Sisters Of Wisdom

Nevaeh was troubled by Araminta's words. She had heard her perfectly and she certainly understood what her words meant. She was in danger here and she had been warned to be careful, but who was she to be careful of? The Queen? Or Jaiyana? There were so many people she didn't know, Araminta included, and Araminta could just be the enemy trying to trick her to have her trust. She didn't know how these things worked, but she could guess. How was she to stay in a strange land where her life was in danger? 

Danger or not, she has to be careful of everybody and trust no one.

Nevaeh had tossed and turned all night till the morning. She had a horrible night. She couldn't close her eyes as she was too scared to sleep, and even at the wee hours of the morning when her body finally gave in to nature, she was tortured by the monster in her dream.