"Alright, you will be given uniforms that give you a better control over your abilities." The general said as a gaurd came out with a metal cart with different outfits.
"Put these on and we will get started." He ordered.
"Alright Heroes, you ready to save the world? Alright, the doors are open to you now. Remember, find the visitors and stop them from their evil plans."
"Again I don't see why your assuming they are here to wipe out Earth, don't you know they worship our cows?"
"He's right, if we can find the visitors anywhere it would be in South Park." One suggested.
"Alright guys, let's go to our old town."
All the heroes got their collars removed as their costumes actually made it easy to control their powers. Most then others, the goth had a suit that actually made it so she could control when she could listen to people's thoughts.
As the group was walking, they seemed to be socializing more with the ones they didn't know much of.
"Soo what are you supposed to be? Why do you got the question mark on your head? Did the gaurd hate you that much they didn't remember your ability?" The aubern haired girl asked the one now know as Mysterion.
Now that he was in his suit it was as if his personality switched.
"It was just a suggestion when they were experimenting on me. I figured that's why they were taking samples to figure out what we are truly capable of. This was my idea really."
"What do you go by?"
"Mysterion, you?"
"I don't know.. I don't have any other word for monster in my head."
"Hey don't talk like that."
"What it's true, I mean.. if it wasn't for this outfit I would be nothing but liquid right now."
"Look.. your an art teacher right? Just think, these abilities we have are based off of who we are. Just think of this as your a work of art that is still trying to find your true form on the canvas. As long as you find it then your good. Your not a monster, your far from that. Don't change who you are just because of what others think of you. Got it?"
The girl blushed as she glanced away as she never thought of it that way before.
"Thank you.."
"Don't mention it.. now really what do you want to be known for?"
"Uhh, well I really love to draw and love the look on my students faces when I show them my artistic side. I don't know what to call myself though.."
"What about Canvas?"
"Think of a blank canvas that a painter is about to paint something on. You can think of yourself as the work of art on the canvas."
Her heart warmed up as near tears were falling from her face. No one had spoken to her in such a kind way before.
"Thank you.. Mysterion. I really needed this."
"Come on Canvas, keep your chin up and we will get our lives back. Alright?"
As the two were talking, others were opening up to eachother as well.
The brunette was making short glances at the one known as Mysterion. He was very kind and thoughtful toward all the girls. Even though he's a jokester outside the suit, he really has a heart of gold when it comes to calming the girls down. Her face burned of heat as she couldn't help but look him up and down. He was basically her ideal eye candy. Can you blame her? But he was talking to this pretty red head that was also blushing a lot. She couldn't help but be jealous.
"You know if you stare any longer you'll burn a hole in the back of his head."
The comment made her jump and look back, seeing a raven haired boy with yellow goggles on. Her face exploded in heat as she looked away completely embarrassed. "Please don't tell him. It's so embarrassing." She muttered.
"Why would I tell him? You do realize he has a way to a woman's heart. This isn't uncommon. He knows how to talk to them. It's kinda his thing."
"So you know eachother?"
"Yeah we all actually grew up together but drifted apart after getting out of high school. "
"Huh, seems you have a lot of friends. It hard to find them now and days."
"What do you mean?"
"The only friends I have are in band with me in my university I go to. Well.. the university I went to. I don't think I'll ever be able to look my friends in the eyes again. I'm a total freak."
"How are you a freak?"
"I'm a shape-shifter. How can I approach them if I tend to look like them?"
"Do you by chance have insecurity issues?"
"... W-What why would you ask that?" She asked while flustered.
"These abilities are a part of who we are.. it might be because you want to be more like the others around you, other than being yourself."
"You don't know me.. how can you read me."
"Let's just say I am the same way. I have major insecurity problems but I'm learning to get better with it. I know it must be hard being a shape shifter and it might be confusing at times but you should take advantage of this. I mean come on you can form into anyone you want. You have an ability that could save the world and you don't know it just yet. Who knows, maybe your the one that will actually be the answer we all needed in order to have our normal lives back. Just don't drain yourself in such negativity. Focus on the good while we still have a chance to make things better. My friend Kyle was always there for me.. somehow we drifted away and I'm thinking this is god's way of pulling us back together. If you really like my friend that much don't let that red head get in your way. He's just being nice to her is all. Who's to say you two wouldn't hit it off. Maybe you two will be good partners. You won't know until you take that first step."
"It's just really hard is all."
"Here, let me help."
"Wait what are you doing?"
"You might have a thing for my friend but I definitely have a thing for red heads."