Reality Or Subconscious.

Nevaeh's gaze wandered around the thick, dark woods as she tried to make sense of where she was. But despite how hard she looked, she couldn't see beyond the light of the burning flames Araminta had lit. It was the only source of light around her, and beyond its hue was gross darkness, one she couldn't see past.

No birds chirped, no owls hooted, even the air wasn't whistling, and the aura was grave and terrifying. Everything was completely still and dark.

No matter how she looked at it, it was the same atmosphere, same darkness, and same place she had been standing with Engel before her eyes fell heavy. She looked at the ground and saw the burned circle that Araminta had made while Engel compelled her.

Her eyes slightly widened when she realized what he had done to her, Compulsion!