinder woman than my mother who take care and raised a demon?" Liebe said in a broken voice.

"She's too dangerous now." Asta said.

If Astartea got the vitality and mana absorption, she could easily wipe out all life in the world.

"..." Liebe remain in silent.


Asta sighed and look at the demons with a cold expression.

"Let me this." Asta lifted up his hand a golden sphere formed on it.

"Mana Zone: All Life Falls" Asta cold voice resounded throughout the hell.

Every demon that touched his mana zone began to be absorbed by it. Time to time they fall like flies.

Not far from them a little succubus looked this with surprise.

"Just her son can do this after after all" The Succubus said with admiration. She turned and Liebe was in front of her, she immediately froze feeling his sword close to her neck.

"Who are you?" Liebe's said with cold voice.

"Servant of Astartea, I just follow orders." The succubus was honest.

"Astartea wants us die, right?" Liebe asked, Asta appeared next to him, The succubus unconsciously began to release pheromones seeing Asta, her tail began to move and some liquids spilled on her thighs.

'Damn it, he is worthy of being the son of my Mistress' She said in her mind as she bite her lips.

"Ask me!" Liebe said with cold voice making the succubus tremble.

"Astartea wants everything that belongs to her, as you two are her children she wants them back." the. she added in her mind 'And because they want to protect her sons' The succubus was honest, her tail was moving and she never parted her gaze from Asta's body

"My mother is Richita! Not Astartea!" Liebe shouted as he release a black pressure.

"Richita is the reincarnation of Astartea... When Lucifero dragged her to the hell, the demon inside her finally awakened, just a Succubus Queen can posses an ability like absorb vitality and mana. Her son inherited it" The succubus said as she continues to give him cheeky glances at Asta.

"!!!" She trembled a little feeling his cold gaze but she excited more at the same time.

"I don't belong to Astartea, only to my wives." Asta said, the succubus breath was cut off for moments.

"B-But you are a p-prince, you can marry other women. Your marriage is established with the great clans." The succubus said, she felt anger because the prince had a lot of wives and probably he gave had his first time.

"Hah? I didn't accept any marriage with great clans Hahaha" Asta let out a seductive laugh making the succubus cheeks turn red and breath heavily.

'Damn it... He has her natural and seductive charm' The succubus felt her entire body hot.

"..." Asta looked at the succubus as if he was watching a horny animal, this woman was very horny and he didn't nothing.

"Me and my brother... We are princes?" Liebe said as if he couldn't believe it.

"Mmm! Mmm! But your brother is the fiancee of some great clans... If they know that he has wives a war will happen, and maybe the world couldn't stand that war" The succubus said trying to make them feel fear.

'She didn't know my strength, that battle wasn't enough?' Asta place his hand on his mouth containing the laugh.

"We kill Lucifero, do you think that we are going to be afraid?" Liebe said.

"Lucifero isn't nothing compared to the Demon Kings and Demon Queens of the other side" The succubus showed a big smile that sends chills throughout Liebe's body.

"Hey Little Succubus..." Asta grabbed her chin making her face turn even redder, she looked intensely into his eyes as her tail move more.

"Yes... Prince~" The succubus bite her lips.

"What is your deepest desire?" Asta said with a seductive tone.

"Fuck you harder~" The succubus said as her eyes dilated, Liebe couldn't help but feel


"Damn it... This confirm this more..." Asta said, he never thought that he will have an ability lile this. He is the son of Astartea, he inherited her abilities throughout Richita.

"D-Did you just charmed me!?" The succubus said with surprise, under her a huge puddle of liquids was formed.

"Look down silly succubus" Asta said, the succubus looked down and her face turned completely red.

"D-Did I just come with that?"

Asta nodded at her, the succubus covered her face feeling embarrassment.

"You two stop flirting! You bitch, tell me. My mother can back?" Liebe suddenly exploded.

"Master you aren't understanding, Richita and Astartea are the same woman, Richita is her pure,good,kind side. Astartea is the contrary but mixed. You need to know the history of your mother to understand her." The succubus said.

"...." Liebe wanted to jump to a black hole to finish this nightmare, he was adopted by a Succubus Queen and his brother and he are princes...

"Why did you take this so naturally?" Liebe asked to his brother feeling angry.

"Oh, I don't have nothing to worry. Maybe some whores will be after my D and some Demons Kings wants my head because who I am, but that doesn't care, because...." Asta released a strong dominant,cold pressure.

"!!!" The succubus and Liebe fall and began to tremble uncontrollably feeling the pressure.

"W-What is that!?" The succubus said, she was feeling that the death was in front of her.

"I'm the worst person to mess with" Asta said with distorted voice.


'It's happening again' Liebe thought seeing his brother expression, At this point he was afraid of his brother and his mother, but he knew that his brother would not hurt him. Only sometimes he shows this terrifying, dominant personality, as if a dragon was sleeping inside him...