
Dale stood frozen behind the door as he listened to the voices outside. He let go of the breath he had been holding when he heard her departing footsteps. He had been befuddled when he heard her thudding heartbeats at the door. Why did she come here?

He heard her the moment she opened the door to her room and stepped out. He was curious to know where she was headed, but his curiosity waned when she suddenly started approaching this room with careful steps.

There were a thousand and one ways he could have stopped or distracted her, but he couldn't think of any at the time. Thankfully Simon had shown up.

A frown furrowed his brows as he turned to the man leisurely sitting on his chair; his name was Elyon. Him and his foolish light must have alerted her.

"Stop glaring at me. I just saved you. Show some appreciation." Elyon snorted at him, a mocking smile sitting in his eyes. He had felt Dale's fear when they both heard her at the door. It was exciting to know that the man still knew what fear was.

They have all wondered if he had any emotions left inside of him after roaming around for too long, but it seems he still knew how to feel.

Dale almost scoffed at the ridiculity of Elyon's words. Helped him? He didn't think so. He looked at the body lifelessly lying on the floor before staring back at Elyon with a deeper scowl on his face.

"You don't call this help." He hissed at him before walking across the corpse.

"Hey, I didn't kill her. You did." Elyon refuted in an accusing tone making Dale stare at him with blood cold eyes.

"And I should probably kill you." He gritted, causing the man to smile.

"You know you can't." Elyon smugly replied.

"You can never be so sure." A dangerous and malicious glint danced in his eyes which made Elyon shudder.

Dale sighed. There was no need talking to this one. He was an over joyous being who knew nothing about his pain and torture. After all, pain is subjective. No one could truly know your pain and sorrow. No matter how hard they tried, they can only try to imagine and understand it.

He turned back to the body as he watched it change its form. His brows furrowed when he saw her true form. He knew it was a girl, but he never thought her to be this young.

He didn't plan on killing her. He knew about her the moment she stepped into his house, but he had not planned on killing her, at least not yet, not until this fool came along!

Why were they all coming in today? First, Laila had rudely shown up this morning with her never-changing attitude, now him. These unexpected visits made him wonder who else was going to drop by.

Dale had not yet finished his thought when the air suddenly moved slower as if time had paused for a split second and slowed down, causing him to frown a bit more.

"You all must have a lot of spare time in your hands." He spoke in a menacing tone, but the newly uninvited guest didn't bother to spare him a glance. He walked straight to the body of the blonde girl sprawling on the floor, and he squatted beside her.

"Zadkiel, don't bother. Her memories are gone." Elyon said, making the man gaze at him before staring at Dale, who looked angry yet unperturbed by the situation in his household before returning his gaze to the body.

"They lurk in the dark, Engel. This will not be the last." The man said in a grim tone.

"Of course he knows that. He's just careless." Elyon butted in, his teasing gaze fixed on Dale, who didn't bother to look at him.

"She might die at this rate, and-" His words trailed off when Dale's macabre gaze suddenly fell on him. He should know better.

Elyon trembled at Dale's change in countenance, but Zadkiel remained unfazed. He rose to his feet and expressionlessly stared at Elyon for a while before glancing at Dale, who was already on his feet. "None of us can read her thoughts, can you?" He inquired.

"No," Dale replied. Wasn't that the very mystery plaguing his mind?

"Something is wrong." Elyon sighed. "Could that be why they had sent her?" He asked, pointing his chin at the dead girl.

Dale and Zadkiel simultaneously glanced at the corpse with narrowed eyes. Could that be the reason?

He had seen her kind lurk around him, a few had been at the wedding last night, but none had been bold enough to step into his house until this morning. When he sent her to Elle this morning, he knew it wasn't his butler, but he had wanted to test out a theory. But upon her return, he was surprised to see that she had erased her own memories, which made him ponder, why?

Why had she done that? What did she discover? No! how the hell was she even able to do that?

He shouldn't ponder on that anymore. There were more important things to do rather than focusing on her kind and what they could or could not do. Without saying another word, he turned around to leave.

"You should trend more lightly, Engel. You might become irredeemable." Zadkiel suddenly said, his tone as apathetic as ever.

"I'm already irredeemable." Dale deathly replied before continuing on his strides.

"And the demon?"

"He stays." He coldly replied.

"Engel," Zadkiel calmly called but as expected from the man who had only one care in his life, he ignored him.

"Take that body with you and forget about my soul." He said before closing the door.