*snap* gone for good~♡

With his back hitting the flowerbed, his face was a bright tomato red as she broke free and grabbed his face, smacking her lips against his and forcing his back to the ground.

Pushing off him, she was animalistic as she repeatedly broke and came back. Flourishing in each kiss as more and more saliva mixed and their mouths touched.

But it came to an end as she moved down kissing his neck, shoulder blades, chest, upper belly, and then down to his sword, which she couldn't even hold herself back as her mouth was the sheath and she put it away... In her.

There was nothing to say about this situation, she asked him to trust her and he did, she mentioned a lewd activity, but he never answer. But the response she got was already the answer she was looking for.

His hand clenched the bed, taking ahold of a bunch of yellow and green flowers, and his face burned red, she was an expert in this field and she had him on his toes as she would show him the difference between the 2 of them.

It didn't take long for her to break him as she was a boss level monster in practically every ero game ever played by your useless author and she even bothered to go easy on him as she looked up occasionally to see his cute reaction and scarlet eyes that glistened in the light. It made her chuckle as he gave in to such little pleasure. It was honestly pathetic, what a virgin he acted like... Wait... isn't he a virgin?

Forgetting that topic and throwing it away, she felt his thick and creamy milk shoot into her mouth and there was just so much♡, it was like a water hose, shoot he really hasn't been active?

She couldn't have taken it anymore, after swallowing his thick supple cream, she felt way more power than she was supposed to from just a simple sexual act. she regained 0.001 of her original power and that was equivalent to at least 100 Minitors cuming on her.

But there was something in it and it got her all the way horny, it was as if she was a young girl again because she was impatient and craving dick like a whore.


Licking the center of the gland and getting a moan out of him, she couldn't wait anymore he's too tempting and she was about to dig into this feast.

Crawling up to him and laying her hands on his belly, she crouched on his cock and slid his juicy average-sized meat between her slit and licked her lips "thanks for the meal, chief" but as she was about to lift herself up and move it into her, possibly devouring his probably flowered cock.


Her eyes widened as she looked down at Hiro. Looking at him he was looking away from her, and it was as if she saw tears about to form on his face as he was no longer happy, if anything, the look she saw... Was fear.

But this only made her grin, she found something that made him weak and she was about to exploit it, and in hopes have him return all the power he stole from her as well as parts of her soul.

Moving up and sitting on his belly, voiding his dick, she laughed "did the big bad wolf finally meet his match? I know I'm a sexy Goddess but still who thought you would have been beaten just by the threat of me alone, hahaha" but that's where she fucked up.

She got too cocky and as she thought it was a win for her to triumph in, he grabbed her by the head throwing her off.

Looking she thought he was going to initiate a fight, but he had yet flipped the reverse card again because her lips hit him and as he sat up. She didn't get it? He was trembling? He was scared? His lips quivered? He was afraid of her? No, he was terrified? But was it actually her he was so scared of or an illusion which she brought out?

Who was he so scared of?

But then her mind went blank and her eyes flashed scarlet for a mere second before she shoved him and kicked him, she even threw a punch at him.

She pulled herself up and ran many feet away from him as she was trembling. Looking at her shaky hands she was the one now terrified and she didn't know why?

"The hell you do to me!" she screamed

Screaming at him, he fully sat up, grabbing ahold of the untouched nutrient cube and then eating it, completely voiding her question.

She wanted to be angry but she couldn't, it was as if the world around her was collapsing and she was being crushed by gravity or fear?

Looking to him for answers, she could see he had already gotten up, and as her eyes glided up to his face, she saw him smiling.

"I feel just amazing, wow, whatever did you do?"

With her lip trembling, she clenched her fist and her nails dug into her skin, dropping blood down to the ground and allowing her the freedom to get angry while suppressing the fear.

"Y-Y-You mother... Fucker... If a vampire... Can switch off their... Emotions... So what... You can transfer yours..."

Taking a step forward and chuckling he displayed an unknown ability. Right now he took all his suffering, everything that he clenched onto for god knows how long, and he threw it onto her, she was feeling everything he felt and it wouldn't stop there, this was his final level of torture and it was her enduring what he had to... Especially in that place where his body remembered but not his mind.

With an evil smile he got in front of her and grabbed ahold of her chin "sorry love what did you expect, you've been playing me from the start, you really expect me not to have a cum* back" He said as he knew that this entire time, ever since waking up she had been manipulating everything. Sure everything was real, but she had a way to play the strings if needed, like how there were zombies just outside of the doors ready to come in... Even though he couldn't get out and fight them? Fucking loop magica.

She stood there gritting her teeth as she was getting angrier, she couldn't believe him right now, and how dare he treat a deity such as herself in a manner, he seriously courts his own death wish.

"now that this game is over with, I won't ask again woman, so where's that rabbit chick? I don't mind ripping a pretty little limb off your body so I wouldn't try to play any games"

"You're such a Demon!"

"Call me what you like, I have a job to finish"

Looking down at her she looked back up at him and she did it, she fucking did it, she attacked that smug bitch!

Slapping him and leaving a bloody handprint on his face, he grabbed her hand and lifted it up, blood had been dripping down her arm hands and he found it disgusting, blood was a bad sight for him and even in this demonic state, he still disliked it even if she was red and it looked almost simular to her skin.

grabbing her bloodied hand, he pulled her in by moving that hand on her chin to her waist and without wait, he licked her hand that slapped him. Licking the cuts and slathering his tongue in that filthy blood of hers.

"It's such a waste that you let something as valuable as this to go to waste, so how'd you like to give it to me... all of it"

Didn't make sense but it didn't need to, she gave no response and she tried punching him... but her Strength only had 2 points, so [STR:2] and it irritated the heck out of him. He suddenly moved to take a strong step between her leg pulling her arm in, throwing her over his shoulder, and wrestling slamming her against the ground as he had no choice but to force the info out.

"Sorry I got impatient, now hurry up and tell me before I start having fun!"

*Crack!*(bone crack)

Psychotic laughter and fighting between the both of them. It was about the same as a dog and cat fighting each other.

This is why you never put any variant of Demon on a room with a God, it's like a COD lobby, there's no such thing as peace.

* * * * *

That Wisp girl was still following the wisp and it led her to an abandoned house where the shit-headed wisp started asking for her to literally clean the place up which out of boredom she did.

* * * * *

Mari was still stuck behind bars...

* * * * *

Derek and Remi were having a date and as it was bittersweet seeing as she was enjoying the walk, he wasn't, and it was mainly because he couldn't get some thought out of his head and it was the loss of his girl... Remi.

So with him acting cool and walking ahead of her he stopped and turned around, looking at her and making her look up at him as he blocked her path.

"Everything alright Derek?"

But as she said that, he grabbed her face and no joke my man's better than a superhero, because he took a shot and got what he didn't expect... she kissed him back.

* * * * *

Peter was at his dad's home tinkering with a few side projects which he did as a Hobbie and he found himself with 2 wounds on his left shoulder?

* * * * *

Tina got herself in trouble as she got drunk and she found herself in a tight spot... "ugh, which one, red or blue" it was trivial and of no importance, whatsoever.

Seeing as it was a toy... Sex toy... God damn it, Tina! Be innocent for once!

* * * * *

Opening a thin sheathed door, a slime girl walked out of the room and passed by Hiro who was in the hallways, looking at him she bit her lips and looked at him as he was fully dressed and she turned around tapping his shoulder.

"Master had ordered me to stop playing with that rabbit beast girl, but if you'd like, I could play with you, or-"

Leaning in and attracting his attention, she whispered.

"How about you play with me, I may be a slime, but who says we smile folk don't know how to have a good time, after all, I don't mind being your personal fuck toy"

Her words came to ear and as they did she felt him grab ahold of her hand and then force her against the wall, looking into his scarlet eyes, it was clear he didn't want to fuck her.

"The rabbit girl who held a katana is in that room, correct!"

"Um... Yeah, but the doors locked so you're going to need my help if you want to get it"

"I'll kill you"

"And I'll help"

Death threats always work.

Pulling out a skull key from her side, she then put it in her slime body and looked away all pouty.

"I have one condition?"

"Tch, I think killing you would be a lot easier"

"Wait! It's not hard or complex, it could be done now, just hear me out!"

Giving her a cold stare, he sighed,

"What your demand, slime?"

"I've been fucking that girl with a fake dick all night, my pussy throbbing, you don't have to fuck me but I'd rather it did. But you can just lick me for like a minute or 3 until I cum, I'm really sensitive right now, so it won't take much, my kind sir"

Nonchalantly saying such things he laughed and she brought a smile to his face.

"Sure why not, after all, you deserve it for your hard work♡"

He said moving his hand to her crotch, slipping a finger in her gooey blue slime pussy, and moving his head to hers, softly pressed his lips against hers, kissing her, and she kissed him back. Wrapping her arms around him and wanting to move up a notch, tongue kissing this stud.

But it didn't go as planned as he moved 2 fingers in her, riddling her narrow path and making her squeal as it was so good to be touched by a male, and not another slime person.

Braking apart, "nonono, kiss me some more, I like it, I really like it♡" He slowly dripped down and she knew what was happening, he was going to make her cum with his warm humanoid tongue.

She got excited and she grabbed the top of his head getting ready to press down as she grinded on his mouth. She felt his fingers leave her gooey pussy and she then felt that pleasurable tounge-


But just as she thought she was going to get a blowjob, she looked down to see that he stabbed a double-edged dagger in her fucking

pussy! Null to physical pain she scoffed at his miserable attempt but then...Flames, flames came from the dagger and you could say that's the hottest her pussy's ever been as he then shot up and tore her in jelly halve.

Her body was set ablaze and even though his flames were less than 10 points in power, his methods balanced it all out to get the job done.




Looking to the goop on the ground, he saw the skull key and an energy core from the slimefolks heart, it usually blends in with the slime so it's hidden but now it's visible as it had a green color meaning it's a [earth stone].

He grabbed both of them and he walked over to the door, unlocking it and opening the door as he put the earth stone in his pocket.

Looking inside he saw a naked rabbit person and she was covered in slime cum and she was panting as she was tied up and both holes were gapping from the slime's fun time sauce.

Walking over to the rabbit he crouched down and started uniting the rope,

"what... took you.. so long..." she uttered.

"I was in a loop"


As slime jizz came out of her pom-pom and bum, she squealed and he decided this was going to take forever, so he grabbed a chunk of the rope and his flame incinerated what was in his hand, freeing her.




She sat up and as she felt her body all fuzzy she grabbed his collar and brought him to her face, she looked angry so he expected something like a scolding for not getting here in time or how her butt hurt, literally.

But she hugged him? Wrapping her arms around him she was breathing hard and he could feel her flat chest on him as she was holding him tightly.

"Hiro of the Natsu clan... Thank you"

Her head rubbed against his neck and her hands moved to his hair gripping on.

"You mind doing me a favor..."

Moving his hand to her back, he attempted to comfort her or from what happened, after all, she was his senior slayer.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Can you carry me out of here, we need to continue the mission but I'm so sleepy"

He frowned,

"But-" girl you were just banged by a slime person!

"That bitch kept me up all night and I'm tired, find us a room and we'll take a day to rest, I'll page our partners that we ran into trouble and will be late"

"You sure you don't want to abort the mission, after all, what she did to you?"

"Trivial matters are not important, I'm fine so therefore we'll carry out the mission"

He chuckled as she was right, the mission came first.

"Yes ma'am"

***3 Hours Passed***

After they left the building, the town was empty, well he heard activity but it seems like they were eating... Someone.

After leaving that Halloween town, they entered [prolific-harthum] it was another town but more residents so he easily found a small apartment building where he layed the Rabbit Slayer down on a bed and covered her up as she was practically still naked.

He then found himself in the same room but next to the bed sitting on the floor and leaning against the wall.

Oliver came out and as he did, Hiro smiled and he petted Oliver before shitting his eyes.

[Prosper Demonic: Off]

His eyes returned to brown but what he had done stayed, the ability he snatched was still in his body ready to be unwrapped and his soul ocean grew as he fully devoured what he ate from the fertility goddess. And laying in his both his sholders was a new marking.

A Celestial marking, the marking of fertility to be precise, and he had two crystal red lines, they should have been blue but he wasn't a God, so they became something different, but held the same meanings.

Oh but why? Isn't that too OP you ask? NO!, they lay with no power yet they are a marking, or at least the right one is, the left marking is a pack of souls.

Meaning he owned Marcelina, the once supreme deity of fertility, and now a lesser Goddess serves none other than a half-baked Demon...

Hiro Natsu.






[TELEPATHIC VOICE: I hate you, so very much... And so does the heavens!]

'Yeah... I know'