The wired hero.

Once upon a time their was a famous technique know as cultivation,if done properly it could enhance your strength,speed, vitality to magic attacks,reflexes,durability to physical attacks and at last mana count.

After the discovery of cultivation their were few people that were outstanding at the field of cultivation and had so,much power that they could destroy entire citys in few weeks,the powerful cultivators decided to make clans and sects to help them conquer any other land or challenges but some powerful cultivators discovered a effortless loop hole to becoming powerful,the loop hole was know as cultivation object which can give a lot of QI in very short amount of time and it also came with a another use that was to make the holder live longer by some years.

Then all the clans and sects started waging wars for gathering more cultivation object and this lead to millions dying but in the right time GOD'S saw the world being destroy and decided to make a human that was strong then all the other cultivators from the age of fourteen.

Then the hero was made to bring end to this apocalypse and bring peace and he was successful but after that he had no purpose in his life no one could defeat him in an way ,whenever he is about to die he always goes two hours before the incident so, he decided to kill GOD'S for his senseless life.

After trunig twenty four he found his first GOD and kills him the GOD was know as The God of courage and then kills the God of strength,knowledge, hate,animals.

After all this finally The God of Life and The God of Death decided to not kill him but to make him live through four billion lives on different worlds and give him random characteristics everytime.

They thought this will make a good punishment for his crime but then the < God of Death said> Make sure to give him all of his memories of each life.

OK,Death I will also consider your request.

Good we finally agreed on something for a change.

Then the God of Life and the God of Death appeared behind the God killer and teleported him to a black void and then a white ball came behind the God killer and sucks him in and gave him a new life after the God killers dies in his second life then he once again came to the black void and then the process repeats and then the God killer suffers through five billion lives memories.

This is my first story hope you enjoy.