Now that the all the matches were announced. Everyone was super hyped for the upcoming grand, spicy, exciting battles. It could be said that the Indigo League now had entered its most exciting part. Each battle will be 6v6 battle. Trainers finally would able to show their full strength in the battles.
'So my next fight is with Gary. Other than his starting Pokémon, I don't know anything about his other Pokémon. The same thing is also applies for him.' From the beginning Itsuki, Gary, Cynthia and many other trainers didn't showed their other Pokémon as they want to surprise their opponents in a fight. Knowing about an opponent could give the trainer the time to come up with an deadly strategy.
'With a proper strategy, a trainer could even beat a higher level Pokémon. So the less your opponents knows about you the more advantage you hold against your opponent.'
[Everyone we hate to disappoint you but it's already evening and you all have been enjoying the Indigo League since morning and I am everyone here is tried. The next three final rounds will take place tomorrow. We will see you tomorrow.] After that the video of Lance and Lorelei has turned off.
The people were exhausted after the whole day so it was necessary for the other rounds to take place tomorrow.
Tomorrow the crowd would be re-energized and full of energy for the battles.
All the people stood up to leave. Only the trainers, workers, Nurse joy, office officers, and members of Kanto Associations stayed behind.
Itsuki saw Gary and Ash leave after glaring at him. Itsuki ignored them and turned to Cynthia.
"Okay guys we will be going as well. See you tomorrow." Barry and Cameron also left in different directions. Now it was only Cynthia and Itsuki.
"Itsuki do you want to meet my family?" Cynthia asked first. Itsuki thought before replying. "Cynthia how about you bring your parents to meet my parents. We together could find a hotel and stay there together." As for living at Sabrina's house, Itsuki discarded at idea since he can't just appear in her house wirh his family without even asking for her permission. Also it kind of looks strange when you bring your parents to live in your female friend's house.
"That's a good idea. I will bring my mother and grandma." Cynthia turned back then her body froze when she saw Sabrina standing behind Itsuki and Cynthia with her arms crossed on her chest.
Hearing Cynthia, Itsuki also turned back and smiled seeing Sabrina.
"Hey Sabrina what are you doing here?" Itsuki asked. Itsuki felt Sabrina looked mad for some reason.
"Itsuki why would you stay in a hotel when you could just live in my house? The same question goes for you as well?" Sabrina looked at them with cold gaze.
"My house is big enough to let both of your families live in my house. Don't you two consider me your as friend? As long as you're in Saffron city, you're always welcome to stay at my house." Sabrina words sounded more like orders.
'When did Cynthia and Sabrina became friends?' Even yesterday night both girls were arguing about something. Both girls would always fight each other even for the simplest things.
Itsuki put those questions in the back of his mind and asked. "Actually, My neighbor Serena and her mother Grace also has came to watch the Indigo League from Kalos Region." Itsuki was planning on staying at the same hotel with everyone. Because he can't abandon one for the other.
Both Cynthia and Sabrina turned to look at Itsuki. Itsuki suddenly felt that two furious wild beasts were staring at him.
"Itsuki how came you never me about this neighbor of yours?" Itsuki felt the girls cold stares would freeze him in any second.
"She is also my childhood friend. We met in the professor Oak summer camp and became friends." Cynthia and Sabrina suddenly felt Serena was one of the main boss. They imagined Serena as someone very tough to beat.
Sabrina thought for a moment. She definitely needed to meet this so called childhood friend of Itsuki.
"Itsuki don't worry. As long as we girls share a room together I am sure everyone can live in my house." Cynthia and Itsuki exchanged glances. Cynthia only want to stay at Sabrina's house because she want to meet Itsuki's childhood neighbor.
"I will go and bring my mother and grandma here." Cynthia then went to call her parents.
After Cynthia left it was only Itsuki and Sabrina left. Itsuki was about to leave as well but he noticed that Sabrina seems to hesitate whether she should say it or not.
Itsuki sighed and scratched the back of his head. "Say it. I am listening."
"Wh.... What?" Sabrina snapped out of her thought. She looked like she was deeply thinking something.
"You want to say something to me right? Go ahead, I am listening."
Sabrina nodded her head and then showed a depression and sad look. "Itsuki tomorrow Indigo League is going to end. Whether you manage to get the championship or not though I deeply wish for you to win, I am sure you will leave Kanto region the very next day." Itsuki nodded his head. Itsuki had no plans of staying in Kanto after the Indigo League. Itsuki was planning on taking a break and travel with Brock.
Itsuki could see that Sabrina was still hesitating. "Just say it." In future Itsuki probably had very less chances of returning to Kanto. At least for couple of years Itsuki had no plans of returning here.
If Itsuki returns to Kanto, his reason of returning would be associated with Oak. Itsuki wasn't going to leave the debt unsettled. Sooner or Later he waa going to pay the debt in blood and humiliation.
"Itsuki, I was thinking of.... Hey Itsuki!" Sabrina was interrupted by a feminine voice. Itsuki and Sabrina looked back. They found Luna and her father Cooper was walking towards them.
At this moment, Sabrina really wanted to kill this pink haired girl. Sabrina would have attacked them if it wasn't for Itsuki.
"Hey Luna. Hello Uncle. I hope Luna has cleared up the misunderstanding that we have. At that time Luna had no choice but to do this for her own future. I hope you can support her and forgive me for lying to you." Sabrina anger was replaced by confusion. She had no idea who this girl was or what had happened between them.
"It's Okay. I have to thank you Itsuki. That day you opened my eyes and stopped me from making a big mistake." Cooper always had been grateful to Itsuki for saying those words to him. Otherwise Cooper would have continued his busy business life without caring about his daughter and in the end he would lose his daughter because of it.
Luna also smiled happily as she now could spend more time with her father.
"By the way, Congratulations on your amazing win. I really wish for you to win the Indigo League Championship." Itsuki smiled and replied.
"Thank you Uncle." Itsuki politely replied.
"By the way, Itsuki who is she? And what relationship do you have with her?" Luna clearly knew Sabrina was the gym leader of Saffron city but she still pretended to not know her. Those who have watched the Indigo League already should know all the gym leaders of Kanto but Luna didn't. Everyone knew that she was lying here.
Sabrina could feel that this girl was looking down on her.
"I am Sabrina, best friend of Itsuki." After saying that Sabrina gave Luna a proud look.
Sabrina didn't introduce her as the gym leader as introduced herself as someone closely associated with Itsuki. Just changing few words Sabrina had made Luna take lot of damage. Sabrina had won this round.
"By the way, Can I know your name?" Luna managed to keep her smile and reply.
"My name is Luna Cooper and this is my Father Cooper."
"So miss Cooper, do you mind telling me how you met Itsuki in the first place?" Sabrina now was attacking Luna and Luna was trying her best to defend.
"I met Itsuki in a hotel and we then became friends." Luna avoided telling Sabrina about her family problems.
Meanwhile, Cooper was enjoying this scene. From the interaction with Sabrina, he could see how much his daughter has grown up.
Another feminine voice caused everyone to look back and they were surprised to see a black haired man wearing glasses walking along a beautiful mature woman.
There was a young girl with honey blond hair walking in the middle and a short neck length hair woman walking on the right side of the young girl.
Rui, Kagami, Serena and Grace all had came down to meet Itsuki in the battlefield.
Luna and Sabrina both looked at the young girl walking in the middle. For some reason both Luna and Sabrina felt threat from her. As if the big boss had appeared which had made things even difficult for them.
"Itsuki they are?" Cooper already knew Itsuki's parents but to not make Itsuki feel that he is spying on him, Cooper pretended to not know his parents.
"They are my... Itsuki stopped talking as his eyes landed on another 3 figures walking in his direction.
Following his gaze others also looked back and found two blond haired beauty and a old lady was walking towards them.
written by Azure_warrior
[Read advance 20 chapters before anyone else
//pat reon - Azure_warrior.]//
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