Second Chance At Everything

Nevaeh followed after her mother as she led her away from the sitting room to an adjoining room which she believed was to allow them some privacy.

Nevaeh was certain her mother had more questions to ask, but she was wary of Engel. She doubted the sincerity of her answers when Engel was presence.

Leading her to a couch, her mother held her hands and made her sit beside her, and pulled her into another hug, one firmer than the previous one they had shared.

Her mother face buried in her hair as she hugged her so tightly, so firmly as if still in a daze.

"I'm so Nevaeh. I'm so relieved you're fine and well. I can't believe—" Her voice trailed off as she tightened her grip even more and hugged Nevaeh till she was squeezed against her.