Chapter 151: Preparations for the Royal wedding.

A/N: Important announce at the end, read it.

"Uhmm" Asta's eyes slowly opened, he stared at his maids with a warm smile. They were sleeping on top of him with a soft and happy expression. Asta kissed their heads making them moan softly and curl up on top of him.

"Master don't move, this maid will be angry if you left her" Edith said without open her eyes, she hugged Asta's neck and kissed him.

"My dear maid... Did you became lazy? Remember I have things to do..." Asta said softly.

"I work hard for this Master.." Edith said with sleepy voice as she kiss his chest.

"Yes, and you deserve it. But I have to leave, right?" Asta kissed her forehead.

"Okay Master" Edith said with sleepy voice, she pushed Heloise and brought her face between her breasts, Heloise hugged her and continued sleeping.

'...That was cute' Asta said as he stood up with a happy expression, he looked at the window and then he walk to the bathroom to take a bathe.

Now he was in the pool looking to the roof.

"I love this second life..." Asta couldn't help but say, his first life was full of battles and tragedies... He just want to be in peace with his women and children, but something inside him sometimes awaken.

The desire of battles... But at that moment he remembers that he has many wives that he loves very much and that they love him very much too, and these wives will give birth to his children in some months.

"My children..." Asta showed a happy and fatherly smile, he can't wait to see his children, take care of them and raise them.

His eyes suddenly dilated.

"Look darling! We made this girl! With your seeds and my womb!" The image of Arturia lifting up their daughter, with a beaming smile appeared in his mind.


"Silly disciple! Don't said those things in front of your daughter!" A beautiful woman like a goddess, with white hair and red eyes hit Arturia's head.

"Fumhmm, Mastah! You had a girl with my darling too! Don't be shy and said it with me! Darling we made this-"



"Hehehehe" The babies in the women's embrace laughed.

"Heh." Asta let out a soft laugh.

"Master are you okay?" Edith who was hugging him said, Heloise was hugging him too and looking at him with concern. They entered in the pool and he didn't notice.

"Eh? Yes, I am" Asta hugged them making their mounds crush against his chest.

"You have a tear spilling from your left eye Master" Heloise said as she look deeper into his eyes.

"Eh? When?" Asta showed a dumb expression, he wiped the tear from his eye and looked at them with a faint smile.

"Mchm!" Edith kissed him in a loving way, then she place her head against him.

"Let's bathe together Master" She looked into his eyes with love, she didn't want to talk about the subject, because she doesn't want to make him feel uncomfortable.

"Okay" Asta's smile grew.

The bathroom was filled with cute moans of mature maids.



Asta was sitting at his desk reading notes. Behind him Mimosa and Secre were still sleeping like cute babies.

Secre opened a eye with a naughty smile, she blinked with her reinforcement magic descending on Asta's lap.

"Oh, Good morning, love." Asta kissed her lips.

"Morning, love" Secre flashed a warm smile, she was grabbing a page, Asta finally look the page and his eyes trembled.

"W-Wife, why do you have that?" Asta stuttered as he tries to take the page but Secre moved her arm.

"Wedding plans and notes... Eh?" Secre's naughty smile turned loving.

"Yes." Asta was honest, his ears turned a little red of the embarrassment 'I neglected!' He added in his mind.

"Love... I am happy, too happy!" Secre showed a very pure and loving expression.

"W-Why?" Asta was surprised by that beautiful expression.

"From being your wife and future mother of your children, you don't know how happy I was to have decided to kiss you on that beautiful night." Secre's smile grew she hugged his neck and kissed his lips with love.

Asta hugged her waist and kissed her back.

"Keep your notes Hehehe" Secre give him the note as she flash a naughty smile "A beautiful royal wedding Hehehehe" She laughed again, her expression was very cute as she stood up.

"Yes.." Asta as he looks into her red eyes.

"It's nice to know that my husband has a tender side." Her naughty smile grew and she slowly left the room swaying her big round ass.

"Damn it, I will push you down little devil" Asta muttered seeing her ass.

"I will wait for you with my legs open!" Secre said from the other room.

"Pfft! Hahaha" Asta couldn't help but let out a soft laugh.

"Hmmm" Mimosa moaned, Asta looked at him and approached her. He kissed her lips making her flash a happy smile, and then he covered her with the sheet.


"She smells more and more like flowers, She's like dryad" Asta was surprised, he approached his desk and took his notes.

"Hnng, no mother I will not sit down on that stupid throne" Mimosa said, she was dreaming.

"..." Asta furrowed his brows when he heard that.

"Throne?" Asta was confused, what his wife was dreaming?

"Hnng! Candies!" Mimosa moaned softly.

"Pfft.. A throne of candies? I should expect that from you" Asta kissed her lips and she finally opened her eyes slowly.

Her eyes were of a neon green to Asta's surprise.

"Love?" Mimosa tilted her head and talk with a more mature voice.

"Your eyes." Asta said, she closed her eyes and opened again, this time were normal.

"Oh, sometimes happens before my training" She said and pulled his face for a long and loving kiss.

"Good morning, my husband!" She flashed a happy,sweet and warm expression.

"Good morning love" Asta carried her and left the room.

"What are you going to do today?" She spoke with sweet voice.

"It's a secret" Asta said.

"Okay." Mimosa kissed his lips softly and place her cheek against his chest and closed her eyes enjoying the embrace.

'She did not insist?' Asta was a little surprised he left her close to the room were the girls are sleeping.

Mimosa hugged him and kissed him before enter the room and like Secre she entered slowly and swayed her big ass.

"This girls... Are they sisters?" Asta thought for a moment, he went to the kitchen as he read his notes.

"Master" Edith and Heloise bowed they had a beaming smile this time, Vienna and Vanessa were having a breakfast together.

"Good morning" Asta greeted them, he approached Vanessa and Vienna, he kissed softly Vanessa making her flash a silly smile and then he kissed Vienna's forehead, she stick out her tongue at him and continued eating.

"..." Asta suddenly felt a great dejavu, but he didn't show it on his face. He flashed faint smile and sat next to Vienna.

"What are you reading~" Vienna asked with cute voice, she tried to read Asta's note but Asta moved the notes.

"Eat your carrots and let me work" Asta said with soft voice.

"I don't like carrots" Vienna pouted as she cross her arms.

"You need them, they improve your vision" Vanessa stroke her daughter's hair.

"Bah! That's a lie! And I am a witch! I don't need that" Vienna said, feeling proud.

"Oh, now you are proud of being a witch?" Asta asked.

"S-Shut up!" Vienna's cheeks turned red, Vanessa couldn't help but kiss her cheeks.

"Mother!" She pouted.

"Remember daughter, you are a princess. Eat like one or you will scare the boys" Vanessa winked.

"Meh, if a boy if scared of how I eat, he isn't the correct!" She said as she eat.

"Exactly, don't pay attention to your mother. The correct boy is that one who loves you with your defects and perfections" Asta said with a big smile, Heloise place a plate of food on his table, she make sure to give him the dessert, her lips.

"Mchm!" She kissed him and then back to her place.

"Yes! And that's lewd! we are eating!" She said as she look intensely Heloise, she just flashed a kind smile at her.

"I don't know what is more worse, that or your mouth." Vanessa said with an amused smile, she took napkins and wiped her daughter's mouth.

"...Thank you mommy" Vienna said with cute voice as her cheeks turns red.

"Yes, sweetheart" Vanessa showed a motherly smile.

"I am leaving" Asta kissed Vanessa's lips making her flash a loving smile, then he stroke Vienna's hair making her pout, and finally he left the kitchen with his maids.

"Mom, you look like those princess of the tales that you read with me" Vienna said with a smug expression.

"Vienna!" Vanessa's cheeks turned red.



Asta were on the roof of the royal castle with his maids behind him.

"Let's move" Asta's expression turned serious, they dissapeared with a great speed and move through the four kingdoms.

After long hours the finally finish what they were doing.

Now they are in Camelot seeing somethings.

"Master, this barrier is terrifying." Heloise couldn't help but say.

"You didn't see nothing, dear" Asta said with a big smile, he looked to the sky and then his maids.

"Go to the kingdom distract my wives for a hour" Asta said.

"As you wish Master" Heloise bowed.

"Well, Impossible mission" Edith said.

"Why?" Heloise furrowed her brows, Asta flew towards the space.

"Those women can't live without having him close to them"

"We are the same too..." Heloise rolled her eyes.

"Ah!" Edith place her hand on her brows feeling embarrassment, she unconsciously showed faint smile.

"You look better than ever" Heloise hugged her from behind and kissed her cheek.

"S-Shut up! And d-don't kiss my cheek again, I am not a little and weak girl again!" Edith said as her cheeks turn red but she didn't pushed Heloise.

"Hahaha, where is my little girl who is afraid of the dark-"

"Heloise!" A wild Edith pounced on Heloise.



Asta was in the space, he had his black suit and golden chains on him...

Yes he used his powers for the royal wedding.

He wants to make it perfectly for his wives, a day that they never will forgot.

"They will like this" Asta's warm smile grew seeing the structure in the space.

He had done everything as he thought his wives would like it and had even added many details... And all this using a castle he stole.

"A honeymoon in the space, Of course this will make crazy the women, Hehehe is the divine trick! I never failed doing this!" Asta's smile grew remembering legendary moments.


A/N: Guys i have bad news, i have a lot of time writing in phone, and I could describe it in one word, A nightmare. The app has some annoying bugs, the chapters duplicate by themselves, and sometimes i was about to delete a chapter for accident. Unfortunately I will have to change things, and probably there will be a timeskip, sorry if I make an abrupt end but the second volume was supposed to be the best of the novel, but doing this on the phone is stressful because I'm used to write on pc :(