" You four earning your names "

" You four earning your names in the film world and extraction world, New York wants a film and dinosaurs from Terrasic, especially a dino fish, we give you brand new equipment and be safe Mike, Granger, Jesse, and Frank, and thanks again. said, " Joe. they got in the new jet and they fly down to Late Triassic. " so what is our new dinosaur list said, Mike? asked. Frank, Mike, shows them the list, it is ten dinosaurs listed on it, as they landed on the islands, " what a busy week, we already hit in both worlds. a major payday, said. Mike, " then let's get to the world the first on the list is the Herbivore called: Achelousaurus, said. Jessie, " it said: that the Achelousaurus, is found on the USA, Late Cretaceous, that it's herbs, said. Frank, " lives over 83-70 million years ago, that is our first film shot and first one on the list, we get the baby. said, Granger, they drove off the yet and up the fields as the jet left, they head down the valley into the bushes and through the woods, they pulled up to a herd of Achelousaurus, " Jesse mark the nesting grounds, and you are on G, Frank get ready to call Larry, said. Mike, they put their headsets on, Jesse marked the nest, and Granger walked up to the nest and start to talk about the Achelousaurus. what it eats, type of dinosaur, and why it moves in herds, "[that ladies and Gentleman I give you the Achelousaurus.] said, Granger. Frank crossed it off the list and called Larry down to come to get the young, they got back in the car in left the nest. Larry and his team came and got the baby Achelousaurus and wait for them to call again in the air, " same as before, next up on the list the dinosaur: Bactrosaurus said. Mike, Jesse turned the page to the Bactrosaurus, as they were studying and talking about the dinosaur, they pull up to the spot where a family of Bactrosaurus is, Granger got out of the truck and walked up a few feet away. "in you are on G. said, Mike, he begins to talk about the Bactrosaurus, how they move, what is in their diet, " [impressive creatures are they, I give you the dinosaur Bactrosaurus.] said, Granger. " that's a cut, go now Jesse, he got out of the truck and mark the spot. and Frank call them, as they got in the truck and left, they called Larry to come to get the baby Bactrosaurus, Mike crossed off the Bactrosausur and said, " the next on the list we either need and Carnivore or an Omnivore, something in the water or air, " it's a special then what lives in un the water here, we already got The Megaladon, and the Cornisfucius, said. Granger, " let' s go diving and get the sea prehistoric dino called Basilosaurus, and the dino called Ichthyosaur said. Jesse, "what about air can be twofer to, asked. Frank, " first thing first we get them then we talk air, they drive into the water turning into a sub, they die underwater. " we are going to get the Basilosaurus first, we follow the food it comes right to us, what do we know about it? asked. Mike, they turn the page to the Basilosaur, " seems our friend the Basilosaurus is a whale and a big one bigger than the Leviathan, squares up to 80 feet. said, Jesse, "that is a whale, what else?" it was to restrict in its swim and hunt it probably hunt near the surface. Said, Granger, " than that's where we will find it at, said. Frank, they seal down the ocean looking for the Basilosaurus, "we got one guy, you up Granger, said. Mike, they stop the sub and they got in the water and swim up, but not too close to it, Granger starts to talk about the Basilosaurus, how big it is, what it eats, and how fast it is, " [the Basilosaurus, give a whole new mean to the Megaladon, and the Leviathan probably the Leviathan long-distant cousin, what a family member,] said. Granger, "[and that' s a rap,] they got back into the sub in wend by the Basilosaurus and up the ocean current, " next up is the Ichthyosaur what do we know it? asked. Mike, they turn the page to it and read about, as they finished reading, a family of Ichthyosaur swim by it, Mike picks up the camera, " Granger go. Stay with them Frank, " I will, Granger start to talk about the family of Ichthyosaur. " [ part of the dolphin family, we have the spotted dolphins, shortfin dolphins and bottlenose dolphins and their prehistoric late cousins the Ichthyosaur,] said. Granger, " [ and that is rap, ] said. Mike, Frank called Larry and they came to get the baby Ichthyosaur, " we got to land and sea we need air, what air dinos are here? asked. Mike, Jesse pulled them up on the screen, " the Dimorphodon means two front teeth Mike and the Pteranodon, said. Jesse, "then let's get out of the water and get in the air boys, said. Mike, they drive out of the water and fly into the sky, the truck that turns into a high-high, a sub, now a hoover jet, " let me know you got the Dimorphodon on the screen Jesse, said. Mike, as they came around they ran into them, " Granger go. He starts to talk about the Dimorphodon, how Dinosaurs morph into birds. " [thank about it you have the Pteratactyi, Khann, Microraptor, Dimorphodon, and the others, think are hard, bird of prey equal flying dinosaur.] said, Granger, " and that is a cut, good job everyone, Frank call Larry, he came got young Dimorphodon and a young Pteradon, and they call the chopper to pick them up. the chopper came and they fly back home with another documentary movie and a complete list of dinosaurs they collected. But the dinosaurs wasn't done with them yet,