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Marshadow and Hypno had lost their consciousness from the explosion. Sabrina and Itsuki looked at each other and then called their Pokémon back to the Pokeball.
Itsuki - "You did an excellent work buddy"
Sabrina - "Thank you for your hard work Hypno."
"Itsuki this is my final Pokémon. Come out Alakazam." Sabrina looked very excited. Itsuki could feel the intense fighting spirit coming from her.
"I am going to get my fifth badge. Come out Zeraora." Zeraora came out of her Pokeball and looked at Alakazam standing 10 meters away from her.
Alakazam is a human-like Pokémon. It is colored yellow and brown, and it has some fox-like features. It is also shown carrying two spoons, which it uses to fight with strong, telekinetic powers. Like Kadabra, Alakazam's gender can be identified by the length of its mustache. Alakazam is known as one of the smartest Pokémon. It has an IQ of 5,000 and has the brain of a supercomputer. It can remember every battle it has ever fought in.
[Pokémon: - Alakazam
_Level: - 44
_Type: - Psychic
_Species: - Psi Pokémon
_Ability: - Synchronize and Inner Focus
_Gender: - Female
_Psyshock | Calm Mind | Reflect | Future Sight| Confusion| Teleport | Psychic]
'Alakazam looks so strong.' Itsuki was worried at he might take some wrong steps could end up getting him in losing this battle.
Truth to be before this fight all the matches Itsuki had, like fighting with Blaine, Finn, Ash or anyone was not that tricky or never put Itsuki in such tough situation. But this fight is a tricky one if Itsuki is not careful then he would lose.
Itsuki had level disadvantage. Itsuki Zeraora was only level 38 and Alakazam was level 44.
'Alakazam attack and speed is powerful but it has weak defense. If I can take advantage of this then I might get a chance of winning this.' The entire battlefield was very quiet. The referee could feel the tension between the challenger and the gym leader. Both of was desperate to win to match.
Itsuki was waiting for Sabrina to start and he would make his make based on her attack and Sabrina was doing the same.
So after waiting for 1 minute, Sabrina ran out of patience and started the battle.
'Itsuki doesn't know what move I order Alakazam to use so this gives me a advantage.' Sabrina smiled, her eyes was full of confidence and fighting spirit.
'Alakazam use teleportation behind Zeraora and then use Psyshock.'
Alakazam body glows white or multicolored and then disappear. Seeing this Itsuki knew Sabrina had ordered Alakazam to use teleportation.
Alakazam suddenly appeared behind Zeraora at very fast speed. Then a mass of thick light blue and purple energy and fired at the Zeraora.
In that neck of time Itsuki due to having awakened his Aura, was able to clearly see the attack coming at Zeraora."Zeraora use flash steps and dodge." Blue lightning was beginning to appear on Zeraora's body but before she could activate her flash steps, the Psyshock hit Zeraora and exploded.
Itsuki knew that Zeraora was not going down just with a single attack but she must have got serious injuries as Alakazam level is higher than her.
Itsuki wasn't going to let Sabrina attack this time. "Zera, use flash steps to increase your speed." Flash steps is one the most powerful moves of Zeraora. The move uses electricity to increases the user's speed. After awakening Aura, Zeraora's natural speed also increased thus increasing her flash steps speed even more.
'What is Flash steps? I have never heard of such move name before. The more time I spend with Itsuki the more he manages to bring out different emotions within me.' Sabrina smiled looking at Itsuki and curiously looked at Zeraora.
Blue lightning wrapped around Zeraora's body and then she appeared behind Alakazam at very fast speed. 'So fast.' Sabrina thought as she suddenly saw Zera appearing behind Alakazam.
"Go for it Zera, use plasma fist." Itsuki shouted as the feelings within him exploded in his voice. Zera jumped behind Alakazam and punched its face, sending Alakazam flying. But then Sabrina used her powers to speak with Alakazam.
'Alakazam use Psyshock then use Psychic to control the Psyshock attack. Keep the Psyshock after Zera until the attack hits her.'
"Alakazam!" Again a mass of thick light blue and purple energy was fired at Zeraora. at
"Zera dodge using flash steps." This time Zera had activated her flash steps so she was easily able to dodge from the attack but then Itsuki noticed something. Itsuki saw that Alakazam eyes was glowing cyan color indicating that Alakazam was using her Psychic powers to control her attack.
Zera after dodging the Psyshock she thought that it was over but then the thick light blue and purple energy changed its direction and charged at Zera from behind.
"Zera dodge. They are using Psychic to control the direction of the energy." Zera understanding Itsuki's words again dodged the psyshock or that's what Zera thought. Because the psyshock changed its direction when Zera was about to move the right and the energy hit Zera and then exploded.
'Alakazam's reaction speed when using Psychic can almost match Zera's flash steps speed. This is the first time a Pokemon reaction has able to match with Zera's flash steps speed. I have to be careful and not fall for this a second time.'
Meanwhile Sabrina had different plans. 'Alakazam use Calm mind using this opportunity.'
"Alakazam!" Itsuki noticed that Alakazam body was glowing in brightly. The bright light was getting more and more intense showing that Alakazam was getting closer on raising her attack and defense by another stage.
"She is using Calm mind. Alakazam is already powerful as she is. If her attacking and defensive power level gets even stronger than it would be equivalent to losing this battle. Zera use Grass Knot on Alakazam."
Zera stood up and then she put her palms on the ground as her eyes glowed in green color. Suddenly two blades of grass appeared out of the ground near Alakazam and tied her foot in a knot, causing her stumble due to the knot.
When Alakazam fell down, the bright light on her body also disappeared showing that she wasn't able to complete her calm mind.
Itsuki sighed in relief. 'Zera moves are either electric or fighting. Psychic type is strong against fighting type, so fighting type moves won't have much effect against Alakazam. So
"Zera approach Alakazam using Flash steps."
'What Itsuki is planning. The last time his Pokemon approached my Hypno, we took serious of damage. Could this be Itsuki's another hidden move to defeat me? In that case, I won't allow Zeraora to approach Alakazam.
'Alakazam use reflect to protect yourself.'
When Zera appeared in front of Alakazam, Itsuki at that moment shouted. "Use Fire punch." Zera's palm enveloped in fire and her punch was about to hit Alakazam.
But then A wondrous wall of light appeared in front of Alakazam which suppressed the damage from physical attack.
'Alakazam use Psychic to crush Zera on the wall behind Itsuki.'
Alakazam eyes again glowed in cyan light. Zera then suddenly found herself floating in the air, the look on Zera face changed reflecting many emotions. Zera then found her body moving back at very fast speed which made her panic.
Itsuki noticed this and shouted loudly. "Zera calm down." Itsuki's words had a magical effect on Zera and she looked calmer than before showing the trust and bond both had between them.
Zera was only 5 meters away from hitting the wall behind Itsuki. "Zera use Grass knot." Zera's eyes glowed in green color as two blades of grass appeared out of the ground. Just like before the grass made Alakazam lose balance and fall on the ground which also released Zera from psychic control and Zera landed on the ground.
'Alakazam use future sight.' Sabrina was getting frustrated. At the beginning of this battle she had control and was confident that she could defeat Zera. But no matter what moves or strategy she uses Itsuki always finds something to counter against her moves.
After meeting Itsuki today, Sabrina's mood has changed so many times that she has lost count. Before meeting Itsuki, Sabrina always had that stern and cold expression on her face and she didn't really cared whether she won or lost but this match was very different. This was the match that Sabrina wished to win.'I shouldn't have used teleportation. Now I have to wait till the cooldown time.' Sabrina sighed.
Seeing that Alakazam using future sight, Itsuki did nothing to stop it. Itsuki from earlier with the help of system had figured out the exact time when the future sight is going to came.
'Alakazam use Psyshock then use Psychic to control the Psyshock energy.' Again a mass of thick light blue and purple energy was fired at Zeraora. Seeing this Itsuki smiled and thought. 'Not going to fall for this one again. Zera could match Alakazam's speed with her flash steps.'
"Zera use flash steps to dodge and keep approaching Alakazam." Sabrina hearing Itsuki's words was not surprised.
Zera dodged the energy of Psyshock and kept on approaching Alakazam. When Zera was few meters away from Alakazam, Sabrina slightly smiled which startled Itsuki.
'Alakazam use Psyshock again.' another thick light blue and purple energy was fired at Zeraora but this time the energy came from the front and back, from both sides.
'Even if we try to move aside the energy would still hit Zera. Since the distance between the psyshock energy and Zera is close. But' Itsuki grinned.
"Zera crouch down your body and then step out of the way and let both energy collide with each other." Zera did as Itsuki told her to do and easily avoided the psyshock. As for the explosion, Zera wasn't affected by it since Zera's body was wrapped in electricity which acted like a armor and protect her from small explosion like this.
"Zera charge at Alakazam at your full speed. Then combine fire punch with plasma fist and attack Alakazam with it." Itsuki was going to combination move as combining two moves could increase the power of the move to another level. Itsuki already had predicted that Sabrina would tell her Alakazam to also use reflect. Itsuki's aim was to break the reflect and go for it.
[If you want to read advance 20 chapters then visit :-
https://www.pa reon.com/Azure_warrior.]