
[Rossa Maine: Evans Street_1]

With mother and son playing detective, Hiro had borrowed Mary's cell phone and had used it to contact one of his informative, she was a rabbit girl or to be more reliable, she was a pagling slayer who's had this side gig of selling information for the right price.

But... If she had known that Hiro was going to bring someone along with him, she wouldn't have invited him to come over to her house.

You could say she had wanted to pick his brain about a few things like why he and his sister were titled the twin flames of Apolo, but as someone came into the mix, well, it wasn't going to change anything. . .Until she saw who it was.

After seeing who it was, she quivered as one top elite slayers had entered her home, and to make it even worst, what she was doing was considered illegal amongst the slayers association and could have gotten her arrested, and if lucky put on probation...

BUT, that same terrifying figure who had walked into her home gave her a daggered look, basically telling her she was fucked in the ass and should have never talked to Hiro as he set her up for something like a favor or reward, and as she going to be arrested the scary lady said,

"What Can you tell us about some girl named Isabell, ~~~~~"

After hearing that her heart dropped, Hiro didn't sell her but instead gave her a mild heart attack as the both of them had needed information and weren't here to arrest her.

And so that how the start to her morning went, she had started telling them all she had known about Isabell Cranes,

Name: Isabell Cranes

Age: 19

Birthday: February 2nd

Hair: long, shoulder-length: black

Eyes: jet black, there's no difference between her cores/irises and her pupil

Complexion: Northern: fair-skinned

Height: 5'2

Looks: C+: cute with a sparkle of innocent + lacks alot of maturity especially in terms of curves + has a dark outfit, emo-like.

Strengths: she's a magic caster like the both of them and from eavesdropping, she knows that Isabell is skilled at both abjuration magic and illusion magic.

Weaknesses: she gets distracted easily, if you put something fun in front of her, her attention will guide her over to it: short attention span.

Likes: plants, paint, Mari, dance, beer, the night, cats, books.

Dislikes: Social interaction, Peter Sephane, Jose Kagurdo, Most people, Beasts, The color yellow Sunlight, Boys, Tentacles.

Habits: Gardening: Dancing: Drugs.

Close relations: Mari, Iclit, Chelsea.


After telling them what she had known, Mary placed a single gold piece on the table and Hiro put away the notebook he had used to take the notes.

"Um... I asked for an electrum, this is too much miss?" Informative

She asked for an electrum piece which had the value of 50 copper pieces, but was given a gold piece which had been equivalent to 100 copper pieces.

"Ah, my fault" Mary

She picked it back up and then placed down a platinum piece which had been equivalent to 1000 copper pieces.

"Uh..." Informative

But as she was dumbfounded by the coin she had only ever seen once before in person, Mary crossed her leg over her other and at back, pulling that bad bitch mob boss exterior.

"This should be enough to hire you, you see that girl, I don't like her, I don't trust her, and she's around my daughter if you see where I'm going at with this" Mary

"Ma'am... I don't kill people, I'm not a Hitman nor am I an Assassin" Informative

"I'm not asking you to kill her? Keep an eye on her, if she breathes the wrong way you let me know" Mary

"So what do you say, wanna work for me kid?" Mary

Now she's was dumbfounded, she had barely expected to become a full-fledged slayer one day, and yet here an elite slayer was asking for her assistance, no, she was asking to buy her skills for her needs.

She couldn't have been any happier in her life,

"I'd love to! Consider it done! Whatever you need let me know!" Informative

And as she said that, Mary had a satisfied smirk on her face, meanwhile Hiro just had a dull look on his face as she bought over one of his Informative.

"Btw, what do people call you?" Mary

"My nickname? It's Quick Wind, but you can call me by my real name since if you're a friend of Hiro's and also my contractor I'm Kathie Kaze, and I'm apart of the Kaze wind rabbit beast tribe" Kathie




After a bit of talking business and payment, Hiro was slightly irritated as he was hoping that coming here would get him the pleasure of freedom, but he has just sat on the couch next to Mary and taken notes plus listened, and when he tried to get up and grabbed his hand and got him back on the couch.

And as he got irritated his tail which he had tucked into his pants had slipped out, it started flexibility swaying around and Kathie had caught sight of it immediately.

"Hiro, you have a tail?" Kathie

Looking at her he pouted,

"What's it to you, perv" Hiro

He was annoyed that he had been sitting down for too long, his moment was restricted and like the adhd running throughout my body, he needed to walk around in which Mary hadn't let him do as she grabbed his hand when getting up and pulled him back onto the couch.


Mary had then proceeded to "tap" him over the head as he had been rude,

"Ignore him, he's still sensitive about it, but yes, he does have a tail and it's very much real...Hiro's a beast person just like you" Mary

"But how?! And since when?!" Kathie

"Since a few months ago actually... He was cursed by a strong unidentified monster and they had cursed him with the [curse of the wild], a beast curse which had changed him for either better or worst. . .It's truly a tragic story which I barely know about" Mary

"What do you mean by for better or worst?" Kathie

"You're familiar with the story of the werewolf, correct?" Mary

"Yes" Kathie

"Well, think of it like this, he's a human most of the time with the exception of his tail being visible, but let's say something happens and he's thrown into disorder, that's when his humanity will start to show signs of decaying and he'll become more beast-like. I need more time to research Hiro and his curse. But for now, I'm going to compare his curse to a werewolf's beast shifting. And in saying that I'm predicting his transformation is similar to when the werewolf gets angry or the full moon appears" Mary

Sharing her knowledge with someone willing to listen she went into it and Kathie being an info broker absorbed this knowledge about Hiro and his strange curse.

"Welcome to the beast community Hiro, since you beast race us unknown, the rabbit beastfolk at our university doesn't mind taking you in since you don't have a community of your own" Kathie

"Uhhhhhh? Thanks?" Hiro

"You seem nervous? But don't worry, we're good people... For the most part. . .Some are debatable?" Kathie

Saying that, what she ment was, the rabbit folk were decent people, but if they were slayers, then they were more beast if anything, it's best to just ignore them.

"Hiro, go outside I need to have a private talk with Kathie here, oh and don't wander off" Mary

"I know... sigh" Hiro

As Hiro left she turned to Kathie and said with a serious tone,

"I'm going to give you my number, I'm also going to send you a list of people I want info on and if you don't have info on them, find out something useful on them" Mary

"Yes ma'am" Kathie

"Oh and one more thing" Mary

yes?" Kathie

"Keep an eye on my son, Hiro. There's a lot more than you can find out with me not directly involved, so I need you to keep an eye on him and monitor his curse, will you do that for me without letting him know" Mary

"Yes ma'am. . .Wait...You're his mom??!!" Kathie