Even if

"I slept like a baby♡"

After a long night of little rest, she felt all warm and comfortable as she yawned and walked to the bathroom for obvious reasons. But as she did, she reached for the door nob, but then it suddenly opened, 'the hell?' she then remembered Hiro was here and her face blackened as she completely forgot about him when she did the deed, 'holy shit was he awake?!' but before she could worry about it, she looked at him and her jaw dropped as she saw it all, and I'm not talking about his dick, he had a towel wrapped around his waist so she saw everything else, including his 3 markings, which were obvious on his mid-west light olivy skin.

'Holy shit his body was monstrous' it had her heart in flames and I'm pretty sure that could have just been heartburn, but oh well, her nose started to bleed at the sight of his body.

"Oh hey, Hiro, didn't see you there! did you just take a shower? You look sexy-... I mean hot- I mean you look good!!!"

Trying to make conversation as what she had walked into was nun other than a challenge, and it was for her to not gush over her best friend who she thought was still heartbroken, especially after the other night. But she couldn't help herself as while she tried to talk her eyes gazed down the horizon and closer to that area below his navel... But then she snapped out of it as 'no this is what Hiro was talking about she was fighting her urges until she heard.

"Good morning, since your up now go take a shower, I made sure there was plenty of hot water so take your time"

'I took an ice-cold shower so there should be an abundance of hot water for her to bathe'

He said to her, patting her head and making her feel how cold his skin was, which for God's sake surprised her as his skin had never gone past warm before, he's always been warm, even in the coldest of weather.

"Um... Uh um, I'll... I... I just woke up, I'll take one later, after all... we don't have school today so-"

She suffered as she could stop looking at his body, she was overtaken by the perverted girl living in her head, and as she wanted to put her hand on his belly, her train of thought was interrupted by him.

"Did I ask"


Looking up at him she was generally confused as her perverted girl was pushed aside, what was she supposed to say, yes, and then poke his cheek saying he needed to get dressed seeing as he had to be somewhere in an hour.

But then she realized what he ment, he was never really asking her, he was telling her to.

Put his hand on her head she looked up at him and she saw he gave her a questionable look, which made her think rash, like if she smelled, bad or he could smell the cum from on her seeing as she got messy and her room had her smell strong in there... what was it!

"You look like crap and you smell funky, go take a shower before I have to take one with you"

'Oh, crap he noticed!'

'Wait a minute?... What he say?...'

Saying that her face burned up like a cherry pepper and she couldn't believe he said that, it took her a few seconds to comprehend what he had said, but now that she caught on, and it sounded so naughty that it got her panties in a twist.

"W-What? are you-"

But before she could finish her words, he stopped her by backing up and crossing his arms as he just shook his head and sighed.

"I swear you're so complicated, you wanted to go out with me today, yet you're acting deaf and you don't even want to do something as basic as daily hygiene, sheesh, and here you have me worrying about you, sigh, honestly what am I to do with you"

She thought something way different, she was honest to all the gods though he was saying that he would fuck her in the shower, which was... OKAY! she thought about it! But now she's embarrassed as she got him thinking she refuses to have good hygiene.

Hitting him but in a playful act, she was upset that he was bullying her, his words were confusing her and his mildly erotic self was confusing the signals he was giving off. Which weren't any as he was just telling her to take a shower since she smelled like, herself but musky.

But then as she got a good hit on him he... He tripped and along with that, she came falling with him. And his towel, well it was hanging on the door nob.


Walking out of her room, she went downstairs to the kitchen and started making a cup of coffie, she didn't feel tired, but it was more or less a daily routine which she stuck to.

Looking over to the couch she saw her daughter in a sundress and her face was heated as she crossed her legs and looked frustrated as she held a book in her hand.

"What happened, you didn't walk into Hiro getting dressed again have you, hahaha, just like when you were younger"

'or was it Peter?'

But as she teased her daughter with an embarrassing memory, her face was filled with a deeper blush,


Not expecting it, she laughed and Tina threw a pillow at her, bonking her over the head, but either way, she found it funny.



After a bit of time, she got her coffie and looked over at the coffie grinder, taking a sip of coffie she was feeling even more shameful than her daughter, as her face was fully enveloped in a hot red she leaned over the kitchen table as she didn't know what to do...

Contemplating on it, she didn't understand how she hooked up with Hiro last night, it all just moved so quick, one moment she was drinking, the next she looked into his brown eyes and had the strong urge to kiss him, no she felt something else along with it, it was weak but it was still there and it was the full kit, and despite not exacting knowing what it was, the thought of that happening again aroused her right then and there.

But now things were going to be awkward, it's like friends who hook up after they dated, and especially after doing a few naughty things together, it changes everything, you can't even look at them again, and that's the hard truth.

But as she thought about him, she remembered something and it was strange, she had woken up as she was sleeping together with him and the same thoughts came into her head and she was going to do something about it.

But as she turned over, she stopped, looking at him sleep, she felt her heart race, there was a slight sweetness in the air, and she felt calmer, or at least, looking at him she felt as if nothing was ever going to change, it all just felt normal?

Thinking about it deeply, she decided that she wouldn't overreact until they met again later today...

"Wait, Tina where's Hiro?"

"He had to attend one of his classes this weekend, he'll be back in the afternoon but were immediately going to go out for a bit, Remi invited us all to some event thingy?"

"Oh, well I heard there's a bit a bunch of animal attacks lately, so stay safe and don't wander off"

"Yes mom"


With zombies everywhere and walls fallen in, there was a werefox scouting, he had never left as he had a different mission, but he soon found that the mission was a no go as he looked down to the ground and saw a zombie whose skin wasn't gray and or zombie-like, this one looked more humanoid and if he didn't closely observe it, he would have mistaken it for a human.

Zombies from 12 years ago were decayed and Gross but these were more of the Devil's creation as they had been able to evolve and harness the undead path of power and evolve plus rank/Lv. up which was relatively useful seeing as zombies were all strong undead, or at least Lv.2 zombies were. and with bodies that have adapted to being around for a long time, nature wouldn't be able to take them away.


With his back clashing against the wall, he fell to the ground, and he hand yet another pair of bite marks on his neck and arm, his breathing was cricket and as he seemed heavily damaged, his vision seemed to be blanking out.

"Sorry about that, it's been a long time since if feed on a live creature, especially a human~," the girl with silver hair said as she licked her lips and his blood came down her chin.

"W-W-What are you?"

But as he uttered those words under his breath, his eyes shut and his heart slowed down, was done for it and those were his last words.

But as he layed on death's door, his eyes jolted open, looking in forward, he saw she was crouched down in front of him and he felt something warm enter his mouth, it was ironic and thick but it tasted addicting.

She forced his eyes to hers and she said just like that "you are lost in a drift and you have found this all to be a dream. Now sleep and when you wake up you'll have been asleep while studying with your best friend Sasha" she said with her eyes dilating and him looking lost as she forced something into his mouth.

After taking it out he uttered her words before passing out.

"Oh my, it looks like I got reckless... I can't afford that"

She said as her eyes turned crimson and slight gains poped from around her eyes.


Running from a group of green little people who weren't goblins because that would have been embarrassing, Hiro and his team of 6 humans, a dwarf, and him, and they were running for their lives as a group of 20 goblins was chasing them.

'Who the hell assigns teams based on race! especially when everyone's still pagelings!'