
'Kazu, Meet me at the station at 11:00 AM tomorrow'

It was currently 11:05 Am and also the morning of the 'date' with Hina. Kiriyu looks over the message he received last night one last time to make sure he came to right place- at the right time. He indeed did. Now he's confused. But through it all, there was only one conclusion, 'She's late.' He thought.

It's not that he's angry or anything. He's just surprised. She never really late for anything. He was expecting her to be here before him. All in all, instead of finding it bad that she's late- Bad that his time is being wasted- It's kinda good she's late. Now he gets more to himself to think. He gets more time to think about this 'date'. Talking about dates at this rate, they might even have the cliché date-meet-up-thing line.

"Kazu!" A voice calls. He looks up from his phone and looked at where the voice came from. It's Hina. She's finally here. "Sorry I'm late~! I couldn't sleep at 'all' last night!" Her breathing was heavy, as if she'd came running her.

He puts his phone in his pocket and looks down at her. She was currently hanging down with her hands on her knees, in a perfect 90 degrees, breathless. "It's alright. Um, did you run here?" He asks, a little worried but at the same time trying to contain his composure. He couldn't show her that he was a little... nervous(?) To see her?

"Yeah, kinda." It wasn't just 'kinda', she seemed like she literally sprinted here. She gets up and looks at him with a cheerful smile. A smile that resembled the sun that was currently in the sky.

There was no way he would- no he could get mad at her. She's genuinely sorry; she ran all the way here just to make sure she doesn't make him wait even longer.

Well, this is the real reason/story for why she was late.

[A couple of hours ago]

The alarm rang exactly as it should have. On the exact time it should have. But, Hina just kept sleeping.

The night before, Hina had adjusted the alarm from her 'school mode' to 'weekend' and then to a new and first time ever used, 'date mode'. Of course she set all of the time herself. There is no way such a flawed function like that exists.

The thing about her sleeping in wasn't even the worst thing about this. The worst part is that she'd perfectly set a schedule for what to do. Meaning, if she had to be on point with everything. One minute extra on something will affect the whole schedule. The reason why she was torturing herself like this? No one knows.

But, one thing for sure is that, if she doesn't get enough sleep, she may be sleepy during their date. That... would be really bad.

Anyways, after a couple of minutes, she finally woke up.

Right as she awoke, she's impressed she woke up earlier than alarm. She now has a extra couple of minutes, maybe even hours. Perfect. No need to worry about nothing now. Take your time and enjoy life.

As she slowly got up from her pillow, she looked at her pink alarm saying it's 10:15 Am.

She looks at it confused stares at it blankly for many seconds before pulling her blankets over her and goes back to bed, thinking she was reading it wrong. She just woke up, so her eyes must not be working properly.

But then... there it was. A bright light that shone through her curtains. It wasn't directly shining on her, but she could feel and see a little bit. She stares blankly at the wall, confused. 'Huh? Light? Huh???'

She gets up from her bed one more time and stares down at her bed before once again looking at her alarm. 10:16 Am. It read. This time, she also looks out the window.

It was morning. The sun is shining. And no, it's not the moons light. Its... the sun's.

It takes her brain a moment to process what happening right now.

In the next instant, she runs out of her room and washes her face in the washroom and then comes back to change. She's late!

There was still quite a bit of time, but, it takes about almost half-an-hour to get to the place they agreed to meet at. So, if you include the time it takes to change and leave the house and get to the station... it'll be very very close to the meeting time.

Her mind shuts down. What does she do? Now she was also faced with the many options of her closet. She has no idea what to wear. This is her first date with him(and first date in general). What would be appropriate for her to wear anyways? Is there a specific dress code for firsts dates?

"Hinata~ Isn't almost time for you to leave?" Her mom calls from downstairs.

Her mind was now about to explode.


In the end, she chose to go with a striped shirt(black and white stripes going horizontally.), and a light, grey sweater over it. For the bottom, she wore a skirt with a tights covering her legs.

'Oh, I can't forget about 'that'.'

After putting 'that' on, she runs out of her room and puts her shoes on when she's in front of the door.

"Hinata, you still haven't eaten breakfast!" Her mom tells.

"I'm sorry! I'll be late!" She rushes to get her other shoe on.

"Alright, then at least drink this. Eat this along the way." She hands her a glass of milk that she scarfs down and then hands her a piece of toast. "Make sure to have mints on you, okay?"

"Mints?" She tilts her head to the side.

"Yeah. For 'that'."

" 'That...?' " It takes her to realize what her mother meant. "W-what?! Nothing like that is gonna happen!"

"Hmm~ Okay, sure. Anyways, Good luck!!" Her mother says.

"Yeah! Thanks!" Her mother was 'worrying' about her like usual. She can't mess today up even more than she already has.

After slowly walking out of her house and taking a couple of steps, she once again realizes that she's late! Somehow, she'd forgotten for a second.

'Ah!! If only I got to bed earlier!'

She couldn't sleep for pretty much the whole night because she was so excited. Some people might even say she was a little to excited. Others might say she's like a little kid. Though, going to bed earlier wouldn't necessarily mean she'd get more sleep. She would still be too excited to sleep. She might get about an 30 minutes of extra sleep though, at max.

[Back to the present]

Kiriyu was wearing casual pants and a shirt. Pretty ordinary. In a way, you could say this is his way of rebelling against the idea of a date; Showing that this is just two friends hanging out. Nothing more. But at the same time, not really. He also doesn't know what 'date clothes' or 'date appropriate' clothes are.

"Kazu~ You should wear something better if you go on a date~" Hina complains.

"This isn't a date though..." Is was what he wants to say right now. But, he looks down instead.

"You'll eventually have to go on a date with sensei, right?" He understood now. She's just trying to help him out. His head shoots back up in joy.


"Don't misunderstand, Kazu," She holds her right palm in front of her, telling him to stop what he might be thinking about.


"This date isn't a practice for the dates you'll later go on." She walks ahead of him, and continues. "If you think about it like that, I'll get really mad!" She smiles at him.

"Huh?" Kiriyu looks at her surprised. "That hair ornament..." He points at it.

"Oh, you finally noticed?" 'That', is referring to this.

A sunflower the hair ornament.

"I'm surprised you still have that," He says, staring at it with a smile.

"Well, I have no reason to throw it away. So of course I kept it," She says, then looks down. When she looks back up, there is a hint of red on her face. "Does it not look good on me?" She says.

"No! It- you look cute with it!"

"T-thanks..." Hina starts blushing, but... Kiriyu on the other hand... his brain is screaming at him.

'Wait, does this count as cheating?!!! I mean, technically it does, right?! I'm sorry, Sensei. I'm such a disgraceful person :( '

"W-well, shall we get started?" Kiriyu suggests.


What's up with this couple-like atmosphere....?


The two started making their way towards an arcade. This was actually Hina's idea. Kiriyu hadn't actually planned anything! And, because of that, he got a little bit of a scolding for not planning anything. Another part of her 'lesson' I guess. It didn't matter much. She was so excited she already thought of scenarios- things they can do since last night. When she was walking home from school and before going to bed. She was thinking about it.

Hina herself is a little confused as to why he's giving these advice. Maybe it was her way of breaking the awkwardness.

Anyway, the two started playing some random games together.

Kiriyu was reminded of his middle school days. Before all 'that' started.

It felt like they were hanging out just like back then.

"This reminds me of when we would play together before," He says, his eyes attached to the screen while moving his joystick.

His screen now read, 'You win'.

"Ah~ I lost. You really are good, Kazu," She looks over from her side and looks at him. "You're right. It really does feel like those times. They sure were fun, huh." She continues, smiling. The two of them looked around the place with a look of reminiscence.

Those times were indeed very interest. Even the Kiriyu from back when life was boring would have liked this.

The thing is, this isn't the arcade they went to when they were younger. Its a little similar though. I mean, they're arcades, they're both filled with games, and they're both filled with people.

But something about this made them feel like they went back in time. Kiriyu could imagine Hina pulling him through the arcade and then making him play with her while smiling so cheerfully like there was nothing called 'time' anymore.

After losing some games to Kiriyu- again, it would finally be his turn to pull her along and make her do what he wanted. Strangely, they pretty much had the same interests at the time. They both loved action games. Occasionally they would do other things as well, like use the photo booth and stuff when people would swarm the place.

Hina looks up at Kiriyu and notices something. He looked just like he did back then. He had the same happy expression he had back then when they'd play together. The only thing that really changed about him was his age and that now he looked older.

She smiles happily and says, "Make sure you don't forget. We're not hanging out this time- we're on a date."

He looks at her, while thinking. 'I have to ask her now!' "...Hina, why did you-"

"Lets go for a rematch. I don't plan on losing this time!" She announces with great energy.

In the end, he wasn't able to ask her.


Time had flew by, and yes, Hina did once again lose against Kiriyu. She made him play another two times, on the first one, he let her win thinking she might start to feel dishearted and might get really mad- maybe even cry like she sometimes did back in the day- but she wasn't satisfied with it and they went again. You could say she's grown up and now only wants a hard-earned win. Not one that was just handed to her.

Kiriyu checks his phone for the time. It read 12:40 PM. Quite a bit of time had already passed. About an hour and thirty-seven minutes.

"Hina, lets head out for lunch,"


The two of them stood up and exit the arcade, walking through the streets. An idea ran through Kiriyu's head.

This whole day it's been Hina taking the lead, but, it's finally his time to shine.

"Um, I know this place nearby, how we go there?" He says, pointing ahead of him.

"Sure!" Hina smiles at him.

She starts to follow Kiriyu.

"This is really starting to feel like a real date now." Hina said.

"Hm? Have you gone on a date before?" He doesn't remember her having any partners. 'Wait could it she went on a date with herself? Wait, is it even possible. Either way, it sounds rough, and lonely.'

"H-huh? Of course not!" She says, blushing. Now he's confused. "It's just based on stuff that happen in shoujo manga's."

"Ah. I see. But you know, you shouldn't read too many, its not good for you."

"Oh? Are you worried about me?" She smirks, looking at him.

"A little, yeah. If you get too stuck in the fictional world, your view on the real world will turn distorted," Kiriyu looks up the sky.

"Oh my~ How stoic. Sniff sniff, I feel like crying. How moving," She pretends to wipe tears away. "Ah~ The tears just won't stop, hehe." She removes her hands and sticks her tongue out with a little wink.

"Why thank you, Hina." He responds. "I'm very honored to have received such fine praise from the one and only you,"

The two start laughing.

"Don't worry. I don't read that much manga anymore. I still have the ones I had before though," She continues after the both of them stop laughing.

"I see. I guess I won't have to worry about you anymore then." Hina looks at him and then smiles.

"Hmm~ Who knows~ There are many new ones that came out in the recent years. I even heard of some good ones. I might~ just start up with manga again. Who knows~" She says, staring ahead of her while walking cheerfully like she got all the time in the world.

"You're not actually gonna are you," He asks, already half-knowing the answer.

"Nope. I'm just kidding!" She says, going ahead of him with her hands behind her back while leaning forward a little. "But, make sure you continue to keep worrying about me, kay?"

"Sure, I will but, why's that?"

The both of them come to a stop. She pauses.

"You see... I... have the apocalyptic virus..." She says, looking down.

"Gulp, don't tell me, you... Oh, no..."

"I'm sorry for not telling you before, Kazu. I just... couldn't." She turns her head away from him, feeling a hint of guilt.

"I-it's alright... I understand why you couldn't tell me. Mhm, I see. You..." Kiriyu has a pained expression on his face.

"I'm sorry." She apologizes once again.

If she really has it, then it only makes sense for him to be worried about her and its only natural that she had to keep this a secret.

Indeed. It was 4 years ago on that fateful day. The world one day-

"Um, can we stop now? I think I've ran out of ideas, " He says, to Hina.

"Sure. I have no ideas either," She responds.

Well, they might have just been joking around. This 'virus', um... never happened. Luckily.

After there little skit ended, they continue walk like nothing happened.

This reminded him of back when they were younger. Laughing together like nothing really mattered. Cause honestly, nothing really did matter(aside from school and stuff). There was pretty much nothing to worry about unlike when your an adult.

Today was a different little though. It was there first time trying out a skit like this.

So far, the day's been quite great. Its a weekend so that's amazing and, Kiriyu has zero assignments to complete!! He's now completely free!!

He feels someone's hand atop of his, the warmth coming off of their hand and onto his while slowly connecting his and someone else's together. This persons hand was now completely holding his. They were now holding hands!

When he looked over to his right, he saw it was Hina!