Get His Powers Back

Elyon wasn't surprised when he arrived Kiel's home and saw him by the window. There hasn't been a time he came visiting and the man wasn't sitting on that very spot, bleakly staring into space like he was doing now.

"Why are you lazying about? Shouldn't you be attending to the needs of humanity?" Elyon asked as he lolled on the seat opposite him with his feet resting on the table and his hand spreading across the sofa.

Kiel glanced at him and looked away. He wasn't in the mood to be bothered by him, and Elyon wasn't affected. He was used to this.

He sighed and also looked away. His eyes gazed around the almost empty house which had just two couches and a table. The house was just as boring and apathetic as it's owner.

"Your house sucks." He tsked.

"Then leave." Kiel said in his signatory indifferent tone while Elyon rolled his eyes at him.