Class 443's 1st Class activity! pt.1

After talking for a few minutes she hadn't wanted to go to class, so... well, she didn't, she had managed to convince Hiro to let her come to his class and even tho there were rules in place for stuff like this, it's not like she couldn't?

Plus from what Emily had told them, this wasn't a simple university anymore, some classes remained, but not all of them, this was truly an academy take over and expansion.



Walking into class with Chloe the room was chatty but as soon as he took a step in, he heard,

"Hey, slayer boy come here!" Zoe

Looking over to his teacher, which he had forgotten her name, she gestured him to come over to her immediately and as he saw that, he told Chloe to go sit wherever, but despite having that smile she was uncomfortable leaving his side, she was like a dog who hated her own kind, she didn't want to aproch them.

However, she had and she took a seat in the empty front row while he walked over to Zoe.

"Yes ma'am?"

She had looked distressed and a mess as she was sitting at her desk and picking at the side of it which had visible scratch marks up there,

"You need to help me, this class doesn't listen to a word I say and it's out of control, I can't do my job and they still look at me with fear and disgust in their eyes, and hey I thought maybe they'd listen if that was the case, but thanks to a few stronger students who's rebelling, they feel like they can just say and do whatever and it's it's hurtful because I'm the only one being punished!" Zoe

Bitting her nail as she was damn near ready to kill someone, he saw the bloodlust in her eyes as she looked up towards the class and he walked next to her desk and grabbed her chin forcing her to look at him.

"Kill anyone and I'll kill you, don't worry about the class, I'll handle it, keep yourself in check got it"

Gritting her teeth and looking at him with those same "I'll kill you" eyes, she clicked her tounge,

"Fine, but you better make it work, because they had never said I couldn't kill anyone to make an example"

But as she said that, a scent had entered his nose and as he looked down at her with "I'll fight your eyes" he mockingly chuckled confusing her mad self.


"Oh nothing, you just smell"

Having heard that again, she got even more heated and as she grabbed her stapler ready to hit him over the head with it, he took a step back, and with a silly smile he said,

"It's much more pleasant than last time~ now I can stand being around you. But despite that you're getting there, keep up the good work"

She stopped moving as she said that, and a grim atmosphere surprised her as he couldn't even see her eyes anymore. Turning away from looking at him she just became silent. Maybe his blunt honesty wasn't working too well for her.

But at least he wasn't bullying her, maybe...

"I really hate that guy" Zoe uttered.

[+1 points of influence to Zoe Mickelson]

But as that under the weather loom came in, he walked over to the board, and as he was in the middle of the front room, he chanted something and then pointed his hand at the class.

[Wind Magic: Strong Gust]

A strong gust of wind had been fired at them and as it had made some stumble and others fall over as desks were pushed, he generally didn't care as he fired and did it to catch everyone's attention.

"What going on?!?!" someone confused and panicked yelled.


Yelling and catching everyone's attention as he had used his magic to project his voice a bit more and get to everyone, half had listened and the others hadn't so he fired another gust shot at them which wasn't supposed to be an attack spell, more of a support spell, but he that didn't matter as he was now thinking of switching to attack and using [wind blast].

[Wind spell: Strong Gust]


Now getting everyone's attack, the ones who saw him use that spell on them were pissed and as many got up already yelling and screaming at him.

"You motherfucker when I get down there Im going to"

But as he said that, Chloe got up trying to stop the conflict, but it was a bit too late as he was going down there and so were a few others who were extremely pissed off.

"Anyone who attacks me will be killed"

Hiro said as he looked up at them and took a dagger out from his side making them flinch and back up,

"Hiro, the hell are you doing!" Derek yelled from the back row as he saw a faint glint of murderous intent in Hiro's eyes.

Looking up at everyone with a weapon in his hand so he could get it through to their thick skulls,

"None of you run the show, if you continue to act up, according to the new protocol I'm supposed to execute you immediately"

Saying that with a straight face the whole class expectantly Derek, Remi, Zarifall, Peter, Tina, Richard and Kathie were shocked to hear that.

"I don't get if you know what that means since your all stupid enough to act against the military, so let me explain it to you simply, to execute means to be killed"

"If you don't start complying with the slayers and or the military bu next week, we're going to kill everyone who's useless and a waste of our resources, after all, we don't need civilians who waste resources to live, we need soldiers, and a lot of them, we don't have time to waste"

"So if I were you, I'd look to that Necromancer who you all hate so badly and kiss her ass because she's your only lifeline if she reports that any one of you are useless, your good as dead and it's our guys who are going to kill you, not her"

"And if you keep acting up, I'll kill you myself as I'm not a pageling like the rest of you newbies"

Saying that, Zoe spun over in her chair to look at him because this was her first time ever hearing about it, and the other slayers here were shocked too, well there was only Kathie and Emily who were official slayers, but even then, they've never heard of this.

"You have to be kidding me! But Mr.Riz said-"

"What Juan said doesn't matter, whatever you heard from my former student doesn't matter, comply with this girl here and that's final because I don't feel like cleaning this blade of blood today"

Generally terrifying everyone he pointed the blade at them, and said,

"This goes for the rest of you too, all of the 2nd year pagelings in this room, don't expect any special treatment, because none of you have proven your worth yet, and I mean none of you"

Walking back over to Zoe, he stabbed the blade into her desk and as he looked at her with that scary expression he said,

"Now do your damn job and teach them before I get more annoyed than I already am, you damn Necromancer"

[+14 points of influence to Zoe Mickelson]

Giving her the cold shower she felt her face get warmer and her chest tighten, looking up at him she stood up and pointed at the desks,

"If you don't want to become an undead, then how about you sit your ass down already!"

Despite the both of them giving each other the cold shoulder, she was thankful for his assist and seeing him walk over to an empty desk in the front row meant that what he did was an act to help her out, all of that had been an act, just a ploy to help her with deal with this class.

[+13 points of influence to Zoe Mickelson]

Walking to the front of the class with a piece of chalk and notebook in her hand, she had started teaching and as she did, she noticed that immediately once he sat down, that stern and serious look on his face switched like a bipolar chick and he looked relaxed and calm, which had dumbfounded the white-haired girl 2 desks over who had also been in the front row.

'Thank you, boy'

[+1 of influence to Zoe Mickelson]


During the next hour, she had started explaining that they were on the losing side of the war against the litch progenitor named Izumi who she had once served, and despite not telling why, she had explained what her own goal was and that was keeping the human race alive.

She had made it clear between them she had no interest in any other race other than her own, and so with other stuff being checked off, it came for the first activity which she was supposed to get to the other day.

The purpose of this activity was so she could record and make a profile on everyone to keep a check on their growth and also put them into the slayers' Data Base.

And so with calling the chairman and requesting an area to use for physical combat first to record data on that, she was waiting for him to call her back and as she did, she was going over the current known pagling slayers in her class and as she looked at them she wasn't impressed until.


Slamming her hand down on the desk she shot up and startled the silent class, and as they looked to her shakily, she gritted her teeth and then punched her desk one time.

Grabbing her staff, she gripped it tightly, and as she was about to do something seeing as a spark of magic flared off her. She heard this little voice in the back of her head telling her not to and she threw her staff at the door.

"God damn it!"

Scaring everyone, none dared to talk, well except one pure soul, and the other one on her row was asleep so,

"Ms.Mickelson, what's the matter?" Chloe

Looking at her baring her teeth like some dog, Zoe death glared at the girl before kicking the wall and yelling,


Clearly lieing, Chloe felt like she needed to do something to help Zoe, but as she tried standing up she felt nothing but pure danger and killing intent filled the room and she couldn't move, her entire body was filled with fear and she was paralyzed.

Tring repeatedly to calm down as she walked back and forth from her desk to the door, Zoe was incredibly pissed off and as she was trying not to snap and go into imma kill everything rage, she went over and picked up her staff and went back to her desk.

The phone went off and as she aggressively answered it, she was informed the gym was available for her class to use.

Walking to the middle of the lecture zone, this was the first action she took as a teacher and as she was still angry, she had told the class where they needed to go. making them get up and leave the classroom as she was the first to storm off.

Getting up and listening to what she had said, the class had started moving to the gym and as Emily was the last to leave, she stopped by Zoe's desk and looked at the computer file open on her laptop.

"The Ohuran massacre?"

Looking at the fire she skimmed through it before leaving and had discovered that this was a report filed by an earth sorcerer 21 months ago.

What the massacre was, was a bunch of Necromancers had captured an abundance of sorcerers for experimentation and then a single man who wasn't acting apart of the slayers association had came in and killed every single thing inside of the building before finally rescuing the sorcerers and then disappearing.

The one who was reported to have killed everyone there was someone named Hiro Natsu.