Fight for survival, the start of your journey begins here class!

As the door broke down and the first cluster came rushing in, Hiro grabbed both Remi and Sanibel's hands, as his equipment was on his side and back, and as he took a strong step forward with them he yelled,

"Point your hands at the enemy and say this with me!"

"Evoke with a surge and shock from in thy core, may heed with an electric blast and crumble thy destruction shock! Maximum voltage! Electric Shock!"

With both Sanibel and Remi not getting what he was forcing them to do, their equipment fell to the ground and as their hands were together. They chanted that with him and Electric had started pulsating off the 3 of them, and it was dense enough to where they could feel something burning inside them and it was strong.

It coursed from their belly to back and then all around and finally to their hands. Where a strong current of electricity shot out of their hands and at the doorway where the zombies were coming in and,

[Electric shock: 2nd variation]



With a large quantity of magic being used in such spells, both Remi and Sanibel felt lightheaded as that was their first time casting destruction magic, more or less Electric magic.

But as the 2 of them had felt light-headed and dizzy, they felt a slight wind as Hiro had dashed forward along with Ferris, Peter, Chloe, and Tina.

As the 4 of them rushed at the smoke cloud which came from the doorway. 3 zombies emerged from the smoke, and as they did,

First came Ferris, ramming into the 1st zombie with his shield and colliding with it, Tina came from the side, and with brutish force, she bashed the zombie away from him and it fell to the ground where they proceeded to attack it together.

Second, came Peter, going to the left he followed those 2's example and bashed a zombie which emerged from the smoke, using his shield he rammed it and hit it to the ground where he single-handedly started killing it.

There came Hiro and Chloe, as they ran down the middle, Chloe looked to Hiro and she felt worried as when he Cast that Electric magic beforehand, it wasn't normal. As he was casting the spell, the electricity changed from purple to orange while the others remained purple, something was up with his spell and as he Immediately rushed forward, she felt something was wrong.

Getting to the 3rd zombie, the zombie threw a punch at Hiro and as he saw it coming he raised his shield to block. But as so, the zombies' strength wasn't to be underestimated, because Hiro's shield broke and he was hit back.

But then as soon as he did, Chloe threw both her pieces of equipment aside and grabbed him. The both of them had fallen back and as she couldn't fully catch his weight, her butt hit the ground hard.

But as she did, the zombie came lunging forward and as it did, she didn't have much time to react as she went for him and threw away her gear.

Life flashed between her eyes and as the moment froze and death seemed near, she looked to Hiro and swallowed as she promised to protect him, she said she would keep him safe, she wasn't going to let him get hurt.

"Striking snake!"

Emerging from nowhere a white snake shot forward and bit down on the zombie's neck at a forceful speed and then wrapped around its neck forcing it back,

Moving Hiro to the side as they both hit the ground, her eyes glew a vampiric(Light bloodish crimson) red and she grabbed her shield which she then had started repeatedly bashing its head in,

"die die die die die!"

With its head caving in and brain mush going everywhere around, she was no better than the rest of them, she was just copping better with it because she had a reason to,

but as she kept repeating that attack and she kept hitting it even after death,




"Stop... It's already dead"

She felt Hiro embrace her from behind, holding onto her with one hand and grabbing her shield as she might not have stopped even if he said it was dead.

Tears immediately fell from her face as he was embracing her. Letting go of her sheild she grabbed his hand and held it tightly as she started crying. This was her first time killing and thought it was a traumatic one, it was very emotional for her too.

But who could truly blame her, they all had to go through this starting point.

Letting her sob in his arms, he looked up to see the smoke vanish, and as he looked around he saw the others handled themselves, and at the doorway, he saw a hand detached and gripping the doorway as 7 mushy corpses were behind it.

He and Remi and Sanibel had killed the 7 altogether, that was good, but as he had a faint smile, he leaned his head on Chloe's sholders and his eyes shut, the world around him became black.


"Hiro... HIRO!"

Turning around she saw he was bleeding from the mouth, grabbing onto him, his body was limp and he hadn't seemed to be conscious anymore.

Hearing Chloe yell, the others had broken out of their Savage states, and Remi and Sanibel who had recouped from the dizziness had rushed over to her and went to check on him as well.

"What's going on with him! What happened!" Peter

Not knowing what happened one of them had thought he was bit, but as Farris was going to throw that out there, Remi put her hand in his center belly and said,

"His mana's depleted..."

Having heard that they were relieved, they had thought it was something fatal, but even so, Remi, Sanibel, and Farris had the same thought, 'how was he able to move beforehand if his mana ha been depleted?' but they didn't think too much of it, as it could have ment he was very strong-willed. But even so, that amount of movement was impossible, sure 1 step okay fine, but after that... What the fuck?

"Okay, every let's regroup with the class. Farris, Tina, help me barricade the door behind us, and then we'll look for more equipment down on the 2nd floor"

"Understood" Tina

"Okay" Farris



As they got downstairs and layed Hiro down in the first room to the left, which they had found to be empty of enemy's and holding a kitchen knife in there,

They rested him down and one of the supporters had checked his condition to the best of their ability, which wasn't much, but they still were able to.

As the others came back a few minutes later, they checked Hiro who had been found to me all good despite being unconscious, and so they continued their tactic on clearing the second floor and gathering gear.

"I'm going to stay here with Hiro, you all go ahead without me" Remi

"Understood... But even so, that girl doesn't seem to be leavening our Hiro alone, keep an eye on her so she doesn't, you know, kill him or anything.

But as they both of them looked at each other they nodded in agreement and he handed her the kitchen knife in case they couldn't return on time and another wave of zombies came, but it was also to kill Chloe if she betrayed them.


"You should join the others?" Remi

Walking over to the both of them and sitting down pressed up against the wall, she looked over to Chloe and then over to the door which the Last of them were leaving and had closed the door.

"No, I'm staying with him..." Chloe

Looking at Chloe who had still been crying but staying strong, she looked down and saw that Chloe was holding his hand, and Remi's eyes looked at her chaotically, like who was this girl and why was everyone so weary and scared of her, but more importantly what was she to their Hiro? And why was she even here with them when she wasn't apart of their class? But more importantly, why was she acting as if she was his lover?

Clenching the knife that had been hidden at her side, she looked to the other 3 unconscious people and them back to the girl,

"I don't think you have a chance with him" Remi

"Huh?" Chloe

As the both of them looked at each other, Chloe was confused, but Remi was there to clarify what she said,

"He's in love with me you know? And even after so long, he's still in love with me" Remi

Ehh??? Chloe

"There are no chances of you ever being with him, the odds are at 0 and if you look at yourself, theirs no way he'd ever go for someone so immature and pathetic like you" Remi

"So you don't have a chance to be with him" Remi

But looking at this blond-haired girl sitting back and looking at her with a cold gaze,

"What? What are you talking about?" confuzzled Chloe

"Your in love with him aren't you. Well too bad, he won't ever be yours so I suggest you stop it and stop being so close my Hiro"

"nonono! You're getting the wrong idea! I don't like him like that, we're just friends!"

Chloe said as she got flustered and looked down at how she was holding his hand, but even so, rather than letting go, she put her fingers in between his fingers and joined their hands as she tried calming herself with his warm body heat.

"Wait?... But Hiro told me he was single when I asked? Who are you and how come he's never mentioned you the entire time I've known him? Holdup? Are you his girlfriend?" Chloe

A vain poped on her head as she made it seem like she had known him for a while and that girl Chloe was presumably also from the city too, so it ment they'd known each other for a while now and that's possibly why they were so close. But even so, he hasn't mentioned her name once and that was hard for her to believe, especially after remembering both times last year where he expressed his deep and long-lasting feelings for her.

"I'm not dating him, but we're childhood friends, so I would suggest that you stay away from my Hiro if you know what's best for you. Actually, it's best if you leave and don't ever come back to him once we leave this place" Remi

Having said that a shade of green formed in her eyes and as she gave daggered eyes to Chloe which had scared the living shit out of Chloe she them said,

"No, forget he existed and just fuck off" Remi

Giving off scary vibes, Chloe was trembling as her sense of danger was high and as she looked at this girl, she was overwhelmingly scary.

But even so,

"No..." Chloe

"What you say you little bitch?" Remi

Looking up at Chloe, Chloe had glowing red with core slit eyes, and as she looked at Remi, she showed no more signs of being afraid anymore, actually, she looked like she was damn near ready to fight Remi back despite being a scardy cat a second ago.

"You have a male so leave this one alone. He's my only friend and even if I were to have feelings for him, what's it to you?"

"Just stay away from-!" Remi

"Or what? He's not one of your males... (fake)gasp... unless, unless your planning on seducing him?" Chloe cut her off

"What?" Remi

"Wow, more power to you right?" Chloe

"You're a sick bitch? Playing with those males hearts, well I guess one would understand seeing as he's a beastman, but the other one, he'll be crushed when he finds out you've been double-timing him, and if you seduce this male, ohhhh, I wonder how they'll both feel when they find out" Chloe sarcastically said showing little emotions.

But as she said that, Remi stood up and gripping the knife tightly, she gritted her teeth and flipped the knife ready to attack Chloe.

"So what if I have 2 boyfriends! It's nothing to you! And it's normal for everyone to have more than one! So just listen to what I'm saying and just stay away from him!"

Shouting at Chloe, Chloe grinned and as she put her hand to her, cheek, she looked at Remi and mouthed it so it was quite clear,

"No..." Chloe

This infuriated Remi and as she stepped forth with the knife in hand, Chloe didn't stand up or do anything, she just kept holding his hand and she had a pure smile as she looked at Remi.

"I wonder if he'll forgive me for this?" Chloe

But as soon as she said that, Remi's eyes jerked as she felt a sharp pain in her legs, and as she glanced down, she saw that a snake was biting her calve,

Looking back at Chloe, she gritted her teeth and with a bloodthirsty intent filling her eyes, she felt the room around her shift and she was unsteady, meaning that she had been poisoned with a fast-acting poison, and from how it felt, she felt her body near collapsing as she could already feel her lower body starting to break down.

"You bitch, I'll kill you!"

THROWING the knife, it hit Chloe in the shoulder, and as she heard a faint yell as Chloe bit down on her hand to hold it in, Remi smiled before losing consciousness and the snake disappeared.


Taking the knife out and tearing her shirt vest to use as a bandage, she was in terrible pain and as she held it at bay and she covered herself with the rags of her torn vest, and then her slit cores had turned back into normal cores and they had turned back into a solid crimson.

And as they did, beads of tears had rolled down her face and she curled up as she was in even more anguish.

That ability she used suppressed her fear and it even improved her physical resistance, so as she stopped using it she was back to normal and she was in complete shambles as she was in severe agony.

Crying, even more, she felt her entire world collapsing as this was too much for her to handle on her own.

But then as she felt a warmth, she felt the touch of a hand and as it might not have been real and all in her head, she remembered that she wasn't alone, she wasn't alone anymore.

She had Hiro now, and as she squirmed over to him, she bared with the suffering as she was a crying mess, but as she hugged his arm and layed her head on him, she felt took comfort in the warmth and her eyes shut.

"I'm sorry for being so weak, I'll get stronger if it means we can stay friends" she delusional wept.