Chapter 190: King vs Queen Part 1

"So... Your husband married all the heiresses, married you and Sylphie... And took my kingdom?" Rhiannon said as her body trembled slightly.

"Yes, Rhiannon... You have to understand that many things happened. My husband was protecting the Kingdom and while this adventure he met many girls of the clans and even Sylph and me. As he defeated Augustus, he ended becoming the King and we are the Queens here now." Undine explained softly.

"Hahh... Hahhhh..." Rhiannon breath ragged, Sylph who was hiding behind Undine gulped.

Undine sighed and held Rhiannon's hands.

"No one forgot what you did, you're still the first Wizard Queen in the history-"

"First? There are like thirteen now!" Rhiannon was complaining with anger but she just looked very cute as she huffed and swayed her arms.

"Well... That's correct after all he wanted to share everything with us." Undine said.

"What? What kind of king is him? None of the rulers that I met, wanted to share their power and much less with their spouses." Rhiannon frowned.

"For me, I think that your husband is dumb, Humpf!" Rhiannon crossed her arms and huffed.

"..." Sylph pursed her lips.

Rhiannon flinched, noticing that Sylph was angry.

The atmosphere turned very heavy, veins popped in Undine's head. She was having a good time with her daughter but then these two started to cry.

"He isn't, he is the best thing that happened to me." Sylph's voice hardened.

"Ehh?" Rhiannon felt like a dagger pierced her heart.

Those words that Sylph said, resonated in her mind consecutively.

She clenched her fists as half of her face turned red.

"I carried you during nine months!" She said like an angry mother.

Sylph huffed and looked to other side.

Undine wanted to hit her face against a wall. She breathed deeply and then said.

"If you two don't stop I will-"

Before she could end, the door opened revealing a sleepy Asta with a sleepy blondie stick to his back like a koala.

The vibe of this couple seemed to be extremely relaxing…

"What's the matter? You are very noisy this morning, all of my children woke up." Asta said as he looked at the girls.

Rhiannon was petrified, her eyes were fixed on Charlotte.

Usune and Sylphiette were like to rocket descending in Asta's arms.

"Dad!" Flowers seemed to be around their faces as they showed a happy smile.

"Good morning." He patted their heads. His gaze never move from Rhiannon.

"The matter is that, these two are like children fighting." Undine said with her lips pursed.

"Huh? What did you say!?" Rhiannon and Sylph said at the same time.

"…" Asta felt like he was seeing two Sylphs for a moment.

He was already realizing what's happening with the queen, as there are many shocking things and changes, she reacted like that.

Asta put his daughters down making them pout, and then Charlotte, she opened her eyes and looked at the Queen.

Rhiannon looked at her with her mouth closing and opening but she didn't say anything.

Asta approached her and extended his hand.

"My name is Asta Pendragon, and I am the king of this place, Camelot." Asta said with a gentle smile.

The rooom went quiet.

Literally, there wasn't any sound…

"Honey you're so mean." Charlotte muttered, knowing very well her husband's intentions.

Sylph was already on the corner of the room with Usune and Sylphiette in her embrace.

And as if she was waiting for something…

A golden pressure emerged from the Queen, her face was darkened and her hands clenched.

"You… You got balls of iron, right?" Veins bulged in her head as her pressure became terrifying, the castle started to tremble and the clouds in the sky dissapeared.

"Why do you get angry? It's just the undoubtably truth." Asta wasn't affected by her pressure, he was still relax.

After all, Charlotte was the main reason of this…

"Come on honey, don't fight." Charlotte held his arm and spoke with soft voice.

She looked at the queen and then said.

"You two should talk, and resolve this without fighting. It is the best way." Charlotte said.

Mereoleona who was on the window watching everything with interest shook her head in disapproval.

'No! Fight! Dominate her as you dominate me!' She said in her mind with a wild smile.

"Exactly, it isn't necessary to fight. Not everything should be solve with fights." Undine said.

"Fight! Fight! Fuck her- I mean fight her!" Sylph said in low voice from behind, her daughters looked at her in confusion.

Undine glared at Sylph and she looked to other side.

"She doesn't want that way." Asta responded and in that moment, Rhiannon's katana was summoned and she spoke:

"If you want to claim my Kingdom, you have to fight me and kill me! No one will take my kingdom, my effort and everything that I built." The Queen said, her hair was moving as if it was defying the gravity and her eyes were glowing, she said that as if it was her decree.

Asta shivered slightly suffering an extreme dejavú.

As a man who had many wives, Rhiannon was the vivid image of many of them.

"Fine." Asta smiled gently and turned back.

But then…


"!!!" Rhiannon's eyes widened.

Her sight changed drastically, she wasn't in the room anymore…

She was in the blue sky and her body was leaned.

Meters beneath her, Asta was slowly floating as his hair fluttered. His pale golden eyes that seemed to be lifeless were now shining with coldness.

"I suppose that you're ready, Queen." He laughed in amusement and then swayed his Excalibur.

And shock wave occurred in the sky with a golden flash, all the clouds of the kingdom literally dissapeared leaving just the beautiful blue sky.

Rhiannon was holding her katana in a defensive stance, her arm was trembling as her eyes did.

'I should have expect this, Undine wouldn't marry a weak man, and much less those heiresses.' Rhiannon said in her mind and then sighed, calming her feelings.

"..." Asta smiled with interest, seeing that the Queen was more calmer now.

She regained her composure and breathed, clenching the sheath of her katana.

Her eyes slowly opened and they seemed to be more deeper.

Asta spread his arms as if he was waiting for something.


An explosion echoed in the sky, Rhiannon was like wild flames lambasting against Asta, her katana was literally flashing as she swayed it with one hand.

Asta just received the attacks and after another round of slashes she stopped abruptly and leaving Asta suspended in the sky, then she stabbed him onto his chest.

His body was a bit twisted as he was being launched kilometers far from Camelot.


A ferocious wind echoed around, Rhiannon was already beside Asta with a calm expression.

'That's a big change.' Asta thought, the Queen easily went from angry to a serene state.

Asta could understand Rhiannon, if someone takes his kingdom he immediately would kill this person.

"I'm going to take you to a trip!" Rhiannon said with a big smile, then she swayed her Katana again.


The katana shocked with the sword stopping each other abruptly.

"Not bad, you're good at dancing." Asta chuckled.

"Dancing?" Rhiannon frowned.

Asta's smile became wide.

"Yes, when we fight with swordmanship, we're dancing." He held her waist pulling her closer to him, their faces were inches from each other.

Rhiannon flushed and moved away.

'What was that?' She said in her mind and then swayed her Katana sending a long cut of mana.

Asta avoided it and keep smiling.

"Don't dare to touch me again, no men has never touched me." She said as if she was like a pure maiden.

"Then, I'm the first." Asta had a victorious smile.

Rhiannon's mouth opened and closed several times.

"You shameless man!" Rhiannon flushed again and attacked him.

"Eh?" Asta started to move side to side, Rhiannon's attacks were very wild. He felt like he was being attacked by a little red cat.

'She changes consecutively, doesn't she?' Asta had an amused smile as he keep dodging Rhiannon's attacks.

"Is this how a Queen suppose to behave?" Asta spoke up and very clear making Rhiannon stop abruptly.

Her face that was already red turned even redder of the embarrassment.

She huffed and regained her composure again, fixing her dress and calming her feelings.

"That red hair is well suited to you, now I will call you red-haired in heat." Asta teased her.

The Queen petrified as if she saw the very medusa, her face darkened but Asta could saw an intense and bright red color, she slowly raised her katana pointing to the sun.

Asta watched how the air started to compress and take form of a giant ball that covered most part of the sky.

"Wow is reaching the space! Despite you just woke up, you're very strong!" Asta said with excitement.

"Shut..." The Queen said in low voice.

And then spoke up.



The giant ball slowly descended, Asta didn't move and just stayed there as if he wasn't going to be crashed by a destructive power.


The giant ball engulfed Asta.

"Hmpf!" Rhiannon huffed and puffed her chest with pride.

Pride that died instantly with the next event.

A strange sound echoed and a golden flow moved around the whole sky...

Then as if the giant ball of compressed air wasn't something dangerous to the man, it dissapeared.

No... It was completely absorbed.

Asta was stood up in the air, with a calm expression and his sword on its sheath. He looked into Rhiannon's eyes and then said:

"I'm sorry, but when it's about magic... I am really really undefeatable. The magic means nothing against me, I am the very nemesis of the magic." Asta said as a wide smile grew on his face.

"W-What?" Rhiannon unconciously stepped back.

"How did you do that!? That's absolutely impossible!" The Queen was flabbergasted.

Never in her wildest thoughts, she would imagine someone denying magic as if it is nothing.

"How did you deny my magic!?"

"Deny? I didn't deny it." Asta raised his sword, moving it back.

"I absorbed it."

"!!!" Rhiannon's eyes widened when she saw a giant ball of compressed air.

Giant ball that was bigger than hers.

"You call yourself a Queen, right?" Asta said with an excited smile.

"Yes, I am Rhiannon Clover and I will not never low my head to my enemies!" Rhiannon said as her eyes shone with determination.

"Well, then show me it." Asta said and then his sword shone.

Under the Queen's gaze, the ball grew even more.

Rhiannon didn't flinched or felt intimidated, she breathed deeply and a golden wind moved around her body like a flow.

"I accept this challenge." She flashed a big smile as she pointed her katana at Asta.