
Ch. 5 GramGrams Sweets

2 years after the reset.

A day like any other at Mt. Ji, a toddler stumbling around the garden looking at the plants in awe.

"Mom Mom look!" Young Ren pointed at a flower that had a golden glow.

"Yes Ren'er this is a Golden Sutra Flower. It can cure any physical illness. You mustn't touch it until it fully blooms or else its growth will be disrupted" Fei Ji spoke

"Sss" sticking his tongue out at his mother he half ran half stumbled away.

"Momma i'm going to see GramGram she always spoils me with treats and u always keep the goodies away from meeee"

'this child..' mentally face palming, Fei was worried that she couldn't teach him right and allowed him to see his other GramGram.. 'i'm the real gramgram hehe' with an evil smirk Fei departed back to the house.

"oh hi Ren'er, would you like to try Grams special cake?"

"YESSSS" the adhd child yelled

"ok Ren'er here's a piece just for you" Grandma Wen handed over a plate with a cake glowing with qi.

Ren could not see the Qi as he had yet to cultivate or even reach the spirit stage but he knew it was good stuff. 'anything GramGram made is always the bestest of the best'

Giving the boy Qi infused products at a safe rate would strengthen his immune system and body making sure he grows up plenty capable.

"MMmmmm" stuffing his face full he seemed to reach the clouds and step higher and higher bite after bite

"Grandma Wen do u have anything do drink?"

"Yes RenRen, here's some Heavenly Wood Tea '' she passed over a seemingly small flask of liquid.

He took a sip then looked at how much was left in the flask.





the level of liquid never went down.. Ren Ji was baffled.

"Grandma, why is none missing?"

'Oh sh*t. why didn't i just pour him a glass' Wen Ji thought.

"Well Ren'er this is GramGrams secret! you can't tell anyone else or else i'll limit the sweets i give you!!" Grandma Wen looked at him with a doting but stern face

"y-yes!! this is a secret just for grandma and me!!" Ren Ji thought about the future with fewer sweets and his heart sank so he immediately agreed.

"ok now finish up so Gram can clean up"


he scarfed down the rest of the cake and started chugging from the flask.

20 gulps later his eyes opened up wide.


[Congratulations, You have reached initial mastery of the Wood Element]

'uhhh. what? Wait, this is GramGrams secret.. Maybe I should keep quiet about it. Looking left and right he put the lid back on the flask and shuffled it slowly back to his Grandma. Giving her a nod and his thanks he went on his way.

After leaving Grams house near the garden Ren sought out Big Sister Mei.

in the library Mei Ji seemed to be skimming through books and not reading them fully. however her brain worked at breakneck speeds and could absorb all the information just by looking at it!

Ren looked at this scene and didn't fully understand what she was doing. He asked, "Is Big Sister reading or just looking at the pictures?"

'pffft. this little one says the weirdest things' Mei thought.

"im skimming through the books little brother, looking for the information i need!"

"ooh sounds really boring big sis. Can we play? I just ate and am ready to play all afternoon!!! Let's play music!!"

"hmm ok i was just finishing up anyways, head to the lounge room and wait for me to bring some instruments" she said as she left the library.

happy as could be little Ren replied "ok meet u there big sister Mei"