Chapter 130 - Indigo League; The deciding moment has arrived

[Congratulations to participant Kagami Itsuki for reaching the finals.]


Everyone in the stadium looked at Itsuki in admiration. There was a time when everyone thought this battle would be over for Itsuki. They believed Itsuki wouldn't able to defeat Charizard and advance to the finals.

But Finn proved himself by going to toe to toe with Charizard. Many people still cannot bring themselves to believe that Zeraora is only a Peak 4th order Pokémon. Today Itsuki had done the impossible and was able to over come the obstacles.


[For the first time in decades, We are about to see the finals of Indigo League between two foreigners. Today is a historic moment and will be remembered in the pages of history.]

The whole stadium began to cheer for Itsuki. But there was many people of Kanto who were displeased with Itsuki. They didn't like the fact that they were out of the Indigo League.




[The finals will take place after a half an hour break.] Itsuki nodded his head and began to walk out of the battlefield.


Now that last two participants was going to face each other at the finals, the crowd also divided into two. Half of the crowd especially the male audience supported Cynthia while the other half was supporting Itsuki.

Little did Itsuki and Cynthia knew that their performance in the Indigo League would only get them lots of attention and popularity. Currently More than 15 million people were watching the Indigo League live. People from all over the world was eager to know who was going to take this year's Championship.


Before today, no one has ever managed to take the Indigo Championship trophy out of Kanto region. But this time it was confirmed that either Sinnoh or Kalos region was going to take their very first Indigo championship trophy in history.

This year's Indigo Championship was going to mark a new page of history. After this, both Kalos and Sinnoh League Association won't able to just ignore Cynthia or Itsuki as midcore talent. Both of them would be considered as one of the best genius of their region.


The moment Itsuki walked to the backstage, Suzune appeared to congratulate him. "Itsuki, Congratulation you did it." Suzune had a faint smile on her face. To Itsuki who was used to seeing stern and cold faced Suzune, this small smile was a big change.

Itsuki replied with a smile "Thank you. I thought you already had left." Suzune's index finger played with her hair as she looked at Itsuki.

"I was going to leave but then I remembered that certain someone had given me an offer. I cannot leave until I talk things out with him."


Itsuki smiled and then walked passed Suzune. "Hey! Where are you going?" Suzune asked as she followed Itsuki from behind.

"Going to get my Pokémon checked and bring them back to full health. I can't defeat Cynthia if my Pokémon are not in their perfect health."


Scene change.....

"Sir, are you alright?" Eva looked at Oak who had fainted earlier at the middle of Ash match. Eva didn't know what was going on with Oak. Earlier she saw him looking distressed. After that she saw Oak's nose and eyes bleeding.

Eva even without her medical knowledge had no idea what just happened to Oak. Right now Eva was taken Oak to the nurse joy to get urgent help.


In a quiet room, One of the Joy clan female doctor checked on Oak. The more she checked on Oak the more she had that frowning expression on her face.

"Miss Eva, I have never seen a case like this. I am not 100 percent sure but it seems Professor Oak nearly had an Heart attack. As for why his eyes and mouth suddenly started to bleed, I have to do more test to find out about that." Eva nodded her head with a fake worried look. To Eva Oak's health had no meaning. Her real mission was to gather information on Oak's research which she already had done.

"Thank you Doctor." But she had to put an fake worried look to not expose her identity.


"By the way, Miss Eva do you know who was the winner? I didn't get the chance of seeing the battle between Ash and Itsuki." Eva sighed as she remembered how easily Ash lost against Zeraora. Thinking about Zeraora, Eva felt there was something strange about Zeraora. Even if Zeraora is a mythical Pokémon, she shouldn't be capable of defeating a mid 5th order Pokémon while being a Peak 4th Pokémon.

Then there was also his Lucario who managed to defeat Pikachu. If it was normal Pikachu then Eva wouldn't have suspected anything. But Ash had used the energy booster serum on Pikachu which temporarily raised Pikachu's level to mid 5th order. A normal Lucario defeating a mid 5th order was impossible.


'I think I should ask the organization to look out for Itsuki. That Itsuki is too mysterious. I cannot see through him. He is like a diamond box full of surprise and tricks.' Eva was lost in her thought. The doctor called out Eva's names multiple times.

"Miss Eva"




"Ah.....Sorry, I was thinking something. I shouldn't have ignored your calls. I apologize. As for the battle, it was Itsuki who won the match." The female doctor shook her head.

"There is no need for you apologize. It's norm.....Bang!" Eva heard gun firing sound. The female doctor was shot with an rubber bullet that knocked her out. Her assassin instincts kicked in as she hurriedly moved away from her position while trying to look at the culprit.


"Dammit I missed."


From the voice, it was confirmed that the intruder was a male. Eva managed to take a sneak peak and found that it was team rocket elite member.

'So team rocket is finally executing their plan.' This morning Eva was ordered to not interfere with Team Rocket's mission. Eva had no choice but to make a intentional mistake and get caught by the team rocket.

"Finally I have caught you."


Scene change....


Everyone was waiting for Itsuki to return. When they heard the door opening sound, everyone's eyes were on the figure who just entered the room with a smile on his face.

" dear baby has grown up" All Itsuki saw was a black shadow before he felt a warm familiar sensation. Itsuki's mother hugged her baby in front of everyone.


Itsuki felt little embarrassed when he found himself hugged by his mother in front of everyone. Itsuki was the type who felt embarrassed to show his affection in front of people.

"Thank you Itsuki. I can tell you have worked really hard for this." As a mother, Rui clearly noticed the changes that she found in her son. "Good Job Son. We can't describe how much proud we are." Itsuki saw his father walking up to him with a proud look. This battle had lots of meaning to both Rui and Kagami.


Itsuki's gaze happen to fell on Cynthia who was standing opposite to him, at the other side of the room. As if both understood each other thoughts, both just nodded their heads.

Only Cynthia knew what Itsuki has done earlier. 'Itsuki would had a difficult time if he didn't used Aura to pressure Pikachu.' Cynthia thinks Itsuki did the right thing. In fact she would have done the same thing if her opponent had cheated.


"Who would have thought that we would see the finals between Itsuki and Cynthia? But now comes the most important question." Everyone looked at Cooper who was trying to act all mysterious. "Who is supporting who?' For a moment the entire room turned silent. Everyone wanted to see Itsuki win but they also didn't wished to see Cynthia lose either. Everyone didn't know how to answer Cooper's question.

"I think it's not about choosing sides. Let's just pray for both of them and hope the strongest comes out as the winner." Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.


30 minutes later,

The Saffron city stadium was more alive than ever. People were super excited to see the final battle between two participants who did not belonged from Kanto region. The number of people watching this historic match had reached more than 25 million.

[Ladies and Gentlemen, we have finally reached the peak point of the Indigo League. It's time to find out who will lift this year's Indigo League Championship. Coming from the north entrance, please let us welcome Cynthia from Sinnoh Region.]


Cynthia as always had that cold expression on her face. Many people even went to call Cynthia as the Ice Goddess of Sinnoh.

Cynthia! Cynthia!

The people who supported Cynthia were shouting Cynthia names. Most of Kanto's people supported Cynthia as Itsuki had eliminated the only two of Kanto's hopes. Itsuki eliminating Gary and Ash had made millions of Kanto's citizen support Cynthia instead.


Tap! Tap!

Each step that Cynthia took felt like she was realizing her dream. How many nights she had dreamed of this moment. How many times she had dreamed of fighting against Itsuki at the finals. The current Cynthia was living her dream. She cannot express how happy she is. Itsuki did as he told her and won against Ash.

'I am sorry Itsuki. But I am not going to go easy on you. My dream of holding that Championship will be fulfilled today.'


written by Azure_warrior

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