the devil's shadow and status check

Waking up he found himself with a splitting headache, the world around him was spinning and for some reason, he tasted the flavor of a baker potato on his tongue?

with the room being filled with sunlight he tried getting up but stumbled back on the ground, getting was was a no-go.

Falling back down he just decided to lay there, but that's when he saw a small cat-like figure under his bed, apon taking a closer, it was a...


The shadow looked at him as he glared at it, they locked eyes, it was as if it was staring into his soul, but what did it want? why was it here? and why the hell was shadows only appearing in his house?

He moved his hand and pointed it at the shadow.

[Shock bolt]

In attempts to use a basic magic attack that didn't require an incantation, he planned on killing the little runt then and there Extermination to the shadows.

But it didn't work,

[MP: 7/1,000]

What happened was a slight purple spark came off his hand and that was all, no magic whiplash or even any drawbacks, it simply didn't work.

The cat then walked over to him and as he squinted his eyes, he looked deep into its magenta eyes.

'You better not you little runt, I'll chuck you out the window'

But it kept coming and as bullets of sweat came pouring down his face, he knew he didn't have the energy or mana to fight this monster. Was he going to die to a shadow cat?

It got over to his hand, but as he thought it was all over and he was going to have to say goodbye to good ol right hand.

The cat just licked his thumb and then rubbed its head against the palm of his hand as it purred, it then shifted into a smaller form and as it became a cloud of darkness, it appeared on his belly, it was in the form of a kitten.


With that adorable meow, his heart melted, forget real-life girls or the hentai under my bed, this was his new favorite.

"I will call you Ollie and you are now my son"

Why is he so quick to adopt this cat! dude's your enemy! all shadows are your enemies!

But as that dumb narrator yelled that, the cat meowed again and then purred again, further melting his heart even more... I think he's a cat guy?

But then as he looked at the kitten in his belly, it then suddenly walked up to his face and licked his nose.

As it did its eyes changed from magenta to Pink.

[Shadow cat has joined Familia]


The cat then cuddled up with him and before he knew it, the cat disappeared as he blinked.

"Nooo Ollieeeeeee!"

Dramatically yelling out it was as if he lost Ollie to truck-kun.

But then as soon as he yelled out Ollie's name, a small thingy popped out of his shadow, and guess who it was.

It was Ollie's!

He didn't get it, but this just ment Ollie was with him this whole time.

Sitting up unlike he could before, he held Ollie in his hands and he regretted trying to kill this cute little shadow beforehand.


After wasting a bunch of time on that shadow cat, which eventually got tired and hoped in his shadow, he got up and discovered it was already late in the afternoon, luckily his parents weren't home or he'd be screwed.

But why didn't Mari wake him up? but then again, she never does.



Going to the bathroom and taking a cold shower, he got out feeling refreshed, but as he walked past the mirror, he frowned, something was up?

Looking at himself it was quite visible, and noticeable too.

First, it was his left arm, for some reason it was covered in shadows realm markings, and even that little shadow cat was up there, with it being on his bicep and the only noticeable shadow creature on that arm.

The next was his eyes which made him take a step back, they were both scarlet, and it actually frightened him, this was his first time seeing himself like this.

Next was... He grew an inch... Now he was 6ft and through it wasn't as big as a surprise to him like his monster-like eyes, he couldn't get over how he just had a growth spurt again?

My guy didn't even know what was happening to him, but as he looked down at the navel tattoo he acted as if it was all normal, which is wasn't fucking normal!

But before he could start freaking out because of these unholy signs, his head hurt and it was as if the information was flooding his brain, which was painful as hell.

Recovering from it he found himself rummaging through his things on his desk, he looks all over till he found a silver canister with a cross Rosary wrapped around it.

Without hesitation, he poped the cap open and splashed himself with the water contained inside, he threw it on his face and arm in hopes of something happening..

But to his surprise the holy water didn't burn him, nor did it do anything to him.

"If it's not a demonic possession, then what's happening to me?"


That afternoon he spent 3 hours on different sorts of exorcism techniques and even a few different magic circles, laced in blessed chalk and burning herbs in the center.

But it was to no avail, he was perfectly normal, the only thing he felt at the time was a slight irritation, but that was irrelevant to this matter.


As he was contemplating on all of this he heard a knock on his door.

Walking out of the only big room in his home which they used for magic rituals and practice, he closed the door and then put his hand to it, doing a small chant as he put the key in and it turned on its own, locking up.

He then grabbed the key and waved it which then vanished, he then walked away and went into the main room where he went to the door and opened it.


Looking out there there was a demi-human wearing a cloak, he couldn't see their face but he clearly saw their rabbit ears and he already could take a guess on who this was.

"You're Hiro Natsu the pyromancer sorcerer"

"Don't know what you're talking about, what's a sorcerer?"

Saying that a vain poped on their head, she then grabbed his collar and pulled him down to their eye level where he saw nothing but darkness blocking their face.

"Hiro of the Natsu clan, you are hereby ordered to leave Nefumia and travel with me to the fallen city of Kantaku, there we will find the boar of bright-forge and return to Nefumia with him"

Saying that they were a bit too aggressive and it intrigued him,

"What if I refuse?"

"Then you will be court-martialed by the high council for the attempted murder of Zarifall Sui 3 years ago"

He clicked his tongue as he heard that name.

"Fine, I'll go along with you but don't expect me to be like my mother or sister, my flames aren't as profound"

They let go of him and took a step back.

"Glad to have your cooperation Hiro of the Natsu clan, your help will be much needed in our team, we depart in one day, gather your supplies and get ready, I will come get you after your classes tomorrow"

But as they turned around he spoke.

"Oh and one piece of advice, don't ever mention that waterlily in front of me again"

He said coldly.

"Noted, but that is going to be inevitable"

They said before running off with a speed which not even he could follow.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

He said to himself as he went back inside and closed the door behind him, but as he closed it he gritted his teeth as he just remembered that waterlily girl.

She was of the Sui clan, it was the opposite of his, she was also a sorcerer just like him and her power was water, she challenged him to a death match 3 years back and as they fought a few senior slayers caught them and subdued them since his flames burnt her more than he was slashed by her water, they thought it was a clan dispute and he was out for blood, after being locked up for a week he wasn't charged for anything because both clans heard their sides of the story and decided to void it as long as they didn't fight like that again, but there was still bad blood between them.

"Zarifall Sui, our battle isn't over yet"




Walking back to the large room he unlocked it and started drawing another magic circle, but this time it had didn't patters and it was drawn in yellow chalk which was a form of magic-infused tool.

His mana was low so he couldn't use his own, so using a substitute he [1 black-letch], [2 gensin roots], [1 Ying clover], [3 Echinacea stalks], and [1, 5-year lizhari plant].

He cut the leach and drained it of blood and put it into a tiny container, he then started grinding the herbs into powers except for the Ying clover and a single echinacea stalk.

He brought it to a small altar in the middle of the magic circle and as he placed it all down he mixed 3 powders until it became a greenish-blue powder and then he held out his hand.

He conjured his flames, but it wasn't orange like it was supposed to be, it was grey, he didn't get it, but it must have been because of his low mana.

He then lit the powder and it burned the power, starting a small fire which started turning blue, he then started putting in the other powders and it changed colors again as well as activated the magic circle.

As the circle shimmered a mild glow, he put in the blood and the fire shot up making the magic circle glow brighter,

He then added the stalk and it lit up solid green.

He then threw in the Ying flower and as the fire started raging the circle glew bright and became yellow.

He looked to the knife next to the alter bowl and he sighed as this was the tough part for him.

He took off his shirt and threw it aside as his shirt would be destroyed in this next part.

He threw it aside and picked up the knife.

Putting his hand in the fire, he wasn't getting burned or set ablaze, that was the thing about fire sorcerers, they were immune to most fire.

He then moved the knife to his and as his face scrunched up, he sit his hand lettings blood flow down into the flame as a required ingredient.

Put the knife aside and letting the flame envelop his hand.

It turned red and then started moving onto his hand, the magic circle became a solid yellow and as everything became steady, the flames crawled onto his hand and started spreading through his body.

[Flame scan]

It started moving around him and as it tickled a bit, it started reaching around and completely covering his upper body, it then went all the way around and... Oh shit... He forgot to take off his pants.

It burned his pants to ash in a mere second and then it spread all around him, fully engulfing him, and then as it reached his feet it touched the chalk and set it all on fire.

With everything like that the flame dyed out and the only fire left was the one in the alter bowl.

A fire then shot into the air and words of fire started appearing from it.


[Natsu clansman]


Race: half-human  Sex: male       

Rank: 0             

Class: Pyro Sorcerer + Incubus Lv.1

HP: 71/100   MP:5/1,000

STR: 6 AGI: 9

DEX: 10 CHR: 10


- Charm Lv.1

- Shadow Lv.1



"The hell am I looking at"

Looking at his status, he wasn't just missing a few skills he picked up, and he wasn't just fluffing missing stats... But he was missing 2 whole fucking Ranks.

HAHA, so this thing has a sense of humor huh, well guess what because that wasn't even the best part, that son of a bitch claimed him to be a demi-human as well, which obviously wasnt true, he knew what he was, why was that thing questioning it!

Wow, this thing really knows how to tall a good joke...

It's not a fucking joke.


And thus is the day we're he truly finds himself in a deep spot, nice and tight, and I'm not talking about a glory hole... or am I?