Kylie can't help but to get surprised when she heard that Rosa was ordered to call her Selene instead of Kylie.

Keeping the food tray on the table, Rosa was tried to speak that's when Jasmine ran into the room straight, "oh my goodness, you're finally awake."

Kylie hugged Jasmine with a bright smile, "I'm fine, sister than you for worrying about me" Jasmine hugged her back with a smile, "it's a relief to hear that."

Kylie looked at Rosa, "you didn't said anything about what I asked."

"What did you ask her?"

"About the one who ordered her not to call me Kylie but to call Selene."

Jasmine made Kylie to sit on the bed carefully and brought the food tray near Kylie, "not only she got ordered, all of us got ordered to do so."

"But why?" Kylie looked sad, "what's wrong with my name?"