Home (2)

"No!" Nevaeh screamed in distress when she magically appeared in an unfamiliar place and the portal closed before her eyes. She hurriedly yanked her arm away from the hand holding her and ran towards the place where the portal had been, but it was gone.

She snapped her head towards the unruly girl who had brought her there. "Where did it go? Bring it back! I want to go back!" She angrily ordered, but the girl blankly looked at her as if she had said something unreasonable.

Nevaeh raged when the girl remained unresponsive. Anger blazed in her eyes as she strided towards her and commanded again. "Bring it back and take me home this instant!" Was she deaf?!

A bored and nonchalant look played in the eyes of the girl as she deflatedly sighed. "You'll have to find your way back, and don't bother calling his name, nothing gets through here except we allow it." She coolly said and turned around to leave.