Secret Passage

I'm here to help." The girl said in a hushed tone. Nevaeh carefully observed her, her eyes trailing her from head to toe. She was a fair and dainty, young looking girl. She looked just about her age but Nevaeh knew she couldn't use the normal age grouping for them.

"Help me? How?" Nevaeh suspiciously asked. She has heard these people use this word a few number of times, and she has come to realize that the word meant something entirely different to them.

Queen Herilda had offered to help her, yet here she was, trapped.

The girl made an attempt to walk closer but Nevaeh moved the vase in her hand and retreated once more. "Don't come closer." She warned, her heart thumping really hard.

"Shh, be soft." The girl told her, her eyes warily fixed at the door. Nevaeh took a quick glance at the door before returning her attention to the girl.

She stood at alert when the girl reached out for something under her sleeves.
