Crazy Trouble

Araminta knocked on the door to the study she had been directed to by the servants, and she slowly opened it when she heard a voice telling her to come in.

Her eyes fell on Simon, standing on a ladder as he reached for a book at the top of a book shelf. Araminta closed the door and walked into the room. "You look healed." She said as she looked up at him.

Simon glanced over to her and shifted his hand to the bowl in her hand. "Seems you finally decided to show me some kindness." He casually said, looking at the bowl.

Araminta followed his gaze and stared back at him. "You make it sound like I intentionally didn't want to help."

Simon shrugged as he eased down the ladder with a book in hand. "You can't blame for thinking that. You were determined to use me as bait to get his attention." Simon said as he walked closer to the couch. He turned to her. "So have him all sorted out?" He asked, but Araminta spotted no curiosity in his eyes.