Kylie looked extremely shocked after hearing to Merlin, she understood that he discovered her identity but not sure whether he'll say about it to others or not, but the smirk on his face brought shiver in her spine.

Gulping hard in fear, Kylie went near the door and closed it, coming back to the bed, she sighed, "I'm not sure whether he remembers me or not but by the words of him I can say for sure that somehow he has a guess about me, but I never thought he'll remember someone like me, what if he discloses about me near everyone? If not is he thinking that I also hided my identity in that school just like the way he did? Aishhhh I'm mad, I'm unable to understand anything."

She clutched the bedsheet with anger and frustration, that's when she heard, "I never knew ugly girls have such a huge following" Kylie understood that it's none other Ren apart from him none mocks her like that.

Kylie sighed, "is it something that concerns you?"