I'm a half-Demon? Are you dumb? I'm human.

[Hiro's PoV]

I HaTe ThEm, I Hate ThEm AlL


I have power so everything is under me right? Because I'm someone with power no one's problems matter. I don't care if they live or die. The only thing that matters is my own selfish gains. And as long as I don't end up as a casualty, I don't care who gets hurt and dies. Because they were rightchess they deserve death, RIGHT?

『Walking with his clawed hand against the brick wall of the building, Hiro was walking and his humanoid form had started collapsing as he had started becoming more demonic/beastly, more or less human, but with those little details on his body shifting. But what was new other than his hands, teeth, and eyes, was that his mind had started becoming corrupt... OR MAYBE... It was everyone else that was corrupt and his mind had started thinking straightforward and blunt』

『But right now what he was thinking/talking about was the corruptness of others, that entire thing was stating that those with power were selfish, they didn't care about anyone else other than themselves and or the one person they cared about. Like how Derek stayed back protecting Remi and Zarifall had done nothing as the weakest slayers there, including himself, were weaker than some of the people in that room, yet they stepped forward to protect everyone even tho they knew they could and would die-』

『-And yet the strong hadn't batted an eye as the weak was trying to protect them, and they just sat there and watched』

『He was disgusted, he was angry, he was enraged, and he wanted nothing more than to kill the both of them then and there, but Hiro had lived by a set of rules preventing him from killing Derek and Zarifall, yes physical conflict was acceptable, but plain murder wasn't a thing he did』

『So as he walked this path, trying to clear his heart of this darkness which could lead to him doing something stupid. His mind had started making things worst, something has been odd with him since he had been fully revived, and right now, right now, the beast within was anxious and vengeful, and it didn't think they deserved to live. And his mind seeing as from what he said didn't think they needed to either, further turning him back into that beast that was locked up in a cage by his mother』

[Sanity: 73%: very unstable]

Human, beast, what does it matter, as I look down at my hand I can still see the blood on my hands of everything I had ever killed, I'm an enforcer... I kill for the ALLMOTHER and only for her... And I deem those unfit for life, to death... I will kill them, the day the Mana tells me to, or when they are so corrupt they fit the requirements.

Derek, Zarifall, and everyone who fits those requirements must be purged by the sword of our enforcement, the Mana will bright all to the Just... She will... She will... She will purify this world, and darkness and light will return to a perfect balance

『A deluded smile formed on his face as he grabbed his head and the darkness all around him had started becoming thick with black fog, the insanity had started taking a hold of him and 1 random energy in his body had started wrapping around his phyric energy, trying to fuse and transform him even more into whatever this was. The unknown had started spreading』

[Half-Incubus: 2%]

[Half-Incubus: 3%]

『As his teeth fanged, he broke out in a violent burst as he swiped his claws at the bricks making 5 lashes up there and bricks dust and small chunks fly off the wall』

To hell with everyone, THEY'LL ALL TASTE MY DESPAIR!


Skipping class as she was traumatized from the earlier takeover, she had finally left her hiding place and had decided to walk around because being in that hiding [form] was stressful for her.

As she walked to the main/1st building, she had seen a streak on the walls, as she walked over to it, and had gotten a better examine on them, she had smelt something ominous and as she looked at the bricks, she had discovered that those were cuts on the brick, and from the looks of it, whatever made them left a trail.

Not wanting to hassle with the slayers she followed it, and as I had said once before, there this rules in movies which lead to them stupid motherfuckers dieing, and it was never pulling a Scooby-Doo and split up or go looking for the mystery.

But she did it anyway, and as she turned corners the streak had continued amongst the wall and in this exact same line from which it had started.

Walking down the side, the closer she got to the end of the next corner, which was 120ft, her paranoia had increased and her sense of smell was fucking with her because she could small danger... Literally, and it came in a violent burst of dark mysterious matter. which had sent shivers down her spine and right back up as it didn't stop the entire time.

Reaching the other end her feet stopped dead in their tracks, she tried moving forward but, it wouldn't and as she tugged on herself to continue she couldn't move any further.

But then she heard something, and she had also felt it as his hand was on the wall and she was very sensitive to touch.

She felt something hit the brick on the other side and as it did, it had slashed away at some of the brick-making her legs tremble.

She had almost given up her humanoid form and fully transformed to escape and hide in a bush because this was scary and whatever that was that was on campus was also scary.

But then, suddenly her legs had stayed to move and as she stumbled forward, her eyes widened as she looked to the other side past the corner and...

She saw nothing, nothing was there?

Catching herself, the scent was strong, the scary energy in the air was still fresh and she could smell the ominous scent so close by like it was on top of her or something?

Looking forward, she had already gotten this far so she had continued, following the scratches on the wall and down the building by 360ft.

But as she walked down to the other end and had turned corners she had seen the back of someone tall, he had black and brown short hair and he had his hand one the... Wall... His hand was clawed and he had been the one who scratched the wall.

The ominous smell was super strong and bitter enough to taste, and looking at the humanoid boy, she could see a spiked tail swaying around indicating he wasn't human, but to her, he looked very human.

She had known about humanoid beasts called beastfolk/beastmen who were beings of Animal or Lizard origin but with a humanoid form, and then there were even hybrids such as herself who was a mix of compatible creatures, and yet as she looked at him she had smelled something familiar.

He reeked of abyssal origin,

Her eyes widened broadly and she stepped back as that student in front of her was none other than,

"It's a Demonoid..."

But as she had softly said that he stopped in his tracks, this made her jolt as he heard her, and she come to a complete stop and as she tried holding her breath in hopes he didn't turn around and just continued on.

But as she had wished that, the fates who were usually on everyone's sides had told her that she was on her own and as she stared at his back she saw his clawed hand scratch the brick again and he slowly turned around,

Facing her she stared into his blood scarlet eyes and she had gulped he had a scary face, it was delinquent like and from how he looked, she felt like he was the rebellious type of person who liked fighting and smoking and doing all the bad stuff her parents had warned her about.

But he hadn't looked at her directly instead he looked around,

[Sanity: 40%: fluctuating but decently stable]

"Who's there? And don't bother lying to me because I heard your voice"

"I can't see past this darkness, but I clearly don't know you? So you shouldn't have anything to worry about"

"You can't see? Are you blind, is that why you've been walking around this building because you don't have your walking stick?" but why would a blind person be in this type of college?

Speaking softly she had a confused look on her face, he looked to where the voice was and took a step back, just a foot away from her.

"I'm not blind. But it seems I can't see right now, it's complicated? sigh? But I was walking around here to clear my head, I was mad at someone and I needed some fresh air away from everyone"

"Ahhhh... That? That sorta makes sense" really fucking stupid so imma just go along with it, mindset.

Before he had said anything she took a step forward and he backed away again as the world around him was still black and covered in fog.

"Mr you really need to sit down, I have important news to tell you!"

She then covered her own mouth as she didn't mean to yell,

"I'm good standing"

"Please? It's really important, like life or death important and it relates to this slayer takeover if you hadn't heard about it, the slayers of some secret academy had taken over the school and all of its people"

"Yeah, I know"

"Then sit down so I can tell you"


"Because my heart rate is jumpy and fast, and if you don't sit down I'm going to be really anxious and scared and, it's just important okay!" she softly yelled.


Sitting down with his back pressed up against the wall she had sat in front of him and as she took a few deep breaths, she then started talking,

"It's not safe for you to be here, once you recover your sight you have to leave, asap"


"Because your a Demonoid and if the slayers find out that your not a beastman or hybrid they'll kill you, the slayers are aligned with the church who have a higher power than our Monarch the King, and if you hadn't noticed, Demon's equal bad, they're darkness and evil, however that might not fully be the case now, but to them anything that wasn't angelic and Born on the light was bad to them"

"What? Demonoid? Church? You're going to have to explain that better, I don't understand what you mean, because I'm human, and you sound hella stupid?"

"That identity can fool the others but I'm familiar with you Demon's of the abyss, I'm from a long line of Demon Hunters and though we've been hunting and killing Demon's for centuries, I've read the archives and I know that not all of you are evil, some of you are good, some are neutral, and some just want to live life just like everyone else..." somewhat?

"No, listen, I don't get what saying that well but I can assure you that I'm Human, or at least I'm a cursed human? Seeing as I have a tail and claws, I was told it was a beast curse or something? It's all still new to me?"

Hearing him out, she looks at him, and from careful observation, she could tell he was confused and disordered, she couldn't tell what he was thinking, but from the blood glow in his eyes, he had been agitated or forced into a state where his demonic nature had been urging and forcing out something which he clearly didn't want to do.

So overall she looked at him as one in control, a proven point that not all Demons were the same. All just killers who wanted nothing more than to see the world burn.

"You've been lied to, I'm sorry but your not cursed, your a Demon, and I can prove it, just give me your hand and I can show you using my innate ability blood analysis. And that's why im warning you again, because I believe that nothing is born evil, just run and don't look back"

Hearing the concern in his voice, he had believed she was a kind soul. But he didn't believe her. He knew what he was and nothing was going to change that,

"Then analyze me, but I'm telling the truth, I'm human, believe it or not"

Holding his hand out, she slowly grabbed onto it and as she looked at it, she said fully heartedly,

"I hope so too"

Her top canines sharped into long snake fangs and she had bit into his palm, sinking her teeth in deep enough and then pulling out letting the blood flow out.

Moving to his hand she had opened her mouth and pressed her tounge against the dripping blood and then she moved up to the wound where she clamped her mouth down and swallowed the first load of blood on her tongue down and then had started drinking a from his fresh blood for 10 seconds.

[Blood Analyze]

Her eyes had grown a Vampiric Red and as she had consumed some more blood and he bit the inside of his lip, she let go of his hand and backed away. Blood had dripped down from the side of her mouth and she was panting as she had looked like she just saw some crazy shit.

"Wow. Your bloods so dense and bitter I want to puke..." she had felt nauseous and she wanted to throw up his blood as it was like eating rotten flesh.

"Will you just tell me what you had found already?"

Catching herself a breather, she frowned as he was acting like that after she had just tasted the words most disgusting blood essence... Then again, he was being affected by blindness and he believed he was human which she had been claiming he wasn't, so they were both at a mix right now.

Closing her eyes, she said,

"Your blood is mixed, it runs deep and it's connected between 3 powerful unknowns, but what I had comprehended from it was that half of your blood was in fact Demon's blood"

"Meaning you are a Half-Demon which is pretty rare even for us Demon hunters, seeing as you live between both worlds?"

"And at the same time your correct, your also human, but you have no such beast curse. But that's not to say you aren't cursed? There's something inside of you that's sleeping dormant right now. But t it had the potential to grow and though it doesn't seem bad, it's still a curse and no curses are good. If you wanted for me to find out what It is, I would need more time, but than again I'm too weak anyways to perform such advanced scan"

"You're blood also traces back to sorcery, you're a sorcerer and from what I can tell, you have a weak storage of energy in your spirit pool"

Listening to her speak and absorbing what she had said, he found her to speak the truth and not living to him as she had discovered that he was a sorcerer from his blood.

"But I don't get it? Why would they lie to me? And what does it mean to be a half-Demon? I don't get this? And what even is a Demon? I know im a sorcerer since I was born and raised as one as I'm of the Natsu clan, but I have no clue on anything about Demon's or whatever you just said right now?"

Looking at him, she had moved her hand to his bleeding hand and as he felt her touching him, he looked in front of him at her, and she said,

"As a Demon Hunter, even tho I'm supposed to slay you, I will protect you. After all, it might not seem like it, but im not actually a Demon hunter my family is, yet I have a strong knowledge on this and I know that half-demons are the only exception for us since they hadn't chosen to be Demon's, plus you said your apart of the Natsu clan right?... Well, if we kinda kill you, we're going to lose our contractors and a lot of money, so... Anyways, don't worry and don't be scared, over this week I will explain to you what you need to know"

Facing her he clearly heard what she said, with a blank face she just didn't want his clan to cut her family's money supply off since they had probably worked for his clan.

"Oh and since you can't see right now, and I don't want to go to class, let's start now. And if you still can't see by the time we're finished and or we can escape, I mean to return home, I'll walk you home. And then whenever you can see again, we can meet up... bla bla bla bla bla bla" she was just being a good person without trying to use him or have get anything in return, truly a soft and sweet soul she was.

With a blank face he had looked at her and as he did, she had been talking anxiously but also quite excited,

She looked excited about the concept of teaching but as for talking with another person, she seemed anxious, did she not have any friends to talk to, or was he like the first person he had ever interacted with at this school?

"Fine, but let's introduce ourselves first, it'll be weird if I don't know your name, person-san"

"Oh, sorry how rude of me!"

"I'm Chloe Zyban, my family kinda works for your clan as hired mercenaries, We've been with you guys for 13 years thanks to the lady with light blue flames who had supplied us with work"

"I'm Hiro Natsu, oh and one last thing. Don't tell anyone about what happened today, I want it to stay between us"

"Sure thing~" she's too good for this world (¡~¡)