My Wife

"Then who are you?" Her nervous voice seeped out, her eyes still heavily fixed on him, or rather her gaze was mysteriously locked on his, so much she couldn't look away. Believe her, this wasn't ordinary.

Her expression shifted when Dale suddenly chuckled out. Was he laughing because of the question she had asked? If so, why? She had only meant to know what kind of a person he was, or rather what he thought of himself. So why was he laughing? She asked herself.

Dale must admit her question amused him. He hadn't expected her to ask him such a question, how bold she was. This was the first time someone had asked him such a question, but it wasn't the question that amused him. It was the way she asked.

He had noticed her choice of words. She had said, 'A devil, and not 'the devil', and now she was asking him 'who' he was? How amusing!

If only she knew.

His lips curved up as he gazed at that innocent looking face of hers, her dark brown eyes shining ever so brightly.

Nevaeh leaned backwards when he inched closer again, but she soon realised she was trapped in a confined space with this man, and there was really no much space to retreat to. This wasn't good!

She stiffened when his fingers slowly and torturously trailed down her cheek till it finally rested on her chin, his hot breath fanning her face from such proximity. His touch...why does her skin tingle at the touch of his hand?

"Angel, it's not a matter of who I am, but what I am." His voice sounded so slow and so soft, enchanting and compelling her. Neveah couldn't even bat an eye; the hairs on her skin stood as the sound of his voice vibrated across her skin.

His piercing eyes moved from hers to her forehead and lingered there for a few seconds before returning to her face; his actions were odd. Still, he continued, "Don't be bothered by what I am, but know this..." He paused for a brief moment before he continued, his face inched a bit closer till there was only a hair length space between them, "....I'm the one who's bound to protect you from all evils in this lifetime."

Neveah felt her breath caught as she stared at him breathlessly. What...was he doing to her?

And what did he mean by those words?

Wait, why did those words resonate so much with her? Her fixated gaze remained on the man as she was still very much held bound by whatever spell his eyes had cast on her.

She was still in a daze when he slightly turned those sorcerous eyes away from her, allowing her to let go of the breath she had been holding, and giving her brain some space to boot again and think clearly.

'What just happened?'

Her eyes slightly widened when she remembered the mysterious words he had uttered and that strange tingling touch.

Wait, did he call her 'Angel?'

Her lips quivered in a motion to say something, but she swallowed her words when he suddenly turned back to her and said, "We're home."

It was at this point that Neveah finally realised that the car had indeed come to a stop. She had been too engrossed and lost that she didn't know when they arrived where ever they were right now. It had been quite a drive. If there was anything she had noticed during this long and torturous drive, it was that wherever they were was at the North end of town – almost far away from life and civilisation. Snapping her neck towards the window, she noticed they were in front of a mansion.

She had her eyes glued to it when the door unlocking sound of the door echoed into her ears, and soon it was held open for her. A large hand outrightly stretched out to help her alight. She hesitantly stared at it before slipping her hand into his.

"Thank you." She said as he helped her out.

"Stop thanking me, Elle, you're my now wife, and husbands are bound to take care of their wives, so expect nothing less." He said.


Was he going to treat her as his wife from now? Was he going to.....

Neveah paused her thoughts as they were too scary. She couldn't think of such things. In an attempt to distract herself, she took a quick look at the quaint and pristine mansion standing right in front of her. 'How strange,' she thought.

This wasn't what she expected. Though the mansion standing before her was stately manorial, it was unobtrusive, almost as if someone intentionally made it so. And this wasn't a place she expected a man like him would live. She had heard the rumours about him.

One could say his choice of a house was nowhere on par with his status. For someone who was known to be the wealthiest man in the country, he did live relatively small, and to think it was so far from the rest of the civilisation. How strange!