His Thoughts

Nevaeh felt her body stiffen, her heart wildly hammering behind her rib cage as she watched him stalk her, closing the space between them while she stood still with a single piece of clothing wrapped over her body, feeling completely vulnerable and exposed. She took one more retreating step, but she barely moved an inch as she felt the hard surface of the table behind her press hard against her thighs.

Her hand gripped the edge of the dressing table while the other firmly held her towel in place like her life depended on it. She watched him with hanging breath as he slowly unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt, revealing his silky looking chest while he took those torturing steps towards her.

What was he going to do now? Consummate their marriage? Nevaeh felt fear crawl over her as her heart thud even harder. He couldn't do that.

'D..Dale' She had wanted to say, but his husky voice suddenly came cutting through her thoughts, making her completely numb.