With a swift wave of his claws, the King of Elenior, Virion Eralith beheaded the king of Dacithen. He stood there in his second form of his beast will. His body was matte black from head to toe except his shining yellow eyes. He had ling matta black hair the same color as his body and his aura was incredible.
Everyone on the battlefield froze as they felt the pressure weighing down on them. Virion was about to speak when the ground rumbled. A pulse of mana shot through the planet itself as the ground cracked and deformed.
Although the skies were covered in a layer of black smoke, from the rumbling of thunder and the increase in wind speed everyone could tell that a massive storm was coming.
From extremely far away there was a huge beam of pure mana going into the sky. Piercing the clouds as they parted, letting the sun shine through the darkness.
"EVERYONE, CHARGE!!" Virion yelled as he vanished. He dashed across the battlefield trampling over the king of Dacithen's body along with the other elves. The Ice Folk had been covered by the Elves since their part in the war was completed and they would be free to pull out to save forces.
As the energy kept pulsing into the ground, the yells and war cries of elves and humans, the sound of blades colliding and spells erupting. Nobody could focus on the dead body that belonged to the king of Dacithen.
His body was getting covered in magic and his severed head seemed to be moving. His armor stained with dry blood started flinching as the fings wiggled before clenching into a fist.
The body stood up and wobbled over to its head as it picked it up and smashed it where it belonged. The armor could be seen cracking and splintering away as it couldn't without the power from the mana pulse that was flowing into the body and soul of the king.
As he looked at the battlefield before him and saw the dismembered bodies of his comrades, his people, his knights! He picked up his sword and with a tremendous burst of mana, he stabbed his sword into the ground, making his presence known.
His people were pushed back way too far. He couldn't let them take the hill otherwise everything would be over. A shockwave of maa shot from his sword and into the surrounding area as his knights got up.
"Surely you didn't think because I was dead that I would die!!" He said loudly with a stern voice.
"I ALREADY TOLD YOU EVEN IN DEATH YOU'LL FIGHT!!" He yelled as he and his undead army shot off. The elves were surrounded. They could try and cut through the front but the mages are doing good on holding them off while the knights pick and peck at their numbers.
Now not only are fully revived knights coming from behind them and on both of their flanks, their king is up and their mana is full!
Virion came up from his shadow and dashed towards the undead army.
"YOU RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE JUST TO BE PUT THERE AGAIN!!" Virion shouted with his claws back, building momentum to finish the clash in one hit.
"IT IS YOU WHO'LL BE GOING IN A GRAVE AND IF I HAVE TO BE WITH YOU, THEN SO BEAT IT!!" The king shouted. His greatsword over his shoulder as he too prepared his strike and as they grew closed.
Blood went flying in the air as the armies collided around them. Virion coughed up blood as his body went to normal from his second phase. His left arm was stuck right through the mana core of the king.
Across his chest was a scar that went from his top left shoulder to his right arm which was cut at the elbow. His arm poured out blood like a water fountain as he leaned onto the shoulder of the king.
"This was indeed a good fight…" Virion said in a weak tone.
Seeing their leader in the state he was, the elves were shocked and didn't know what to do. Should they stay or should they fight? They went into total confusion.
On the other hand, the humans looked at their king. His body slumped to the ground as Virion yanked his arm out of his body. From the ground he rose and to the ground he went. Seeing this, the humans emotions went into a flying madness. They had one clear thing on their mind.
The mages conjured up their biggest and strongest spells they knew, using every ounce of mana they could squeeze out. The knights augmented their swords and bodies as far as they could as their mana erupted and with a dreadful warcry they rushed at the confused and shocked elves!
Even outnumbered!
Even overpowered!
Even with their huge disadvantages!
The humans went on a rampage so great and so violent the elves ran away. The battlefield was littered with arms, legs, heads with the face of terror and sorrow etched onto them.
The elves had retreated and the humans had won.
(First POV)
"To this day, it's said that the body of the king randomly disappeared and was never found. Some say he roams the beast glades while others say his soul was sent to the afterlife. The truth, nobody knows." The storyteller finished.
At that moment everyone stood up and burst into applause and cheering. Whistling along with shouting was heard through the entire shopping district from what I could tell.
'So that's a true story huh?' I thought to myself as we continued to clap. Afterwards we finished our plans. We ate at Danny's, went shopping for clothes and jewelry along with walking around the park.
After a successful day out, we made it back home and had dinner.
'Could the necromancer dad and mom defeated be the king in his weakened state? It's likely to be the case if the story is true, but honestly. It seems weird. At least now I know I'm in a way different timeline than the original.' I thought as I was meditating.
'Meh, I'll think about it later. I got time.' I then yawned as I got under my blankets and went to bed.
The next 3 years went by in a flash. I was still able to train and hang out with my friends, but a lot of my time was spent with my family. Mom was teaching me some cooking lessons and dad would play ball, buy with a mana ball instead.
In that time I realised something I forgot. Arthur existed and as it would turn out, I'm in a timeline where me and Kathlyn are two years older than him. We're both 9 and he's 7. Well that's what the Helstea's told us and the king at a meeting.
Also Curtis went to Xyrus academy two years ago. He should be a second year and Oliver is a third year. He's 11 so two years older than Leonidas. The Helstea's said they hired his father as a guard and that he'd be there for the auction that's taking place in 4-5 months.
Also, I'm already at the light orange stage with my mana core. I'm only here because I couldn't train like I did before. Kathlyn won't tell me what her core stage was and I didn't try to sense it, because I wanted to be surprised.
Ashton told me his core stage was solid orange and that in a few months he's sure he'll break through. He said he couldn't train like he used to because he had some business to handle from time to time.
I asked him what it was and although he would sigh in frustration, I could see his face getting red. Meh, I'll find out at some point.
Anyways, today marked the day that my parents decided to go out and find me a beast core for its will. Although I told them I'll just look for one when I'm an adventurer, they insisted that I look around the shop first.
And so, I got dressed in some casual clothes as me and my parents got in the carriage.
"You know, I can just find something in the glades. Honestly my chances of finding one there are better than the store. At most I'll have to go through ten cores before actually finding one with a will intact." I said to my parents.
"That might be true, but you're exaggerating. Also, even if you'll have to go through that many, you'll break through into the dark yellow stage. Honestly I'm still shocked at your growth speed." Fredrick said with a sigh.
"How about this, if we don't find anything to your liking, then you can go to the beast glades." My mother suggested.
"I can do that." I said offhandedly as I thought about what type of beast will I would want.
'Should I get a Shadow Panther if there is one? Any beast could become a S-rank with some training, but I'm getting one from a core which means it'll start off as at least an A-rank. Along with that, I'll have to get it to work with me. I don't want that mana core shit that happened with Tess to happen to me.'
Soon we made it to a shop and walked in. We were greeted by the man at the counter and he asked us what we were looking for.
"What type did you have in mind?" Diana asked Leonidas.
'Hmm, I already have water, fire, wind, sound, thunder, and ice magic along with my physical capabilities, so I need something that can be used to help me in situations that I would need it. Something fast, strong, big and it HAS to be a predatory beast.'
"Do you have anything in the feline group?" I asked. From this world Virion was an incredibly strong person. His beast will was in the feline family if it was back on earth and so if I got a feline type like him then I might find something good.
Do you guys think I should stick with the mana beast he had before the rewrite and wait till he becomes an adventurer or should I do something else?
Before Rewrite: