
Ch. 12 Sister Mei meets MengMeng

As they searched for the Golden Lotus in the forest Ren and MengMeng came across several beasts. 2 early 1st stage, 4 middle 1st stage and 1 late 1st stage. There were no gains other than getting to hold a beauties hand throughout the trip.

Beasts don't develop cores until the 3rd stage.

Ren asked "how are you feeling? should we head back?"

"I feel secure when you're around. you give me strength.. but yes, we should head back, the beasts only get stronger further in and since we haven't found a trace of the golden lotus we should call it a day" MengMeng said

"alright, I'm sure my sister is looking for me, it's best to head back while there's still daylight." ren agreed

"Sister?" asked MengMeng

"Yeah! My big sister! She is slightly older than you! I'll introduce you later!" Ren said

'This boy.. I've already recovered 4/5ths of my strength. What do I need a golden lotus for? as long as i have Little Ren everything is fine. He must be special' MengMeng thought

after an hour on the trip back Ren suddenly released his hand from her and looked at her with a grin

[Boy you need to be more suave.. too obvious]

'peh. What do you know? I'm just a golden egg. Just wait till i grow fur and bite you'


MengMeng looked at him suspiciously then asked "How did you do it?"

"Ohhh maybe it was because of this?" Ren pulled the golden lotus from behind his back with a smirk.

MengMeng looked at him oddly and said "so you took advantage of me for hours? Little lecher."

"uh well MengMeng is just too pretty! I couldn't help myself." Ren said flusteredly

"hmph. I'm taking notes. next time you'll be punished!" MengMeng winked with a cute glint in her eyes.

'that lotus wasn't even used. It looked freshly picked. Once the healing properties are used it would wither. this boy is my golden egg' she thought.

Ren sent a transmission to Mei asking if she would meet his first friend.

'Oh little Ren made friends already? Did they pass your tests?' asked Mei

'Of course sister! They passed all my tests! So will you meet them?' Ren kept pushing for it

'Fine fine. We'll meet at the shack. if they truly passed your tests then ill allow it' Mei agreed

'Thank you sister. I love you'

Mei flushed upon hearing the end of his transmission.

"Ok MengMeng, I'll take you home to meet my sister!" Ren said as he took hold of her hand and pulled her along


Arriving outside of the shack that was about 20m wide and 5m tall, MengMeng started to get nervous.

"Um Ren, it's ok! I can meet her another time!" she said timidly

"Nah its cool, Big sister is really nice!" Ren comforted her

[More SUAVE!]

'I know what I'm doing. quit butting in!'

Steps could be heard nearing the door. it was opened and MengMeng jumped back slightly

"Oh. Ren'er, THIS is your new friend?" Mei glared at Ren

"Haha yup! I saved her from a boar in the forest and accompanied her to find medicine!" Ren Smiled

"MengMeng this is Big sister Mei!" he introduced

"H-Hello, nice to meet you! If it weren't for Ren i'd be some pigs meal tonight!"

'You still might be some pig's meal tonight. this little scoundrel' mei thought while she said "I'm glad he made it in time you must be tired and hungry, come in and take a rest while i prepare a meal for you two."

Mei invited them in, MengMeng took the lead while Ren followed. When he passed by Mei his side got pinched while he received a transmission 'Just wait till i let your mother know. She's gonna beat you into the dirt'

Ren got the chills just from thinking about that. Good thing she's out on business otherwise…

Sitting at the table, Mengmeng curiously looked around thinking about the dimensions outside vs the ones inside.. it didn't match up! 'The whole family is golden eggs!!' she thought.

"Oh that's right! I never asked about your family! Do you need to be home before dark?"

MengMeng seemed like she aged 10 years after she heard that. she clenched her fists while saying "I'm an orphan now, my mother and father were murdered when I was 7. I have nowhere to return to. The wilderness is my home."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. You can stay here as long as you'd like" Ren offered

"Thank you Ren. Id like to but i feel your mother and sister might not agree"

"Hmph Momma is out on business and I'm training. This is my journey! I get to decide who comes and stays!" he spoke with authority

A less than 4 year old boy sounded like an emperor.

[Now that's suave.]

'i was saving that line all trip'

"Little brother whose house is this?" Mei cut into the conversation with a commanding tone

"Yours but this is my training time and i can't do it without MengMeng! She is nice company and her presence help with my-"

He cut himself off as he almost slipped up and talked about cultivation.

"..helps with my martial training! MengMeng has no home and no family. We have a home and plenty of room for family so now MengMeng is part of our family!" arguing with toddler logic but with authority in his voice.

"huu.. Little brother, you are a lecher."

"I'm less than 4! you have a dirty mind Big sis"

MengMeng felt forgotten, off to the side listening to them arguing.

Mei took a look at her and said "fine she is family now. no need to cover your face anymore Meng'er, we dont judge in this household"

"ah but. I am very shy and I'm not pretty.. it's better if i keep the veil on" MengMeng said with teary eyes.

"No, you're my little sister now. I won't say a thing nor will Ren'er!" Mei told her

"sniffle. alright. for you two i will" MengMeng took off her veil revealing a perfect nose chin.. her mouth was.. A mess. Her lips were cut off revealing only teeth.

Ren's eyes went red seeing this. He felt so sorry for MengMeng. She must have been bullied so much when young. He couldn't hold it in and asked the system 'I want this healed now! what can i do?'

[hmm i will tell you how to use the Golden Sutra flower and your wood energy to fix it but on one condition]


[You must make her accept your family seal. it will be a temporary one however if by the time you turn 16, 1 year after your coming of age, and she doesn't accept the permanent seal she will die]

'I agree'

[Ok. Make contact with her right now and I will key her in on it.]

Ren reached to grab MengMeng's hand but was in a hurry that he slipped and grabbed her bosom.

MengMeng's face flushed but then her eyes went white.

[Hello MengMeng, Little Ren cares alot about you and wants to help. I have some conditions you would need to accept before he can offer that help. 1st You will become Ren's woman when he comes of age, 2nd you will swear into the secrecy of our family and never speak nor act to harm our family, 3rd you must… Kiss ren to gain the temporary seal]

'kiss? but my lips are..'

[No matter, Ren see's all truth and knows you are genuine. He will not mind and is doing all of this for you]

'i agree' MengMeng said with resolution


Ren was still holding her bosom when all of the sudden her eyes went back to normal. She looked at him and pulled him towards her face then said "I agreed with him, this is part of the conditions" she pulled his face closer to hers and planted a kiss on his lips.

[To fix her lips you need to use light and wood element energies at the same time. run it through your cultivation circulation and it will come naturally]

'thank you system'


Ren closed his eyes and ran his technique. Gold and green lights shone, he took the lotus out of storage again and held it in one hand while the other was placed on MengMengs lips. A light shone for a brief moment and when it died down Ren removed his hands.

Mei off to the side was about to berate Ren but then took another look at MengMeng only to find out that she had a connection to Ren. A connection as thick as blood.

Ren got up off of MengMengs chest then ran to his room and brought out a hand mirror. "MengMeng look!"

Tears fell like rain. MengMeng burst out crying "Thank you Ren'er. You have done so much for me these days and I've only been able to say thanks. i feel im taking advantage of your kindness"

"You're family now! no more thanks need to be said! this is what family should do for one another" looking into her eyes ren said with a smile

"mn" tears still dropping MengMeng nodded

"Ren, you have some explaining to do!" Mei said with her arms crossed and foot madly tapping the floor

"uhh. I couldn't bear to see Meng'er hiding her face in shame so I asked for help! She has my family seal now.. well a temporary one!"

"WHAT?! Do you know what you have done?" Mei saw red for a moment, itching to spank Ren until his cheeks shown blood

"Made her an official family member? She's Meng Ji now! Ren said half confidently

"sigh.. little brother it's just that… ah nevermind you'll know in the future.. MengMeng, you know right?"

"yes Sister Mei, i was told everything" MengMeng said with a joyful smile

"I see. Remember FIFTEEN!" Mei said sternly

"mn, i know Sister" MengMeng nodded