Return And Confrontation

AN-Italics hasn't been working which is a big RIP. Is there a way to add it? Anyways, quotations marks will be monologue and the normal stuff for italics. Also for normal quotation stuff( ' ' ). Bolds will be all caps.


Kiriyu had just finish shopping together with Hina.

The two had just split up.

Kiriyu walked a bit more until he made it back to his apartment.

When he looked at the time it was already time for dinner.

He lays his bags down and changes into his house wear.

He starts cooking his dinner. He turns the stove on and cooks his stuff.

He was a little happy he got to Hina after those couple days.

After finishing dinner he goes to bed.

The next morning came, shining as bright as ever. Kiriyu woke up and got changed for school.

He leaves his apartment and walks to the elevator.

He presses the elevator button and waits for it to come.

It came after a little bit.

He enters and presses the floor he was going to.

He leans against the elevator railing, waiting for it to get to his floor.

'Yesterday was nice.' He smiles, happily remembering the hug with Miss Sakurai and the time they spent together. He wondered they can do that again. 'That would be nice…' He smiles once again at the thought.

'Ah, right… We still have THAT to do…. Ugh~' He remembered the upcoming exams. Because of those, it would better if- instead of meeting her, he would study. He didn't really feel like it though. Studying, that is.

The elevator come to a stop after a little. He was now on his floor. The elevator doors open and he leaves. What he saw surprised him, but he was happy. Hina was there, waiting for him just as she usually does.

"Good morning, Kazu." She waves at him while leaning against the wall.

"Good morning, Hina!" Kiryu smiles at her. Finally, the two are able to go to school together again.

He walks over to her and she gets off the wall, the two start walking together. He was a little nervous/worried after the other day when she saw them together(Miss Sakurai and Kiriyu). He didn't really think much of it yesterday because he was busy with something else and some stuff happened a little before they went grocery shopping(Her getting harassed by the two men). Because of that event, he forgot about the other event from a couple of days ago(when she caught them meeting.)

"Are you feeling alright now?" He asks, a little worried.

"Huh? Uh, Yeah."

"I see. That's good."

After a little, they made it to the school.

They enter the classroom and wait for class to start.

The two talk, just like most of the other students that were waiting for class to start.

Miss Sakurai entered the room after a little bit. All the students go back to the seat. The moment she entered, the class turned silent. The couple of minutes of fun that students had vanished the moment she walked through that door. It was now time for hell to begin.

She starts taking attendance.



"Here~!" Hina raises her hand

This time that one desk wasn't empty. Hina was here today.

Miss Sakurai was a little surprised when she saw her.

The lesson soon began.

Time passed rather slowly. The lessons went on and on.

Kiriyu stares at Miss Sakurai with his palm on his chin while once again thinking about yesterday. He was lost in thought. He really liked that day. He got to learn something new about her. A new side of her.

The way she wanted to continue meeting him even after 'that' happened, The way she said it wasn't his fault made him feel really happy. This whole time he felt it was his fault, that he was the one ruining their relationship. But, after being told that he wasn't at fault, it was like a great weight was lifted off his shoulders. He smiles, remembering her words. There was also the cute way she said she liked how he teased her. His gentle and innocent smile turns into a grin.

Miss Sakurai turned around and saw his grin. She knew immediately what he was thinking.

"Kiriyu-kun, can you read from page 2 to the end of page 3?"

"Huh?!" He flinched by what she said. He was surprised. He gets off of his palm. All the students turn to him. "Uh," He looks up. He saw Miss Sakurai pouting, cutely. But, that soon turned into a grin. It was as if she was trying to say, 'This is what you get for thinking about stuff in my class' He just looked at her shocked. They were currently doing history class. He picks his textbook up and stands up. "In the Edo period..." He continues to read.

After a short while he finishes the pages given to him to read aloud. The students were staring at him the whole the time as he read. Because of that, he felt a little nervous.

The students felt a little bad for him. Or rather, thought he was pitiful.

Yesterday, he got told to stay after school with her and today he gets told to do read aloud(which is equivalent to answering a question). 'She must really hate him' they thought.

"Good job." She smiles at him. The students were still facing him so they didn't notice. 'He' saw though. He smiles back at her. It was very small though. As if he was trying to hide it. "As he was saying," The students turn back to her. Her usual serious expression came back. "The rules at that time were very restrictive. One of the biggest difference to now compared to back then is the 'ISOLATION'. Currently, you can go wherever you want, almost whenever you want- But, as Kiriyu-kun just said, they people weren't able to leave their villages unless it was a special holiday." She writes the stuff she just said, but in point form using chalk. She was holding the textbook in the other hand.

The sound of chalk as it scratches against the black board could be heard throughout the silent classroom.

Some would say this is a really good class. They don't talk during class, they pay attention(most of the time), they also 'respect' their teacher and do their work. But, the unfortunate truth is that, they're just scared of her. Scared of what will happen if they break one of those criteria's(to being a 'good' student). The dark gaze, the glare filled with malice she would give them will install an automatic fear in the poor students.

The hell-some lesson continued until the heavenly lunch time. A short bliss for the students.

"That will be it for this morning. In the afternoon we will be doing math. Make sure you're ready. You are dismissed." She shuffles her papers.

Kiriyu and the other students stood up and left the room. The once-quiet room was filled with constant footsteps as the students were leaving. Hina walks over to Kiriyu's desk with her lunch box. Kiriyu takes his one out and the two walk towards the door just as the other students were.

Kiriyu notices Miss Sakurai looking at him. He turns to her and smiles at her while waving. She did the same... but with a much smaller smile. They were the last two leaving(other Miss Sakurai). It seems Hina didn't see what he just did. Or so he thought. Hina saw everything that just happened but pretended not to.

She turns around and walks over to Miss Sakurai. Kiriyu comes to a stop and waits for her.

Hina takes a small piece of paper out of her bag and hands it to Miss Sakurai.

Miss Sakurai takes it, a little confused. Hina walks back to Kiriyu.

"Have a good lunch, Sensei~!" Hina says, waving at her with a soft smile.

"You too." Miss Sakurai replied with her usual seriousness. Her voice had a very small hint of confusion.

It seems Hina is immune to her demon side. Probably because she knows something about her that the others didn't.

Hina and Kiriyu leave the room together.

Instead of going to the canteen they decided to go outside as it was nice outside.

They walk over and take a seat at their usual bench.

This time the seat beside him that was always vacant was taken. The spot that was always open beside him was now covered.

Kiriyu smiles a little. This time he wasn't alone.

They unwrap their bento's and start digging in.

"What did you give Sensei?" Kiriyu asks.

"Hm? Uh, nothing really."

"I see."

There was a slight silence between them.

"...Can you stay a little after school?" Hina suddenly asks.


"I want to talk to you about something."

"Um… Okay…." What was she going to talk about? He didn't know. He did have a slight clue as to what she may talk to him about, but he wasn't fully sure if it was 'that'.

They talk a little and that's how their lunch went by. Meanwhile, Miss Sakurai was eating lunch with Mikasa-sensei.

"You seem to be in a good mood this time~" Mikasa-sensei says, smiling.

"Hm? Really?" She smiles. Mikasa-sensei watches her smile while smiling herself.

She was in a good mood because yesterday. Just like Kiriyu she was also happy to have been able to spend some time together.

Time passes quickly and lunch is finally over. They all return to their classroom's and classes soon start.

Time felt fast for Kiriyu now that Hina's back. Especially at lunch. Yesterday lunch felt like it was gonna last forever, but today, it flew by in an instant.

Classes went until the bell finally rang. The students were overjoyed. Their true bliss was about to begin.

All the students left. It was just Hina, Miss Sakurai and Kiriyu left in the room. Miss Sakurai continued to shuffle her papers and organize them. Kiriyu sat there silent and confused. Hina was also doing her own thing. Kiriyu was even more confused now. She said she wanted to talk to him about something so how come she isn't saying anything.


"Wait here, Kazu, I'll be back in sec." Hina leaves the room.

'Huh...?' Kiriyu was utterly bewildered right at this moment. 'Eh? Why did she just leave? Didn't she say she wanted to talk to me?'

Miss Sakurai and Kiriyu were left alone in the now-silent room.

"...Did Hanabi-san call you stay, too?" She finally said.

"Yeah. Wait, 'too'?"

"She told me if she can talk to me after school."

"Oh, I see."

There was another silence between them.

"...Sensei," He calls.

"Yes?" She was putting her papers away in her folder.

"You bully."

"Huh?" She looks up at him, surprised.

"You were being mean to me today~" He says, pouting.


"You targeted me today in class,"

"Eh? No. That's just what you get for not paying attention in class." She says as if she didn't do anything wrong. What she just said was only half of the reason. The other half of the reason was because he was thinking about 'yesterday'.

Kiriyu himself could tell he was losing this argument. But, he had a trump card in his bag. A last resort move. He didn't want to use it(he 're~ally' wanted to use it), but... he was left with no other choice.

He smirks.

"I was just thinking about how cute you were yesterday~" He teases.

"W-wha?!" She says, a little embarrassed. She knew he was about something like that, but for him to actually say it was something she didn't expect. She then thought about it a little. 'I guess I'm not that surprised he would actually say it.' She remembered his usual behavior; Always teasing her. When you think about it like that, it wouldn't be too surprising if he really said it.

She then had a sudden idea. Now 'she' smirks.

"I can 'also' say you were quite cute yesterday, Kiriyu-kun" She isn't gonna lose this time. She might have utterly lost before, but now, she's not gonna allow for such a defeat to befall her. This was her first time ever teasing anyone.

She thought it was quite embarrassing.

Kiriyu's face slowly turns redder and redder with every passing second, by the embarrassment. He remembers his heartfelt 'apology' from yesterday.


"Yes, Yes. Can you guys stop with the flirting already?" A girl's voice says. She was lightly clapping as she said those words.

The two turn to the voice. It was Hina. She was leaning against the door. She takes a couple steps forward.

"W-we weren't flirting!" They say in sync, embarrassed, denying what Hina just said.

"Are you guys done with the flirting?" She asks, wondering if they wanted to continue.

"We weren't flirting!!" The two repeat what they said a couple seconds before, once again in sync- somehow.

"Hmm~" Hina looked at them with doubtful eyes. She believes they were anyways.

She wasn't at fault for doubting them. Especially since the two were continuously in sync. Once wouldn't matter much, but twice...

It's almost as if it was planned.

"I see." She starts walking again.

Kiriyu was a little surprised by how she was talking. She was so... cold. The opposite of how she normally is. She's normally so... warm: cheerful. She felt so close normally, now it was like she was far away, out of reach.

"Uh, Hina-"

"Yes?" She says, her tone, a slight bit cold.

He flinched. This was the first time she talked like this.

"Um..." He looks down. "Why are you being so cold?" He says, a little sad.

"Hmm~ What are you talking about?~" She says, smiling. The smile had various feeling behind it. Not kind ones. He backed off. "Anyways, let get to the business at hand." She walks with her hands behind her back.

She takes a seat a random desk that was near her.

"Take a seat." She holds her hand out to the seats in front of her, gesturing to them to take a seat their.

Miss Sakurai was done with her stuff so, she was okay with it.

The both of them walk over to the place she told them to go to and took a seat.

When Miss Sakurai and Kiriyu sat down, they found them sitting beside each other.

They look at each other, their eyes locking onto one-another's.

"Ehem!" Hina interrupts their 'moment'. "Anyways, what I wanted to talk to you today was about..." Her voice and expression turned serious. "...Your relationship." She looks up at them.

The two flinched as that last part came out of her mouth. What were they supposed to say? Were they supposed to lie? Tell the truth?

What will happen if they tell the truth? They knew vaguely what would happen. Miss Sakurai, gets fired and Kiriyu might get some type of punishment; a written apology or something in the best case scenario. But, this is reality so a 'best case scenario' is a little... In the worst case scenario, suspension. Or even expulsion in the worst, worst case. There might even be even worse things after that. Their social life will 99.9% be affected by the incident.

When the two thought about it more carefully, they faced the reality and the weight of their 'innocent' secret. Of course, 'innocent' because the two just wanted to be together.

If they lied what would happen? Would she believe it? What would happen later on? Would it effect the friendship between Hina and Kiriyu? Because he lied about something heavy like that. Something some people would tell their friends about. Would she think he didn't trust her?

Those kinda thoughts went through their minds.

They look up at Hina and answer her question after their long pause.

"...Yes." They say, in unison once again. Their tones as they said that one word were filled seriousness. Not a hint of wavering could be heard. In the end, they chose the 'telling the truth' route.

Hina looks at them surprised.

"Heh, Whats up with you two? In sync again." She looks at them with smile. A smile that seemed to be half-forced. "...I see..." She says softly, dejected. She looks down at the wooden floor board.


"Anyways! If you want me to keep your relationship a secret, Kazu has to go on a date with me!" She points at Kiriyu.
