Chapter 1.“Welcome My Dear.”

The wind hassled, rain poured, you could hear every single droplet hit the grass outside. The windows are closed. No one can hear the whining from outside the kingdom. It was silent...out there. A small baby, wrapped in blankets. The infant was held, by The King. He was known as Marcus Crisis. You can hear the pain of agony and tears through his raspy voice. "Oh Evelyn, You did your best on trying to stay..." He said. That infants mother, died. Giving birth to a healthy baby girl. The King pulled the blanket a bit down, seeing the white glazed hair, his daughter had. Far better. ~The Next Day~ There sat Thine King on his throne. His four Sons stood in-front of him. "Julius, Snake, Romani, & lastly Miyazaki." The King Pleaded. The four of them looked up at their father, kneeling. "Stand up, my Sons..Meet your beloved baby sister." As he held her, closely, the four stood up and walked steadily over to meet their baby sister. Her precious smile, made them feel happy after, the death of their mother. That hit them. She had opened her eyes and giggled, her smile. If only they got to see it again 16 Years later. "Python!! Wait up, it's my turn as your big brother Miyazaki, to protect you!" He gasped for a breath, then running to catch up to Python. "I don't need saving Big Brother!" Python giggled. She kept running, where she stopped, she had ran into the market in the town. Her brother catches up finally and gasped. "For Ducks sake! Oh." The Prince stopped speaking realizing, how far they had ran. "Since we're here already, let's get some gifts, I heard we're having a Kingdom party! Meaning you get to meet the other King & Queen, Children!" He laughed thinking of the thought. "Really? I can have a friend that's not, my brothers?" Python tilted her head. "Wow, good to know your getting bored of us." Miyazaki gave her that one look. "Enough talking let's get to shopping!" They both smiled at each other and started buying jewelry to clothes for the royals, coming to the kingdom.

~Back at the Kingdom~

"Hey, you both are finally back!" Julius said.

Of course the two smiled at him.

"Well no duh, Julius Mc.Clown." Miyazaki laughed looking at his brother.

Julius had dyed his hair purple. Python looked at it and laughed as well. I guess to them, he looked gay. (And that word exactly came to be.)

"Anyways, where's the fun?" Python asked her brother. Julius signaled them to follow him. "Come on this way!" Julius said. The 2 followed their sibling to the dining room of the kingdom. Five Kings, Four Queens, It would've been equaled if Pythons mother had survived. Python took a look, her long, white glazed hair, her green eyes looking like the shiniest emeralds to behold, and her smirk that made the kingdom feel less of a "Fight". "Where's the other children (Teenagers) hm?" Python squinted with one eyebrow up and the other one down. King Marcus had stood up. Then the other K&Q's (King and Queens) stood, walking over to Python. "My, marvelous! She's a beauty." The Queen of Wind-dale said. Python thanked her for that. Three girls only 1 age younger then Python, had just walked into the room, they all looked different. Not siblings but friends. Lunica Pola, Princess of Light'Fill. Mosa Teira, Princess of River'Dose. Jinx Optic, Princess of Elven'Tree. They looked pretty. Python's face turned blush. The sight of them made Python feel like she would zone out, anytime just thinking about it. She blinked, as the three stepped in-front of Python. "Lunica Pola.", "Mosa Teria.", "It's Jinx Optic to you.", the three had shook Pythons hand. "So what's your name Tall gal?" Mosa Teria said with a bright welcoming smile. "Its- Its Python, my name is Python Crisis." Python had stuttered the first word, but then gulped shaking the three's hand. They got along, but soon interrupted by the Two 17 yr olds. They were the prince's of Wind-Dale & Cave'cove. Wind-Dale Prince; Arthur & Cave'cove's Prince; Phil.

Python never liked them. She never loved them either..