Nothing Evil About You

"Are you sure you can stay here with me? You know you don't really have to. I can explain to Engel—"

"I'm fine, Ma... Nevaeh." Simon told her, abruptly stopping himself from making a mistake by addressing her as madam. He had promised her he'd address her by her name.

Simon's lips twitched at the pleased smile that crept over her face.

He was certain it had nothing to do with the fact he was staying with her but rather with addressing her by her name.

Nevaeh smilingly nodded. She poured some juice into one of the glasses a servant had brought and walked over to him. He was seated on a couch adjacent to the desk she had been sitting at.

"Here," She handed it to him.

"Thank you." He politely replied.

Nevaeh's eyes shifted to his back, and her countenance changed. "Araminta hasn't broken off the spell, has she?" She questioned, and Simon shook his head.