Slayers Takeover

"I'm not mad... I'm furious... We had gone over this yesterday... And yet... AND YET NONE OF YOU HAD LISTENED TO FUCKING WORD I SAID!!!"

Juan spoke with his body, throwing his hands out and pointing as he shouted and aggressively yelled at them.

Juan had been doing this for the past 20 minutes as he had to step in and kick their asses to save the miniature fucktard aka the Necromancer who had antagonized them.

But either way, he had briefed them about her being placed here as their teacher yesterday, so they shouldn't have acted as they had, but it seems like none of them had listened because they almost killed their new teacher.

Turning around as he was extremely disappointed in his students, except for the 2 beastfolk and Richard.

He looked to the class who had been traumatized by all of this, and as they were forced to sit in their seats and stay quiet as there were slayers everywhere and blocking both entrances and exits of every classroom, Juan walked forward approaching the innocent students.

"Good morning class, my name is Mr.Riz I am a teacher here at this school's secret academy that trains slayers, yes, you heard me say it, this University is one of the training centers for our slayers and in every class at least 3 of every student body are hidden slayers"

(Riz? I didn't give him that surname?)

The class gasped,

"Behind me right now are some of my students, their not officially slayers yet, nor are they anywhere near apprentices, these fools are pagelings. They're studying and learning the ropes to our cause and our faction here in Nefumia"

"And as of today... Every last one of you are pageling slayers under the decree of his Majesty the king"

Hearing him say that, everything inside that room became quiet, everyone in there had gone completely shocked, and it got to the point where the only thing that could be heard was the extremely heavy breath of the asthma kid and the rapid heartbeat of almost everyone in there.

"Welcome to the military everyone, it's going to be an honor working with you"

Bowing in front of them a few guys shot up, throwing their chairs back, and yelled that this wasn't what they signed up for! They didn't ask any of this! They didn't work so hard for this?! They weren't here to become soldiers!

And as such words were spewed out of their mouths and other uni students had rallied in, acting rebellious and rioting with words,

Juan sheathed his sword from his side,

"Then die... It's just that simple"

This had shocked everyone, his eyes were blocked by the shadowing, and the slayers blocking the doors had unshielded their weapons.

Walking forward the ones standing had backed away, was he for real? Was he about to cut them down, but he was human too? SO WHY!

"Over the past year the undead had been quiet since the fall of Kantaku, we hadn't known why and we didn't care at the time, we were arrogant and overlooked it as it ment we were safe for yet another day to go by without our brothers and sisters falling into enemy hands... But... We were wrong"

The kids of the 1st row were practically pissing themselves as he stopped in front of them.

"Let me get straight to the point so you all can comprehend how dire our situation is. 3 weeks ago the corpse of a male cloud giant was discovered in our naboring country. Sure you might be thinking that another cloud giant killed him to satisfy its own selfish greed since the cloud giants were a bunch of aristocratic assholes... But that's where you'd be dead wrong"

"Because the litch progenitor and its 6 litch lord's had joined together to kill that cloud giant for unknown reasons, but from what we had heard from our information, they were gathering resources to further their strengthen their army's"

"Meaning if we wish to survive another day, week, month, year!!! We must get stronger! We've lost too much of this continent to the litches and their undeads! And we can't let them fully take over or they'll spread to the other continents and then the rest of our beloved realm!"

Keeping his composure strong he took a look to all who acted out against the slayers and with a stern look at them, he said

"Now, do you wish to die and be trapped in a circle of endless suffering, trapped behind these walls like birds trapped in a cage! Or do you wish to fight back! Fight back and take back what had used to be ours! And take the freedom we once had back into our own hands!"

"I do..." one had said from the class,

"These litches are nothing more than monsters, holding power over all of us through fear! The fear of becoming what they are and never being able to rise to heaven's gate! Forever trapping us in this material world only to suffer under their feet! But no more, we will not cower and we will not bend! We will fight back and show them that they are nothing more than monsters!"

"Yeah..." another student

"And do you know what happens to monsters that have dared to have kicked us down and hunt us like pray!!!. . . . . .We hunt them back"

"Yeahhhh!!!" several roars had erupted from inspired students,

"Now join me! Today we will all be brothers and sisters in Sword and Shield! And we will forge our paths of freedom throughout the blood of our enemies!"

"HELL YEAH!!!" over a quarter of the class had erupted into inspired roars.

Hearing so, Juan had snickered as he looked at them, backing away from the first row and sheathing his sword as he had gotten to them with his words and not his sword,

"Then let's be a new blood war... My Students"

The human race. A fearsome race that's as Savage and Violent as they are petty. They're often compared to a virus seeing as they have the capability to spread and adapt faster than any other race in any location, and they'll endlessly hunt you down until their last breath.

It's said by the elder races that a good human on the path of rightlessness has the power to reshape the world, But at the same time, A human full of vengeance can bring down an entire empire by one's themselves.

And so with words of inspiration, Juan Riz had successfully done what someone couldn't have, cough cough- Zoe Mickelson you Necromancer bitch, cough cough-

Speaking of her, as this had gone on, no the entire time that the 5 slayers had been sat on their feet, Hiro had been staring at the teachers' desk where Zoe the Necromancer had been sitting.

Seeing that he had been standing at her, she had teased him and poked her tounge out, mocking him in a meanish kid bully way. But as she looked at him, his tail had been thrashing the ground, and from the looks of it, she had already made an enemy amongst her main class.

The others had asked him about that real-life tail that had been thumping the ground and swaying around behind him, especially Richard and Taylor who had seemed most interested. However, he didn't respond as he had focused his eyes on Zoe. So instead, Kathie had Informed them of the "Beast Curse".

Meanwhile, as this went on, from the students' point of view, the main friend group with the addition if Jessica had been looking at the main 3 friends who they would have never expected to have this hidden identity.

Hiro, Richard, and Taylor.

Jessica was dumbfounded, her best friend was a slayer and she couldn't comprehend how she hadn't known, but even after finding out, she wasn't mad that Taylor didn't tell her, but she was worried, as it all had made sense now, the cuts, scratches, bruises, and time's in the hospital over the last year, but what also hit her was that her crush was a slayer just like her best friend, sure she hadn't seen him in a while, but he was still a hit in her mind...but so was 2 other guys which she would so smash or ask out if she had the confidence.

All of them were so fucking surprised by Richard, they knew him as the guy who was always down to chill, or relax at home. He was lazy and he had even been a killer with the ladies which made everyone think he was a fuckboi until they discovered he was a virgin. But now there were so fucking mind blown as this was the true thing he had been up to.

None of them knew Kathie Kaze or Emily Kaze, and the only thing similar between them is their surname and race, they were both wind rabbits of the Kaze wind tribe, but she was a seasonal type of person whose fur had chained during the season, and Kathie had ember colored fur, which was kinda yellowish but It had a tint of another color, and for her, it was not so visible pink.

Both Peter and Tina had been shocked, they knew he was a mage, but they had no idea that Hiro had been a slayer, they had been so close to him since like forever but they had never seen any signs?

Or the both of them were just stupid?

As all of them had mixed feelings about knowing their friends' secret identities, one of them was completely shocked and as she couldn't look away, she gulped as her mouth became dry and her sense of mind had crumbled.

As Remi looked at Hiro in the full picture and couldn't look away, he had returned, the witch she had been ordered to kill had come back, why was he back? Why'd he had to come back? now there was no way she couldn't leave her mission undone, it went from [complete] to [in progress], fuck my life for Glitternomes sake!

But there was another thing which threw them all of and it was as they looked at Hiro, and Albert had said it,

"Is that a tail?" Yeah, well, now Mary's plan had been set into full action and with the help of Kathie, Hiro the cursed human was going to be a thing.

Now all she had hoped for was that Hiro wasn't going to grow horns... Wait? He's not going to grow horns, is he? IS HE!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Oracle: if you hadn't heard yet! Turtle-chan has been working on our Archives, go to axillary anytime and check it out, it's under Main/side characters! and they'll try adding all met races into the Archives before the end of December!]