Chapter 127 - Indigo League; Aggressive Itsuki part 1

After Itsuki, Ash also made his entrance. While Itsuki was showered with cheers and applause, Ash received negative reaction from the crowd.

Ever sincerely the first match, Ash had stopped caring about the Crowd's opinion on him.

With a relaxed look, Ash made his way to the battlefield.


[This will be the last chance for Kanto. If Ash loses in this match it means for the first time in decades we will see two trainers from other regions fighting for the Indigo Championship. In the last decade, The Kanto League championship was always won by trainer belonging to Kanto region. But if Ash loses then for the first time, the Indigo League championship will be taken outside Kanto.]


Michael was not trying to divide the crowd like he did before to help Gary. Michael was saying the actual facts.

It felt like Kanto region was slowly losing its shine. Especially this year, many top foreign talents were dominating in the Indigo League while their own talents couldn't shine like foreign trainers.

A good example would be Cynthia, Paul. Both of them are from Sinnoh league and both of them was undoubtedly two most powerful competitors in the League.


The people especially the elder generation who have been watching Indigo League for years would understand what Michael was saying.

Unlike before, the Kanto's people didn't gave any support to Ash. Instead they want Itsuki to win. The people of Kanto would rather see Itsuki win because their hate and disgust for Ash had reached another level.


'It looks like leaking that video in the public has made Ash very unpopular even though his last name his last name is Oak.' Itsuki chuckled as he looked at Ash.

Itsuki felt no regret in what he has done. If Ash has someone to blame then he should blame himself for being rude, narrowed minded and arrogant.


[Battle Begins]



[Ash have decided to go with Tauros.]


"Ash did you really thought a mid 4th order would work against me. How ironic!" Itsuki took out a Pokeball frok his belt and looked with Ash with a grin.

"Use that stupid brain of yours. If I had a mid 5th order Pokémon then I would have been eliminated very long time ago." While Ash get little angry hearing Itsuki's words, Ash carefully began to think and analyze what Pokémon Itsuki might use.


The more Ash thought the more Ash realized that Itsuki was never that simple to begin. Everything about him was extraordinary. Itsuki was anything but special.

There was no way, Itsuki would have a mid 4th order Pokémon. As far as Ash has been Zeraora, Lucario, and Dragonite all three of his Pokemon were 5th order Pokémon with Zeraora being Peak 4th order but having the strength to defeat even 5th order Pokémon.


Ash realized he had just made a huge mistake. Fighting against Itsuki who already had three 5th order Pokémon with a mid 4th order Pokémon was a big mistake from his side.


Ash and everyone eyes focused on the figure that came out of the Pokeball.




The loud roar of Gyarados was telling everyone about his arrival.

[OMG! It's a shiny Gyarados.]

It is a dragon-like Pokémon that is serpentine in shape and covered in red and yellow scales. It has white fins on top of its body and it has a tan underbelly. It has fins on the side of its face and a large, blue crest on its forehead. Like Magikarp, it has "whiskers".


[Gyarados is a Water and Flying-type Pokémon. Gyarados are known to be extremely violent, often flying into an Outrage and destroying anything they see. This includes small towns that stand on their wake. This is likely due to them having undergone structural brain transformation that stimulated their brain cells, leading to them becoming ferocious. Despite their violent disposition, Gyarados can be obedient to trainers that they love and trust.]


"What the What!" Many people including Ash, Misty, Oak, Eva felt like they were struck with lightning.

Serena, Luna, Sabrina, Cooper, Carolina, Shizuka, Grace, Suzune, Brock, Erika of them were shocked. These two days, Itsuki never told them that he had a shiny Gyarados.


[Michael That's a Shiny red Gyarados. If anyone doesn't know then let me telll you that the probability of getting a shiny gyarados is about 1 in one million. In the whole world only few people have shiny gyarados. Shiny Gyarados is so rare that in the current market it's worth would be more than 50 billion P$.]


[Shiny Pokémon are often noted to be more powerful than their actual level. The current situation is extremely bad for Ash. It looks like Gyarados just have evolved. A mature shiny Gyarados would have the power of Peak 5th order.] Even Itsuki was little shocked by these words.


"Sometimes Fate is really cruel." Ash smiled by bitterly. Ash felt luck was in Itsuki's favor. First he has a Mythical Pokémon Zeraora. Second he has two very rare Pokémon, one of the Pokemon also happens to be a Pesudo-legendary Pokémon. And now Itsuki also has a shiny Gyarados.

There is no doubt that every trainer in Ash place would feel jealous of Itsuki.


"Tauros return" Even before the battle began, Ash recalled Tauros.

[A wise move from Ash. There is doubt that Tauros would die instantly if Gyarados attack were to hit him. That gap between Tauros and Gyarados is like the difference between a kid and an adult.]

"Pikachu, I chose you." Despite facing an level 43 Pokémon, Pikachu and Ash didn't looked bit pressured. Instead both trainer and Pokémon had this strange confident look.


[Why did Ash have picked Pikachu to fight a high level opponent?]

[Jerry, I am have a feeling that Ash have something planned. Also we shouldn't forget that Pikachu is a Electric type and electric type gas natural type advantage against water type Pokémon.]

Meanwhile Itsuki had a frowning look. Itsuki felt there was something wrong with Pikachu. The Aura emitted from Pikachu was bit different and darker than before.


[Pokémon: - Gyarados

_Level 43

_Type: - Water and Flying

_Species: - Atrocious Pokémon

_Ability: - Intimidate, [Hidden Ability:- Moxie]

_Gender: - Male

_Hyper Beam | Hydro Pump | Rain Dance | Dragon Pulse ]


Itsuki's Magikarp evolved a few days ago. After evolving within few days, thanks to Dragonite's help Gyarados managed to learn few strong moves.

"Gyarados, start the battle with Dragon Pulse." Itsuki didn't check Pikachu's level as he already had seen Pikachu's moves and stars yesterday when he was fighting Finn. Itsuki assumed Pikachu's level was Peak 4th order. Gyarados being a beginning 5th order wouldn't be affected much by Pikachu's electricity.


Gyarados fired a giant multicolored dragon-shaped energy from its mouth towards Pikachu.

"Pikachu dodge it."


Pikachu easily dodged the dragon pulse and then attacked with thunderbolt after getting Ash's order.


Itsuki thought they could easily dodge an attack from Peak 4th order but Pikachu's attack came and hit Gyarados so fast that even Itsuki couldn't understand what had happened for a second.



Gyarados felt his entire body being electrocuted. Gyarados felt unimaginable pain all over it's body. Being a water type, the pain only increased even further.


Blood started leaking out from Gyarados nose and ears.

After falling once, Gyarados didn't move at all. Seeing Gyarados not moving, the referee checked on Gyarados and then declared

[Gyarados is unable to battle.]

[OMG! Michael please tell me I am just seeing things. How did a Peak 4th order knocked out a 5th order Pokémon? Did you see how powerful Pikachu's attack was?]


"How did Gyarados lost so easily?" Cynthia couldn't believe in what she was seeing. Cynthia even checked multiple times to confirm whether Pikachu could use Aura or not.

"Itsuki's first Pokémon was defeated so fast? What's happening?" Serena and Luna looked at each other in confusion.

Everyone in the whole room was clueless.


"How did Itsuki lose so quickly?"

"I thought Itsuki's shiny Gyarados would be powerful and defeat Pikachu with one attack. But we are seeing the opposite here."

"Do you think Ash have cheated anyway?"

The crowd began to talk among themselves. No one had any idea and any logical explanation.


"I think Pikachu must have given his all in that attack." Kagami being a scientist, he already was beginning to think of some possible and reasonable theories.

"I think something is wrong is Gyarados as well. Maybe Itsuki's Gyarados is special weak against lightning and Itsuki doesn't knows about it." Serena and others somewhat agreed with Professor Carolina's explanation.

Only Cynthia frowned as she knew Itsuki very well.


Itsuki was the type who took his training very seriously. Cynthia was 100 percent sure Itsuki would have known if Gyarados had any special weakness for lightning.

Since Itsuki had let Gyarados stay in the battle means, Gyarados was perfectly fine and something was wrong with Pikachu.

'I am not completely sure but I feel Pikachu's Aura have changed.'


Itsuki snapped out of his thoughts. His eyes widened themselves in shock, as his mouth was wide open, Itsuki felt like he was seen the biggest shocks of his life.

"How is this possible?" Pikachu couldn't use Aura to increase its attack power. So how is this even possible?

Itsuki watched as his Gyarados was being treated by the emergency team. Suddenly he remembered something and then immediately checked on Pikachu's stats once again.


[Pokémon: - Pikachu

_Level 40 [Level 45 temporary]

_Type: - Electric

_Species: - Mouse Pokémon

_Ability: - Static

_Gender: - Male

_Electro Ball | Thunderbolt | Quick Attack| Iron Tail | Thunder punch]



Itsuki finally understood what was going on. Oak, that bastard must have done something. Oak must be responsible for the sudden increase in Pikachu's level.

'This ia not just one level. Pikachu directly went from level 40 to level 45; a straight 5 levela jump. I swear Oak I will see things with you after the Indigo League. As for Red and Blue, screw them.'


At this moment Itsuki was feeling so angry that he wanted to tear Ash with his bare hands.

Watching the condition critical ofhis Gyarados, Itsuki felt even more angry.

"Hahahaha! What a weak Pokémon. Pathetic." The mocking words of Ash made Itsuki's anger reach the Peak.

Cynthia who was watching everything knew that Ash was screwed up.


written by Azure_warrior

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