
The lucent light permeating the room bashed the face of the young man sprawled on the bed, prompting him to scrunch his brows.

He moaned and stretched as his eyes slowly flickered awake, but he reflexively shut his eyelids when the rays of light seeping through the drapes assaulted his eyes.

A low groan escaped his lips as he tightened his eyes even more, but not because of the light but for the throbbing headache that suddenly plagued him.

Why did his head hurt so bad? He wondered as he slowly opened his eyes again, but not without squinting them closely. His fingers pressed on his temples as he gently sat up on the big white bed, which didn't feel familiar.

A frown crossed his brows when he realized the place also didn't look familiar.

Where was he? He pondered as he snapped his head around, carefully observing the place he had woken up. And why did he feel so stiff?

This didn't seem like where he was yesterday. Neither was it his hotel room. Wait! What happened yesterday? He creased his brows as he tried to push his memory, but there was a block. He couldn't remember!

Where the hell was he? He asked himself while he kept looking around.

The room and the fixtures that decorated it told him it was a hotel room, which he hadn't been to before. And the keycard lying on the bedside table confirmed his suspicion.

Did Nevaeh bring him here?

His eyes fell on the sofa, and that was when he took note of the Sapphire blue dress lying on it as well as the black lingerie resting close to it.

'Those weren't -' His thoughts trailed when he heard the running sound of water from behind the door.

Who was there?

He didn't have to ponder much about that answer because the door suddenly opened from within, and someone walked out of the bathroom.

"Finally, you're awake." She exclaimed as a sweet smile broke her face, widening her cheek to her ears. Happiness and relief resounded in her voice as she dropped the hand towel to the couch and sprinted towards the bed with sheer excitement.

"Nevaeh?" He called. His eyes riffled her from head to toes. Her long dark hair, brown eyes hidden behind her long dark lashes, and that heart shaped face told him it was her, but...


'Babe?' He looked at her with narrowed eyes.

"I was so scared when you didn't wake up after a day. I thought I had overdos-" She paused and smiled awkwardly as she sat by his side, her hand slowly reaching for his hair, but he caught it mid-air, slightly startling her.

"Elle." He wasn't guessing. He knew it was her.

"Francis-" She tried to speak up, but he interjected her.

"What's the meaning of this? Where is this?" He asked as his eyes skimmed across the room before settling back on her, impatiently waiting for her answer. "Why are you here, and where is Nevaeh?" He added. He didn't understand why she was there in a hotel room with him, looking like she just had her bath. He had almost thought for one second that she was Nevaeh, but he knew better.

Nevaeh would never call him 'babe', or rather had never called him 'babe'. She was one 21st century lady who had no clue about endearments. She was sweet, innocent and naive, and those were the very things he loved about her. She was just so tamable and not as wild as some 'people'.

Revealing an awkward smile, she withdrew her hand from his hold. "Why don't you eat, and we'll talk later." She said in a dismissive tone, revealing a disarming smile as she tried standing up, but he grabbed her hand again.

"Where is Nevaeh?" He questioned. This time she didn't miss how sternly he spoke to her. His voice sounded cold as he looked at her with indescribable eyes.

"I'll tell you in due time. But first, you need to eat. You've been asleep for two days. Allow me to call for room service."

"What! Two days?!" His eyes widened in n shocked surprise, as he stared at her confusedly. Has he been asleep for two days? How was that even possible? He has never slept that long! She had got to be joking.

Elle took advantage of his confused state, she slipped her hand away from him, but he reflexively held her back, his grip slightly tightening over her hand.

"Tell me, why did I sleep for so long? Did something happen to me? And where the hell is my fiancee, your sister?!" He snapped. He felt confused, and his body felt weird. His head felt so heavy, and his mind fuzzy. He couldn't remember a thing, and he found it annoying.

He closed his eyes briefly, missing the reaction that flickered in her eyes when he said that word- finacée.

He sighed when he realized he had just yelled at her, but it wasn't his fault. Letting out a deflated sigh, he apologized, "I'm sorry. But if what you say is true that I've been asleep for days, then why is Nevaeh not here?" He paused and looked at her face, suspicion glinting in his eyes, "And why are you here and not with your husband?" He inquired. His curious and searching gaze intently glued at her, but she averted her eyes away from him.

Something was wrong. He could tell.

"Elle." He drawled as his grip over her tightened once more, not minding how he was hurting her b up squeezing her hand so hard.

"Where is Nevaeh?" He fiercely demanded, making Elle glare at him.

"She is married! Nevaeh is married!" She howled in annoyance.

Francis froze at her abrupt outburst. Married? Nevaeh was married? How was that even possible? A low laugh rumbled out of his chest as he let go of her hand while she gently massaged her now reddened wrist.

"You're joking." He laughed out, causing her to glare at him.

"Maybe this would convince you." She stood on her feet and tossed a magazine at him.

Francis looked at her before picking up the magazine, but the moment he saw the picture on the front of the magazine, a wave of shock washed through him. His hand trembled as he looked at those shiny brown eyes that lit up his days. Intently looking at the picture, he didn't need anyone to tell him it was her.

He gazed at Elle, looking completely stunned, " is this possible?" He asked in a dumbfounded tone. He looked at the couple, which for some odd reason, looked like a perfect match. "Why is she married to him - your fiance?" He asked, but she didn't answer. She simply stood there as she observed him.

His brows twitched as he lividly jerked up to his feet, "What did you do, Elleanor?" He roared, almost threatening to pounce on her, but she whipped out an envelope from her pocket and stretched it at him, staring him boldly in the eye without flinching despite his heavy mood and countenance.

"What's this?" He asked in annoyance, his eyes glancing at the envelope but his hands not reaching for it.

"You might want to see it." She said before putting the envelope into his hand.

Francis glanced at her before reluctantly tore up the envelope. Unfolding the paper inside it, he quickly skimmed through.

"What is this?" He asked confusedly, wondering why she was giving him her test result.

"I'm pregnant, and you're responsible for it."