
Ch. 27 Gray Wolf

Ren's eyes fluttered as he woke up. He tried to stretch his arms out but realized he was confined by Mengmengs arms.

"Mengmeng are u awake?"

"nnnn… little longer" she mumbled

Ren was 7 years old but his body looked to be about 11-12 years old. Advancing in body refinement changed his body to look more mature. He was still smaller than Meng but it didn't look like he was a 6-7 year old anymore.

"Fine, but I'll need you to compensate me with a kiss later"

Mengmengs eyes shot open as she pushed the little scoundrel out of her embrace "Can you not tease me so early in the morning?" she said with a red face

"Hehe, you're cute when you get flustered" Ren smirked

Meng turned away from him and started to pack the campsite up into her spatial ring.

After everything was ready the two started visiting the hideouts one by one. Their speed was much faster as they managed to go through half of them in just 4 hours.

"I'm guessing that they probably have another hideout not recorded on the map. This could be troubling.. We also eliminated most of their disciples. They have 2 Heaven stage leaders and about 150 disciples remaining, for all we know they could have fled outside of the mountain range" Ren thought out loud

"Yes, If I were them I'd flee as well. However, with their sect leader gaining more strength there should be no reason for them to tuck their tails and run.. Maybe they have taken refuge in another sect?" Meng added

"It should be so. They couldn't have seeked asylum with a large sect. Let's check out the medium sized sects, If that fails we can only return to the Sword Pavilion and guard outside. If the sect leader has broken through to the so called 'Immortal' stage we can only flee with talismans.. I know I'm not the match of someone at that level yet. We can return after gaining more strength but the sects of Kunlun will suffer under his wrath. It's painful to see, but our lives cannot be gambled on such things." Ren said with a lowered tone

"Mn. The closest sect to us is the Hundred Beast sect, they are relatively smaller and don't have a long history." she said while speeding off in the direction of the sect.

Ren followed closely behind.

They stopped moving at high speeds when they were 10km away from the Hundred Beast sect. It was a luscious mountain with many spirit plants and beasts roaming around. Ren and Meng did not kill any beasts they came across and only knocked them unconscious so they didn't offend the sect.

The Hundred Beast sect was famous for knowing how to tame beasts. The people of the sect could only tame 1 beast as they didn't know how to use qi and used a blood contract instead. Honestly it was a shoddy way of doing things. The system had actually praised these people for managing to find a way to contract beasts without using qi. The method was not a mainstream way of doing things and he had rarely come across such ways.

At the front gates to the sect both Ren and Meng presented their jade plates to the guard and requested a meeting with an elder of the sect.

The guard had no reason to turn them down and led them inside.

Inside was much, much different than the Sword Pavilion. Buildings were made of wood and sticks with hay and leaves used for the roofs. There were 2 structures made of stone in the entire sect, The arena and presumably the sect leader's house.

Every disciple had beasts next to their sides. They eyed the two strangers cautiously but with no malice. Some of the boys drooled at Meng but didn't dare make a move. It seemed the disciples were taught well and had respect for others.

Ren and Meng were led by the guard to a hut as he spoke "Third and Seventh elder are inside, you may enter" he turned and left after finishing

Inside the hut were two old men, a tiger and a gray wolf. Both beasts were much larger than the ones kept in zoos. Ren eyed them and was shocked! They were 4th stage beasts! Heaven stage beasts! These beasts did not cultivate inner force and were actually comparable to a real Nascent Soul cultivator. Even though they were each early stage they could fight head to head with late stage Nascent soul cultivators.

Ren cupped his fists and greeted the elders "Hello elders, I am Ren Ji of the Sword pavilion. The Yin Soul sect has fled and is in hiding. We have eliminated their elders and disciples and few remain. The problem is that their leader and vice leader are still alive. Do you have any information on their whereabouts? Have any sects asked for help lately?"

Both the old men raised their heads as they eyed the young boy. The Seventh elder spoke first "Little boy from the Sword pavilion, What makes you think we would believe such a thing? You're just Sky stage and claim to have wiped out most of their sect? You can't fool us two old men."

Ren unleashed his full aura, Blood started to flow out of the Seventh elders nose. The third elder didn't show an ounce of instability though.

The wolf beast stepped in front of and shielded the aura. It knew there was no malice nor killing intent in the aura and just watched Ren with its dark eyes.

The third elder who was silent spoke "Interesting.. Your power is commendable. I can see why they would flee now. We do have news of their sect though. Three days ago the vice leader came and threatened our sect that if we did not comply with their wishes we would be annihilated once the Yin Soul sect leader came out of seclusion. Nobody took it seriously and our second elders Crane beast just kicked him off the mountain. We do not care about such matters that happen in the Kunlun mountains."

"I actually have a proposition for you. May we speak alone? The third elder asked

"My apologies Elder, I will not leave Meng." Ren bowed his head slightly.

"HAHAHA! Good good good!" He laughed with satisfaction

"To tell you the truth, you are a rare talent in this world. Our sect comes from the Secret Realm. Are you interested in coming over and taking a look?" The elder asked with a hopeful tone

"Elder it's not that I don't want to, it's that I cannot until I solve the issue of the Yin Soul sect. They have plagued this world for too long and must be destroyed." Ren's hand was squeezed by Meng after he replied

"Good, that is just what I wanted to hear. We keep out of the matters in Kunlun and only take in disciples with talent to tame beasts. I see that you don't have the talent to tame beasts but your sword is suitable for some sects in the Secret Realm. Our Thousand Beast sect is allied with many sects in the Secret Realm. This is just our branch sect."

The seventh elder got himself together and said "Little Ren, we ourselves cannot help but our beasts can. You may take my Gray Wolf, his nose should be able to sniff out the evil energy of those from the Yin Soul sect."

The gray wolf strode forward and rubbed its head on Ren's chest. Ren petted its head and nodded at the seventh elder "Thank you Elder, we will return after solving this. I look forward to going to the Secret Realm."

Ren and Meng took their leave and exited the sect. They didn't sit on the wolf and instead ran next to it. Their speed was actually faster than it!

At that time back in the hut the Seventh elder started gasping for air.

"What is it? Old Seventh?"

"T-That Ren and Meng are just as fast as my Wolf at full speed.. They aren't even winded and have already traveled 50km!" Old seventh spit out

"This must be kept secret! If the evil faction of the Secret Realm find out about those two it could bring troubles! The righteous side will need their help in the future. Something big is coming, we must be prepared. I will go notify the main sect and send the 4th, 5th and 6th elders here to ensure they make it to the Secret Realm safely. Lock down the sect until further notice."