Kylie who was lost in woods found a new companion to discover herself, but on the other side strangely Edmund took stand for Kylie to protect her.

The one who never cares about anyone ran deep into risky path just to save someone he never know completely.

Noticing her in the embrace of Edmund, it stunned the trio waiting for him outside eagerly, but the thing more stunned them was when he denied to send her to infirmary along with Anisha.

"what do you mean by denying your highness? Didn't you see the blood flow from her hand, don't you know what'll happen if it is not treated?" Anisha cried painfully looking at Kylie's condition.

"She is right" Jonas supported Anisha's words, "it'll be danger if the injury was not treated no matter how minor the injury is."

"Are you not understanding the current situation?" Edmund sighed, making the trio look confused.