
Ch. 10 Time Fly's

Another month flew by just like that. Ren studied every day with Mei Ji, he learned the unwritten rules of the cultivation world as well as earth's martial artists cultivation of inner force. Ren learned about alchemy weapon crafting and formations.

Inner Force Tiers:






The strength tiers are comparable to cultivators tiers. however, manipulating qi outside of the body is not something capable with their system. Also their naming sense is a bit off...

Ren only had 1 day until he completed his daily quest 100 times. He had not used any spins and only got Element stones from his quest rewards.

'System panel'

[Q System Lv1]

Name: Ren Ji




Cultivation: None. Conditions for next tier:

Body: Complete Daily Quest 100 times (99/100)

Qi: Get to Body refinement stage 1 for further instructions.

Elements(5. 2locked) late-Light, mid-Sound, initial-Wood., ****, ****.

Cultivation Techniques: Void Body Art, Ancient Quintessence Sutra.

Skills: None.

Points: 1500

Equips: Soul Jade

Storage(10m): Beast Egg, Aura Ring, Never Ending Lollipop, 55x Wood stones, 34x Sound stones,6x Light stones, 3 instant heals, 1 teleport talisman, 1 transmission jade

[Store] Locked until Cultivation/Body refinement 2nd stage

[Lucky Draw](1 free small spin per day, 1 free big spin per month)

Small Spin:100 points (54 free spins)

Big Spin:1,000 points (1 free spin)

All In Spin(rewards scale when using more or less points)

Pets: None.

Quests: Daily(99/100): calisthenics (1/1) [Reward claimed]


Special:Explore outside of Mt.Ji

After his daily tasks Ren went back to his room to sleep early in anticipation for the next day.



'Hmm? This boy is just too excited to start his cultivation' Mei thought as her lips curved.

"Alright little one today im going to work you till you drop"


"HAA, HAA" panting as he laid flat on the ground. Ren checked his quests.

Quests: Daily(100/100): calisthenics (1/1) [Claim reward?]


Special:Explore outside of Mt.Ji


[Congratulations on completing Body Refinement. You have stepped into the world of cultivation. You have received 1 Sword Seed, 100 Spirit stones, 1 skill book]

He couldn't hold his excitement and started jumping around with joy.

"Sister Mei, I'm finally a cultivator!!"

"Good job little brother." Mei said sweetly.

"Can I grow my egg now??? I really want a puppy, but what if it's a bird? don't birds come from eggs? I don't want a chicken!!"

"Quit worrying so much. I'm sure it will be a wonderful beast that is very powerful and will help protect you." said Mei, cutting off his outward thoughts.

"Ok sister. I will wait for everyone until I hatch it! Until then, I will look at my skill book"

[Sword Saints 9 Mortal forms]

1st form: Slash the Heavens: cut through anything in your path. (master each form to unlock the next)

'anything? even mommas formation around the mountain? hehe looks like my special quest will be completed soon' Ren thought with an evil grin.

"Sword seed? Hey Sis, what's a Sword seed?"

"HUH? Brother did you really get a Sword seed? Can you check its information?"

[Sword seed]

The Sword saints Sword seed: A fraction of the Sword saints power lies within, will allow the holder to master sword skills more quickly

"Yup, that's what it says" Ren confirmed

"Sigh. You are going to be a little monster, but this is good. You wont need to use elemental skills now and can use sword skills to imitate internal force. The perfect cover for this world. Have you checked how to improve your cultivation yet?" asked Mei


1st Qi refining, step 1 Conditions for next tier: Circulate the Quintessence Sutra 100 times in one meditation.

1st Body refining, early. Conditions for next rank: Improve strength to 500kg.

"Big sister, all I need to do is circulate my qi 100 times in a row to advance in Qi refining. For my body refinement I just need 500kg of physical force! This is so easy!"

"Hehe. u think its that easy? Try to circulate your qi" Mei said with a sneer.

Ren sat down in a meditative position and attempted to cultivate… only to have nothing happen..

After 20 minutes of nothing he asked "Hey sis why is nothing happening?"

"You have to sense the qi in your surroundings! Sense the qi from nature and try to take it into your body" said Mei

"I will try!"

Ren once again sensed his surroundings trying to feel Heaven and Earth's energy..

[Congratulations on sensing qi in the environment. You will be guided through your first circulation]

'Another freebie hehe' he chuckled in his thoughts.

[1 guided cycle complete]

"I did it sister! one full circulation! I feel much stronger now!" Ren flexed his toddler twig arms

Mei just looked at him dumbfounded. 'Since when was it this easy?'

"Sister, I'm gonna hatch the egg!" Ren said excitedly.

[WARNING. Host unable to provide sufficient qi to hatch in one go. Once you start to provide qi to the egg you must give it a constant stream to keep the lifeform inside alive]

Nurturing the egg with his qi he said "Wake up soon puppy! i'll teach you to fetch"


1 year had gone by, Ren had advanced to the 2nd tier of Qi refinement but had stagnated at 70kg of physical force, his small body was not capable of sustaining it. His mastery in sword skills was stuck at minor perfection and he had stopped focusing on that and arduously cultivated. He had not claimed any spins nor completed his special quest. there was not a daily or weekly quest available, he knew he needed to complete his special quest. Other than providing qi for his egg he had cultivated the rest of his free time.

Under Mt. Ji, Fei had received a notice from the God realm, a meeting held once every century was going to commence in 1 month. It had only been a month since she solved her problem. Fei was so weak that she couldn't swap with her clone to see Ren so she was taking it easy, recovering her strength.

"I'll just have Wen and Lou take care of Ren until I get back.. seems like i'll have to introduce everyone to Rou.."


The day of Fei's departure arrived. Her main body appeared in her room with a bundle of blankets squirming in her hands, she reabsorbed her clone and walked into the family room of the house.

She called out softly but managed to reach everyone's ears " Ren, Mei, Lou, Wen. Meet in the Family room in 5 minutes."

After everyone had arrived, and was situated on the couch, Fei spoke. "I'm leaving for business tomorrow. I don't know when I'll be back but I have something to tell everyone."

taking in a deep deep breath and unfolding the blankets in her arms she continues "This is Rui, Ren's baby sister. Wen and Lou will be responsible for taking care of her."

"Mom. Where is Dad?"

"eeeek. uh. he said when you reach Nascent soul he will come to meet you and Rou" Fei squeezed out.

"I will work my hardest!" Ren bowed to his mother then walked up to her. "Hi Rui, I am Ren, your big brother! I won't let anyone bully you! My puppy will definitely protect you! He will be your protector!"

"What if it's a bird? Birds come from eggs, puppies are different." Fei reminded him.

"Nope this is my awesome puppy. He will be the strongest puppy ever." he proudly stated.

Fei gave a smirk "ok little Ren. Oh! that's right, i said i wouldn't help you in your journey to become strong so i came up with a good idea." Fei rummaged through her storage ring for a bit until she brought out a meter long sword. "This is a life sword, it connects with the user through blood and will only have one user its entire life. Its power will increase with your own and is equal to your own power at the time of binding it."

[Obtained: Life Sword, Power equivalent to 7th tier of Qi refinement once bound]

"WHAT! 7th tier?!? Mother, you said it's the same as my power, why does it say 7th tier?" Ren asked

"You're just that amazing Ren'er! That is how many levels you can battle across currently. Remember to never fight when you feel that pressure. you will know when the need to flee arises."

"Yes mother, I will remember."

'Hey system, I want to give my mother a gift but the shop isn't available.. Can you pull some strings for me?

[What do you think I am? A blue genie?]

'pleeeeeaseeee just this once? I don't know how long she will be gone for'

[Fine but it's gonna cost you. You've saved up a year of spins.. hehe. How about this? offer all your spins to me and i'll make sure she receives something very nice]

'yes! please do!'

[Once in a Year spin: 1 years worth of Big and Small spins(offer now available in the lucky draw category)]

[Transcendent Armor set: Who rules the universe? The Heavenly Emperor? NO! His ****]

'What the f*ck does that mean?'

[ You will understand in time]

"Mother, I have a gift for you too. here." Ren handed over a golden bead. The moment it touched Fei's hands a torrent of information flooded her into her head. The system also spoke to her for the first time.

[ Ren wanted to give you something because he was unsure of when you'd be back. This is the Transcendent Armor set, you may allow it to take any form or keep it in phantom mode. Nobody in this universe will be able to detect its level. It has two abilities:

Energy reserves: Store up to 100x the amount of energy your body is capable of storing.

Heavens Protection: Nothing under the heavens can harm you.

You will be safe anywhere but the Void, that is out of my jurisdiction. Ren paid me alot for this. don't be gone too long.. the last gods assembly i attended took 25 years. You must return before Ren reaches 15 years old]

Fei trembled '25 years?!? WHAT? wait? you said the last one you attended? Who are you?'

[ An old spirit who is in charge of Ren's system. I will guide him properly during your absence. Solve the problems at the assembly quickly. His wife must be there for his coming of age]

'Thank you, i will try my best' she sincerely said.

"So how is it momma?" asked ren

"I like it very much! Little Ren i'm leaving now. I don't want to stay longer and make parting harder. im sorry, i love you"

With a flash Fei disappeared. Fei gave transmissions to Mei, Lou and Wen. She told them how to handle Ren's growth. Keeping him on Mt. Ji is holding back his potential, they need to venture out soon.