Chapter 180: Black Clover 1

Asta and Lily went out from the sphere, it immediately disappeared when they left, Asta approached Heloise and hugged her.

"Sorry.. I never expected this" Asta said.

"It's not your blame, I thought maybe she didn't care because I never heard from her, but in reality while I was living happily she was dying to see me." Heloise said with shaky voice, she couldn't help but sob in Asta's embrace. Asta placed his hand on her nape and hugged her tightly.

'I will fix this' His pale golden eyes gleamed with resolution.

He dropped Heloise and she looked into his eyes. Asta brought his mouth closer to Heloise ear and whispered something that made her eyes widen.

Heloise nodded and hugged Asta tightly, Asta looked around and didn't see the emperors.

He looked at Undine y Sylphie who were playing with their daughters.

"Where are the unfortunates?" He asked.

"Mommy lion is hunting!" Sylphiette immediately said.


Asta gulped, he's going to have some inconvenient before went to bed.

"Why do you look worried but at the same time excited?" Usune asked.

"Because he is a masochist" Undine answered her daughter's question. She knows that Mereoleona would not get enough fighting the emperors and she will hunt her husband.

"Umm.." Usune narrowed her eyes.

Cough, Cough

Asta coughed feeling his daughter stare, he carried Heloise like a princess and pointed at her mother, her body began to float in front of them.

"Girls, Can you accompany Lily, please?" Asta said.

"Yes, we are going.. but don't forget honey, we have to talk seriously" Charlotte said, lightning creaked around her.

"Of course" Asta sweated bullets as he turns, he flew toward his kingdom.

Lily and the girls looked each other and nodded, they flew to the other side.



"Quick! Quick! Quick!" Altria said as she points at a door, several children entered the room. Altria looked around with her lips pursed and a cute expression, she entered the room and slowly closed the door.

The room was dark but in the middle a strange table could be seen, the table had a lot of runes.

Every children sit around the table with a serious expressions.

"What's the plan?" Max asked.

"Shoot! Bombard all of them!" Altria said as she raises her finger.


All the children nodded.

"I am going to locate one of them" Brunhilde said, all the children summoned their especial weapons, a sphere of water appeared in front of Brunhilde, she touched it and started to look around the other side, she found her father flying with his maid and another woman. She didn't see the emperors.

"Ugh, where are the flies?" She muttered, the view of the sphere changed and now the space could be seen in the sphere.

"There!" Lilianne approached Brunhilde and pointed somewhere.

"My sishter and mother!" Valorie appeared next to them, their cheeks met when the little witch approached them.

"Hehehe! Let's hunt!" Leonor said with a cute expression, she had a wild smile that showed her canine teeth.

"For Camelot!" Leon raised her sword.

"For Camelot!" All the children raised their weapons with cute expressions.

"W-Wait a moment!" Seraphine said with soft voice, her big eyes looked at all of her siblings.

"What?" Altria pursed her lips.

"These weapons are too dangerous, our daddy it's gonna scold us!"

"It does not care I have the solution!" Jehanne said.

The children's eyes glinted and they looked at their tall sister.

"I call it puppy eyes." Jehanne said as she raises her finger with a cute expression.

Nod! Nod!

"It's gonna be super effective, I aprove" Altria said, Brunhilde pushed the sphere and it extended on the table.

The children's weapons glowed and the room trembled slightly...


Meanwhile in the space...

Or could it even be called space?

It was like a world of black flames spinning fiercely as if they had life themselves, wanting to devour everything.


The black flames slowly vanished, revealing Vienna with a wild smile. Vanessa was cheering her as she jumps in a cute way.

Noises of agony echoed around the space, the silhouette of Stella appeared from a portal. Her state was a disaster, her clothes were burned up, and her body was plagued with wounds.

"Not bad, your talent is excepcional" Stella displayed an obsessive and crazy smile.

"What the hell..." Vienna unconciously step away, she felt very disgusted by that smile.

Stella smile grew as she raises her finger a big spell formed around the space, several sigils of a green,purple and amber color appeared.

"I win-" Before she could end her words a beam with multicolors pulverized her.

"...." Vienna and Vanessa looked each other with silly expressions.

"The children!"

They said after a long moment of silence, and in that moment a little witch appeared next to them. She put her hand on her brow and looked around.

"Target deleted!" The little witch said with cute voice as the tattoes on her body glow and slowly fade.

"Valorie!" Vanessa frowned, Valorie's cute smile froze she tried to escape but her mother caught her. Giant mounds imprisoned the little witch when she entered her mother's embrace.

"Asfhsddsfhsgfsdh!" Valorie made incomprensible noises when her mother hugged her tightly.

Vienna approached them and hugged Valorie too, two modest mounds imprisoned her too.




Mereoleona sighed with a boring expressiong, she was looking at the black moving corpses on the ground.

She looked like a cruel demon queen sitting in a throne while her enemies agonize in front of her.

An idea came to Mereoleona's mind, she displayed a cold smile as she raises her finger upwards.

Several meteorites covered by flames appeared descending from the clouds, the emperor's eyes turned lifeless as they see their end approaching.

"..." Mereoleona's smile turned dissapointed, she expected that they will fight.


A giant explosion occurred Mereoleona ignored everything and started to hum as she stood up from her throne.

Several strange lights remained in Mereoleona's domain.

"My husband is going to help me.." Mereoleona closed her eyes as she smile with joy, she trampled the ground and the world dissapeared, she looked around with a confused expression.

"Where did everyone go?" Her lips pursed and she crossed her arms. Her eyes glowed with a red tone and she looked at somewhere, then she gave a simple step...


A simple step that made the whole place tremble, now she appeared beside Sylph.

"..." Sylph slowly turned her head, Mereoleona was very close to her.

"Sniff,Sniff. It smells like wet lion." She sniffed and ignored Mereoleona, looking to other side.

"..." Several veins popped in Mereoleona's head, she opened her hand and it collided against the naughty spirit's big ass.


The clouds in the sky dissapeared and the place rumbled.

But Sylph seemed to be okay.

She blinked her eyelashes and displayed a naughty smile.

Mereoleona step away and frowned "Fucking nymph, long time without him made you be like this!?"

"Hehehehehehehe" Sylph started to laugh in a very wierd way, her smile turned pervert and half of her face turned red.

"Mommy, What's that sweet smell? And why does your butt look like a tomato?" Sylphiette appeared beside her mother, she was floating as she looks at her with curiousity.


"That smell is a call, and it is your father's fault!" Sylph cleaned her throat and said.

"Ohh, daddy's fault" She nodded and appraoched her mother, Sylph hugged her with a sweet smile.

"And your butt?"

"Is missing your father- It is fine" Sylph tripped with her words.

"Okay" Sylphiette said with cute voice.

"..." Mereoleona wanted to hit her face against a wall, she left the naughty spirit alone with her daughter and looked for Lily.

"How stronger is she now?" Mereoleona muttered with an excited smile, she soon found Lily in a room. She was staring at the moon, and the moonlight was hovering over her.

'Now I understand him' Mereoleona nodded at the sight.


"..." Lily looked at Mereoleona, she didn't say anything and just pointed at certain picture.

Mereoleona's gaze slowly moved toward the picture and her eyes widened.

In the picture wree two babies, they looked like twins. One had a beauty mark in the left and the other had one down to her mouth.

"Well... I know that you two look alike, but you are two different in personality and didn't talk so much, one is a mad sciencist and the other wants to be stronger to dominate her husband"

"Dominate my husband? N-No" Half of her face turned red.

"Eh? Isn't that your objective?" She frowned "I thought that we have the same objective"

"What the heck?" Lily frowned.

"He tame me and now i am going to tame him!" Mereoleona displayed a wild smile.

'This woman...' Lily's entire face turned red.

"By the way, who's the woman in the picture?" Mereoleona pointed at the woman that had a cold expression.

"I think that she's my mother." Lily said as she looks at the picture.

"She seemed to be very strong, look at that body!" Mereoleona's eyes glinted.

"She die in a war, in Apollo's memories I saw her, she looked like Undine" Lily suddenly said.

"Oh sh- Is your mother a spirit?" Mereoleona held Lily's shoulder.

"Did you see me being like a nymph with my husband?" Lily frowned.

"Yes, you cried his name and said harder! harder! every night" Mereoleona displayed a naughty smile that showed her canine teeth.

"Y-You..." Lily's eyes twitched "Were you stalking us!?" Lily grabbed Mereoleona's shoulder the ground beneath them cracked.

"We're sisters, and he's my man. Why not?" Mereoleona found that strange "By the way nice ass"

"Mereoleona!" Lily grunted, her face looked like a tomato.

"Aren't you sad?" Mereoleona suddenly asked with a serious expression.

"No, she was like you and she just had babies to continue her offspring."

"Like me?" Mereoleona frowned.

"Yes, she was a mad fighter"

"Damnit!" Mereoleona fell onto the ground and punched the ground with frustration, some tear spiller over her cheek.

"..." Lily looked at Mereoleona with a silly expression.

"Where are the girls?" Mereoleona asked without stand up.

"They are fighting against a strong dragon."

"WHAT? Why you didn't tell me that!?" Mereoleona looked like a human torch.

"Ammm..." Lily looked to other side.

"Ugh!" Mereoleona jumped from the window and shot out towards the sky.

Lily approached the picture and caressed it with a blank stare.


Mereoleona heard a dragon's roar, her excited smile grew a lot and she increased her speed, in three seconds she arrived at the place.

The sight that met the lioness was too impactful to her...

"What a cute thing!" A blondie was petting a little dragon.

"I wanna pet it too!" A busty elf took the little dragon sinking it into her breasts.

"..." Mereoleona's face darkened, she slowly falls to her knees.

"Why?" She looked at the sky with an angry expression.

"Are you okay?" Asta appeared in her vision, Mereoleona's excited smile back. She pounced on him knocking him down.


"Asta! You don't know how strong I became, we need to fight right now!" Mereoleona's smile grew, showing her canine teeth.

"We will, but we are busy now." Asta caressed Mereoleona's long hair.

"Ughh!" Mereoleona almost growled.

Asta smiled softly and kissed her cheek, he carried her like a princess and she crossed her arms with an angry expression.

"We finally met" Asta approached the little dragon.

"?" The little dragon tilted its head with a confused expression. It narrowed its eyes and then it realized.

"You.... Your voice it's familiar to me!" The dragon unconciously retreated and took a cute pose of battle.

"Awwww!" Charlotte's eyes glowed intensely, she really wanted to have this dragon as pet.

"I saw you on the moon, Are you the last dragon of your race?" Asta asked.

"On the moon?" The dragon frowned, then half of its face turned red realizing.

Charlotte couldn't resist the dragon's cuteness and took it again.

"Honey, I want it!" Charlotte brought the dragon close to Asta.

"Oh, you just have to tame it, In my times I-" Asta stopped and then fixed his words "You have to defeat it and it will belong to you!"

"What?" The dragon's eyes nearly popped.

"I want it too!" Fana approached them.

"Well, you have to defeat her." Asta smiled.

'This man...' Mereoleona knew what's Asta doing. She bite him in a teasing way but then he squeezed her ass making her open her mouth a little.

"Humpf!" Charlotte huffed, lightning cracked around the whole area.

"This is gonna be easy" The busty elf's eyes glowed, the temperature raised a lot.

"..." The little dragon unconciously sweat bullets, it wanted to hang out and have fun and the found too sticky women who thinks that it is cute!

What a nosense!

It is a dragon!

A real dragon!

With determination, the dragon's eyes glowed.

"I am not a treasure! I am the last dragon on earth, the bearer of the black clover, the one who eats kingdoms and empires, the one who-" Before the dragon could continue the blondie pet it.

"Yes you are!" She displayed a cute smile.

"..." The dragon remained in silent.

"Asta." A meleodic voice sounded behind Asta, Undine appeared with her sleeping daughter in her arms. She was staring at the dragon with a serious expression.

"Why do you look so tense, love?" Asta turned towards her.

"Step away from that thing.." Undine said with cold voice, a giant trident descended next to her, she grabbed it very easily as it was a feather.

"???" Interrogation signs appeared on everyone except the dragon, who was very aware of Undine it felt a strange sensation of danger.

Undine's eyes turned pale, Asta felt a bad feeling, she put down Mereoleona and stand in front of Undine.

"Undine? What's happening?" Asta approached her, the trident trembled and Undine flexed her arm.

'Is she unconciously?' Asta grabbed tightly Undine's hand.

Her temperature was very hot as if she was sick. Asta used more strength and the trident fell.

A soft breeze hovered over the place and Sylph appeared, she frowned when she saw her sister's face.

"Daddy, step away from her!"

"Why? She's fine now." Asta said, he was hugging Undine's waist. Her eyes back to their normal color.

"What the hell?" Sylph pursed her lips "She was about to became crazy, but you just touched her and she's fine!? Bullshit!" Sylph trampled the ground cracking it.

"Oh, I understand, you are jealous." Asta said as he caresses Undine's hair who had a blank stare.

"I am not!" Sylph frowned "The last time she reacted like that even me couldn't stop her!"

"Maybe because you were a little baby?" Asta said as he pats Undine's head, Sylph's eyes glowed and half of her face turned red, a strange smoke came out from her head.

"..." Asta was surprised by her wife expression, he ignored it and attended Undine.

"Hey..." He touched Undine's cheek.

Undine's eyes glinted, she grabbed Asta's cheeks.

"Mhm?" She tilted her head "What's happening?" She said with soft voice, she brought her face more closer to Asta's with a teasing smile.

Asta step away and Undine saw the dragon again.

This time she just frowned.

"Why it gaves me the same sensation as the black clover?" Undine was tense.

"That thing couldn't be it, it is too weak."

"Weak? Me!?" The dragon growled.

"Come on, you are a baby." Asta rolled his eyes.

"Of course! A strong baby!" The dragon puffed out its chest.

"Baby?" Undine narrowed her eyes, then they nearly popped. She realized something.

"Hey" She appeared in front of the dragon "Do you have parents?"

"I do not." The dragon immediately responded.

"Then how you came here?"

"From a egg" The dragon responded.

"Then you have parents stupid dragon" Undine slightly hit the dragon's face with her finger.

"Ugh" The dragon made a cute noise of pain, Charlotte went to rescue and hugged the little dragon.

"Are you okay?"

Undine ignored them and sank into her thoughts.

'If it is their baby.... Where are them?'

Asta frowned he was thinking too, and he felt that he forgot something... Or someone?


A black hole appeared next to Charlotte, she immediately reacted and the lightning cracked around her body with an absurd speed she was already next to Undine.

She noticed that something was missing from her arms, her eyes moved to where the black hole had appeared and there was a person there holding the dragon.

Everyone's eyes twitched when they saw the short woman in front of them.

Her hair was pale-pink and her eyes were lifeless, the scar on her eye turned black. The dragon tried to escape but its eyes turned lifeless too and it slowly turned dark, a white clover appeared in its chest.

The woman's hair turned white and her eyes red, a black dress that seemed to had life itself sticked on her body, the dress had a five black clovers... Her lifeless eyes met the people in front of her.

"Can we start?" She displayed a distorted smile.