Weapons, Armors, artifacts, spells

[Being worked on]



Weapons: Weapons are put into Tier's, with Tier 0 being [common and standard] and Tier 6 being [legendary], but because I want to keep this as something I CAN REMEMBER and I'm going to color-code them.

Tiers: Tiers are broken up into 3 Ranks, low, intermediate, and high, within each Rank there are 3 levels.

- To strengthen your weapon you must manually cultivation your weapon with energy stones or fragments.

Tier 0: common and standard: has ZERO magic properties.

Tier 1: Red :

Tier 2: yellow :

Tier 3: Green :

Tier 4: Blue :

Tier 5 :Indigo :

Tier 6: Violet :

[More and so on in higher plane of existence, cough cough- the 3rd realm and higher as their a stronger and more dangerous realm]

Magic: magic, as it has always been, is a bit complex, but to put it simply, for [Spells], it's broken into [Tiers] as well, there's [10 Tiers] and after that, well, no one knows but its to have said that it's the magic of the immortal plane whatever that is.

Ero Knowledge: this is broken up into a few parts and for each level in understanding, the better you know how to do it and can develop an Ero skill in which relates to that subject and or race.

EK - Weak

EK - Novice

EK - Teaser

EK - skillful

EK - strong

EK - Masterful

EK - Magical

Knowledge: by terms of knowledge I'm referring to as a subject or basic understanding of common and uncommon things, such as languages, classes, skills, and or magic research. This is [Letter] based.

Skill: Levels, the stronger the level the better it is, max level is 20, and after that, your skill will be able to advance from [Basic] to [Intermediate] and so on up till [Advanced] and then [Master]

Magic Crystals: to put it simply these are concentrations of magic energy that can be used for various purposes, like cultivation of ones self or Weapon, some races eat them, with stones you can reinforce them and or sell them for high prices, and you can also use them in forging, to craft stronger Weapons and or even special weapons/armors, sometimes their used In spells or magic and overall used in everything as their the crystallized form of alot of worldly essences.

-Magic/Core Crystals-

Energy shard fragments  : Lv.1-4

Tier 1: Energy shard         : Lv.1-5

Tier 2: Energy Stone        : Lv.1-10

Tier 3: Earth stone            : Lv.1-10

Tier 4: Spirit stone            : Lv.1-10

Tier 5: Essence Stone      : Lv.1-20



• Club:


• Mace:


• Mallet:


• Wooden Stake:



[] :


- Katana:

- Broad Sword:

- Short Sword:

- Long Sword :

- Greatsword:



- Pike:

- Glaive:

- Halberd:

- Fnag Tian Ji:
















Special Weapons:

• Boomerang:


• Chain:


• Net:


• Pick:


• Push Dagger:


• Scythe:


• Sickle:


• Trident:


• Mallet:


• Wooden Stake:



Armor       :

•light Armor:


- Padded Armor:


- Leather Armor:


- Studded Leather Armor:


• Medium Armor:


- Chain Shirt:


- Scale Mail:


- Breastplate:


- Half Plate:


• Heavy Armor:


- Ringmail:


- Chain Mail:


- Splint Armor:


- Plate Mail:



Spells       :








Artifacts   :


