Chapter 12

It was as quick as a flash that the heroes opponents lashed out and attacked. It was as if they were desperate to kill them, their attacks were so quick and hard to dodge.

Two specific people partnered up, were hiding with an invisible ability. Ghostress found out recently that if she touchs something it also disappears.

As the heros were fighting with all they got, Ghostress and Kite were trying to find any new information that was on this space ship that could end this all. Even if it was a way to find out the visitors plans and stop them in the act. They had to look while the heros were fighting for their lives. As they were still invisible and reached a highly closed off door. They both peeked inside. Kite's heart stopped for a second when he saw someone every familiar in the other room. He was tied up in a chair with IVs pumping green slime inside him. Kite great INCREDIBLY angry and held his hand out to push Ghostress back a bit. He blasted his laser eyes in a huge circle toward the metal door. With a loud bang from the door the heros quickly went in before drawing any more attention from the fight.

"Ike.. oh my god! IKE!" Kite yelled while rushing to the younger boy. Ghostress tried helping remove the IVs but it was too dangerous.

"What do we do?! We need to help him!" He yelled out in fear.

Ghostress looked around for anything useful. Seeing the bags filled with the green goop. She held out her hands and created a forcefield holding the liquid inside. "Kite, use your laser eyes and cut the hose attached to him. Then quickly use your healing ability and pull all the gunk out."

He nodded as he did exactly what she did without wasting anytime.

Ghostress threw the bag of green liquid off to the side far away from the three as Kite was healing the boy who was still unconscious.

"Come Ike... Please... Please wake up."

As he unstrapped the boy from the chair and laid him on the ground. Ghostress was frozen in fear when she saw something sticking it's head out from a vent. It's unnaturally crooked head and it's teeth chattering in a loud and disturbing manner. Her heart was pounding out of her chest as he started crawling on the wall and turning it's head upside down. The moment it hissed at her, she screamed and held her hand out to create a forcefield around the creator. The moment it jumped right through the purple bubble, she ran in front of kite and the boy and held out a forcefield to shield them but unfortunately the creatures arm went right through the forcefield and stabbed right through her heart.

Her eyes shot open as Kite's eyes widen in horror. The moment the arm escaped her large gapped chest. She fell back while staring up at the ceiling. Kite quickly caught her and began to panic the moment he saw she wasn't responding.

"No... Fuck.. NO AMBER!!!"

It was at that moment there was a voice in front of him. Looking up he saw the same creature he saw before but it was talking.

"You should just give up. She's dead and the blood is on your hands." A male spoke in a monotone voice.

Kite grit his teeth as he barked at the creature. His eyes burning in heat as he shot lasers from his eyes at the creature. The odd thing was once the laser fazed through the creature it faded away.

Kite looked around utterly confused but his attention went to the boy as he gasped for air. Kite was still holding Ghostress as he looked back to the boy. The thing that threw him off was.. it wasn't Ike.. in fact it didn't look anything like the boy he saw a moment ago. He had blue glowing eyes and a blank stare.

Kite didn't know what to do or say. He didn't have time to say anything before the boy teleported out of the room and began teleporting out of the area. "Hey WAIT!" Kite snapped out of his thought when Ghostress gasped for air herself. This startled him as he looked down. His heart ached in pain as his mind was cloudy the moment he didn't see the gapping hole in her chest anymore.

"Ghostress, are you okay?"

She looked up at him with a confused look on her face as she looked around.

"What happened? My head is so foggy. I can't remember anything."

"I don't know myself but we need to go help the others from what we just saw."