The Five

Nevaeh took in a shaky breath as she stood before the dark and eery looking cave. The thick vines covering its entrance indicated no one had ventured in for a very long time, and heavy webs of spiders interwoven with it affirmed it. 

She was panting from the race, and she needed to hide. Looking back to where she had come from, she realized she was a long way from home and she had been warned never to come this far most especially close to the caves in the woods. Her heart skipped when she heard the approaching steps, the giggles and the call of her name coming from behind her. She wasn't about to lose this round. 

Her eyes darted around to find another suitable place to hide but there was none. She glanced back at the cave and her mind hesitated to have her go in. She looked behind her and sighed. Her grandmother could yell after this, but now she just had to win.