Chapter 161: Return Home.


Lolopechka and Secre were at a desk. And Asta was in another one, on his lap was Acier sucking his blood.

She had a drunken expression, her arms were hugging Asta and her sharp teeth completely sank in Asta's neck.

"Hey, Love... A bird told me something" Asta gently grabbed her hair and spoke in Acier's ear.

"Mchm!" Acier get off her fangs and licked the blood on his neck, she looked at Asta with a cute expression, her mouth was dirt of blood.

"..." Asta trembled a little seeing Acier, How could he bother with her!? He bite his lips.

"Darling?" She tilted her head, her red tongue licked the blood on her mouth.

"How is the baby?" Asta asked.

"She is growing faster, but is that the thing that you wanted to say?" She tilted her head again.

'Of course she is growing faster, you are sucking his blood as you sleep!' Veins popped in Secre's head.

"That's good" Asta holded her like a princess and went close to the capsule.

"Ughh, that thing again?" Acier looked at the capsule as if she was looking at a great enemy. She looked at Asta and then spoke with passion.

"My body is a mystery, A mystery that should only be explored and analyzed by my husband! I don't want to be locked in a capsule with stupid lights analyzing me!" Her red eyes gleamed.


"Well." Asta said but Secre appeared and took Acier, in an instant she put her in the capsule.

"You fucking bird!" Acier showed an annoyed expression.

"Bleh" Secre stick out her tongue and went to the dispositive.

"This is the last time" Secre said with a serious expression.

"Oh, here we go again" Acier's eyes went round "I appreciate that you want to help me, but I am okay! Hmpf!" She pouted and crossed her arms

"We will do finish this time" Lolopechka said.

"Aha" Acier rolled her eyes.

"I will reward you" Asta place his hands on the capsule.

"Yes! Darling!" This time Acier showed a happy expression. Having Asta's daughter has had many effects on her over the months..

Hours later, they finished. Asta,Lolopechka and Secre looked at the results with a blank expression.

Acier seemed to have become something quite unbelievable, something that will only be understood with time.

An answer came immediately to Asta, He knew that Acier had a body in the human epitome, long before her demonic evolution. But apparently she was not normal from birth!

'This explains a lot of things of Noelle' He said in his mind.


"I give up" Secre descended on Lolopechka's breasts. Lolopechka hugged her and caressed her hair.

"We tried it, comrade" Lolopechka said, she had dark circles.

"Darling? Something is happening?" Acier spoke. Asta opened the capsule and carried her.

"Let's have dinner, we are going back to the kingdom, much time had passed" Asta said.

"Mhm" Acier nodded.

"Finally!" Secre regained energy.

* * *


Everyone were eating, Mereoleona was on Asta's lap with an excited expression and the girls had a beaming expression.

"How was the analysis?" Mereoleona asked, she was worried about her master. She sleeps to much these days...

The idea of losing her again would make her became crazy.

Asta's eyes looked at Acier for a moment then he looked into Mereoleona's eyes.

"She is fine, and we discovered something" Asta whispered, Mereoleona's eyebrows raised. She settle on Asta's lap feeling curious.

"She was not normal since birth, a clear example would be me, as you know my physique is not normal and the same applied to Acier and Noelle" Asta explained.

"I think it has to do with their ancestors." Mereoleona said with a lost look "I always wondered if there could be any woman with a better physique than mine and that's where Acier came in, then Undine. But what got me confused is that Acier was a human and the things they did in those times were not things capable of a human. On the other hand Undine's physique I can understand because she is a spirit, a very strong one!" Mereoleona said with soft voice, at the end her voice became very excited. She wanted to fight against Undine, but she didn't have the same passion as her.

"Exactly, when I was training Noelle I thought it was normal for her to develop so fast because of the intense training. But apparently things are deeper than I seem." Asta said, he stop eating and place his chin on his hand.

"In time we will solve everything, Asta. But I have a thing that makes my body shiver of excitement" Mereoleona's blue/golden eyes gleamed and her smile grew.

"What?" Asta looked into her eyes.

"If we are so strong, how will our children be?" Mereoleona's smile became wildly distorted.

"..." Asta remain in silent and an image of a little boy with red hair slicing a planet in two appeared in his mind.

Asta looks into Mereoleona eyes with faint smile.

"They will be children full of happiness, with a warm family and a beautiful future." Asta's expression became fatherly.

"..." Mereoleona's smile dissapeared, she was frozen by her husband's expression.

"Yes, they will be" Mereoleona said, she displayed a loving smile that showed her canine teeth.

"More!" The girls said with excitement all the meal dissapeared.

"Oh..." Asta showed a fool expression, his wives had eaten more than twenty times!

"Wait" Asta stood up and left Mereoleona on the chair. He moved faster, looking like a golden blur. In three seconds the table was full of meal.

Asta sat down again with Mereoleona on his lap, he hugged her waist and just enjoyed the warm atmosphere.

Noelle raised her eyebrows as some girls they were noticed Asta's gaze and expression, they couldn't blame him after all with each day that passes they look better.

Noelle seemed to be following Acier's step and she grew more.

Lily's entire hair turned of a deep aquamarine as her eyes, before she looked like Lolopechka but after the angel blood effects she practically leave her behind, she looks very mature and charming.

Secre's remained her height a little, she gained more mass too. If she looked like a beautiful,young fallen angel now she looks incredible better. One change she noticed a lot was that her breasts grew a bit because she was pregnant and because Asta always made sure to give them love. Fear assaulted her at the thought that she would become like Acier..

She did not want to be like Acier! She love her size and for that reason Asta was never able to enjoy those beautiful breasts again for days until she gave in.

The others underwent changes as well, but it was as if everyone had their own way, effects and more. An example would be their eyes, they were simply majestic now. I even felt like I could stare into their eyes for hours and never get tired of it.

Vanessa's and Vienna's eyes were like honey, but Vanessa's were laced with a golden color as well. Plus the neon effect was much deeper.

Talking about Vanessa, she was suffering...

Asta looked with an amused expression how she look at his beer on the table, she noticed his gaze and immediately looked to her food with embarrassment.

"Don't be tempted again, mother. Look, now I have no idea how many siblings and I'll probably end up having the enough quantity to fill a royal room." Vienna said, seeing her mother. Asta could not help but be amazed at the girl and the power of the witch race. Vienna looked and acted very mature for her age and totally followed in his footsteps, every day they trained martial arts, spells and swordsmanship. Vienna reminded him of his children with the Goddesses of the Devil Town, they were simply monsters on the rise.

"Vienna!" Vanessa screamed her face was totally red.

"Hahahaha!" The girls laughed but Noelle laughed even louder. Vanessa teases her everyday! Now is time to the revenge!

"Your daughter has reason Vanessa, be careful probably you will end filling a Kingdom with witches Hahahaha~" Noelle's eyes looked like a fox.

"Oh, here we go again..." Asta said.

"Uh? What did you say obsessive woman?" Vanessa said. Her aura exploded but it doesn't destroyed anything or harm someone.

"That's a compliment" Noelle showed a big smile.

"Compliment? Did you-" Before Vanessa could continue another aura exploded.

"Can we eat in peace!? You can play outside, I am hungryyy!" Charlotte roared, her cheeks looked like the squirrel on Vienna's head. Vienna took care of her friend very well, but it didn't grow!

It's like a certain rat that shoots thunders!

It didn't evolve!

"Exactly, you can play outside. We are eating now" Lily scolded them a dominant aura flooded the room, she was caressing a cute deer on her lap. This is Yggdrasil and it seemed to be adapted to its new family.

"Yes, mommy!" Noelle and Vanessa said immediately at the same time, Lily's cheeks turned red remembering why they call like that.

"This is life." Asta said with a beaming expression.

All the girls let out a chuckle hearing their husband.

"Darling..." Acier appeared next to him, she looked at him with puppy eyes. Asta looked at her big belly with slight surprise.

'Is that only one child?' He couldn't help but wonder in his mind again.

"Is she hungry?" Asta asked.

"Yes... Sorry" Acier bite her lips and bowed her head, the girls sighed at the sight.

"Come here" Asta said and now he has his lioness and his mother in law on his lap. He unbuttoned his shirt, Acier bit his neck gently and began to suck his blood greedily.

"After this we are going back" Asta said as he stroke Acier's hair, her expression looked sleepy.

"Uhh, I will miss the space it's beautiful" Secre said with a lost expression.

"Me too, the view is simply amazing.." Mimosa said as she looks at the moon.

"It's beautiful but I prefer the earth, specifically the place of the hut" Vanessa said with a faint smile.

"Oh! I want to go there!" Mimosa said with excitement.

"We didn't enjoyed our castle and you want to be in other places?" Sylph said.

"Oh the castle! I forgot!" Mimosa said with a silly expression. Noelle choke with her food.

"Woman you don't change!" Noelle looked at Mimosa

"Change? What is that? Can I eat it?" Mimosa put a finger on her lips.

"You..." Noelle frowned she began to scold Mimosa as if she was her daughter.

Acier looked at them on the corner of her eye, Mimosa was replaced by a mature woman that looks like her and with glasses, she looked like a scientist. Noelle was replaced by her but more young.

'Beautiful memories' She smile.

After moments the girls finished, now they are on top of Salamander. Asta was on Salamander's head.

Salamander looked more big now, he has 5 Kilometers now!

"Let's back!" Asta showed a smile and Salamander's wings shake faster, in some moments they were in front of Camelot.

"...Is this our Kingdom?" Acier said with surprise, The Kingdom's structure and design is already finished. The girls looked at their Kingdom with a lost expression.

"They are waiting for us" Asta's smile grew And Salamander moved.

The citizens burst into cheers when they saw a familiar dragon flying over the kingdom.