Remi and shota Hiro together again~... Help I'm being kidnapped by this crazy hag!!!

"What am I going to do? What am I going to do? This wasn't a part of my master plan to trick and kill him?" Remi

Walking around her room in a complete circle,

"Wow, you were right these are tasty~" Unknown

Looking at her bed she had a shota Hiro on her bed and he was eating a pack of her special cookies as she was frustrated and trying to figure out what to do with him.

"How the hell am I supposed to complete my mission now, am I supposed to wait another 8 years for him to grow up and then... no, wait this could be perfect, no Hiro, no problems" Remi

"This is Aster, Hiro's cousin who he told me to look after until he came back from wherever..." Remi

"Yeah, perfect plan!" Remi

Looking at Remi as she was talking to herself, Hiro laughed as he found her to be amusing, she had been amusing to him ever since she put a coat on him and took him home with her.

"Miss your a mess~"

Facing him, she was flustered as he was on the dot which is what she was, she was truly a mess,

"No, I'm not! you're a mess!"

But she said that he laughed, she was really fun when she was hurting her own brain,

"I'm not a mess, I'm hot~"

Being literal, he unbuttoned the shirt and as she was trying not to argue with a kid, he took off the shirt and was completely naked as he had only been wearing that oversized shirt for a long time. And it covered his body like it was a coat.




Walking in circles as she was deeply thinking and little Hiro was eating her Halloween cookies, she then thought of something other than adopting him as Aster. She could ask about him being a witch and get more Intel. It was a give and take, and since he's now younger and foolish, it was a full-proof plan.

"Hiro I have a few questions I need you to answer truthfully!"


Facing him her eyes broadened, his tail wagged and he smiled, but that wasn't what had her so open-minded and shocked, it was the fact she had seen it all, she had seen him naked...

Coving her eyes to continue her half decent pureness,


"I'm hot?"


"Why? Your room is very hot and my body can't regulate its temperature yet"


"But being naked is more comfortable~"


"Fine... Just stop yelling"




With the room getting colder and Hiro covering his naked body with her blanket. He sniffed her blanket and it had a strange smell to it, it was her scent bit it still smelled weird.

"Miss you smell weird" He didn't actually know who she was and yet he followed her to her home and was now mocking her because of her scent...





She had tried overlooking it because he was a kid right now, but she had gotten flustered and hit him with a pillow for smelling her blanket... She was getting mad at how indecent he was again... And it was frustrating for her, but she held back as she needed to seriously get to the point and ask him these questions.

"Hiro for every answer you speak honestly, I'll give you one of my snacks, got it"

"~Got it~" smol hiro

Let me just tell you now, he was down as soon as she involved food...

"What is your full name" Remi

"Hiro Garamiah Natsu" hiro

"Are you a witch?" Remi

"Witch? haha, no but I wish I was one, they always have the fun magic to play with" hiro

Face palming herself, she needed to try again as he was seeing this as a joke and she didn't know if he was actually lying or telling the truth.

"Are you a warlock?" Remi

"Nope" hiro

But as she said that she didn't believe it, she knew signs of witchery when she saw it, and she was like 81% sure he was a witch, she just needed a confession or proof that he was or wasn't one"

"Then I have a serious question, because what are you? I get it if you're hiding it from everyone because it's a secret, but I know you're a witch, I know you and Mari Natsu are witches and I just need you to trust me, please Hiro"

But as she said that, going on all the way and not holding back as she needed to know now... He just laughed in her face and she was taken back as she thought something like, "now you know you have to die" like scenario or something similar to it, so she was ready to all out fight him.

"Were not witches dumbass~ The ALLMOTHER is forgiving but if we were witches, I'm pretty sure... well she does have a grudge against them, but, either way, the ALLMOTHER would probably have of forsaken us if we were witches, you silly goose"

"ALLMOTHER? don't you mean ALLFATHER?

"iie, I do not worship or give service to the gods, I am but an enforcer to the Mana and her ways, as she is my mother and supreme ruler"

"That sounds kinda witchy"

Saying that and looking at him he had a faint smile, but then it turned into a full one... Nope, it them became lewd as he put his hands onto his checks an,

"And if the ALLMOTHER had ever wished for me to accompany her in bed, I would need time to prepare. I don't want to be filthy or unclenly when I'm called upon unless it is what she desires and she wants me immediately, and then I will have no time to wash. . . .But still, I'll do whatever she desires~"

Shaking her head in disappointment, she had known from that look it would have been prevented, but just hearing it, and hearing how much he sounded like Albedo, well it was frightening.

But then as she grabbed a pillow ready to hit him back to reality, he coughed and looked back to her,

"Sorry about that, okay back to what I was saying, I'm an enforcer that's all~"




"...Half human"

"Wait what?"

"Wait, can you say that again?"

"Say what again?"

"What you just said?"

"I said what I said, what I say?"

"What do you mean what did you say! You said it!"

"No you said it?"


"I don't like your attitude, I'm not answering any more questions if you're going to be mean"



'Is he seriously doing this right now, don't you fucking pout at me! We still have much to discuss and I still have a bunch of information to get out of you!'

But as he was pouting he rolled away from her while in that blanket and she was getting really mad as he was being such a little cunt.

Hurling the pillow at him, it was a direct hit and he turned around, and when he did he was mad now. This was like him being around Marcilina, it was tense like a GodxDemon battleground...

(Wait where even is she?... I miss her.. )


After a cat fight with pillows, she beat him, and as she was the victor, she had wrapped him around in that blanket so he couldn't move and as she held onto him, he was now a burrito.

"Let me go, this is unfair you can't just bind me like this!"

"I don't know, you seem to like being bound by women"

"Shut up! I'm 10 you old hag!"

"Uh... ... .. I'm not an old hag you're older than me! You're not 10! Your 19! Now change back and stop messing around, I know this is all some sort of witch trickery!"

"I'm not a witch you bitch! I'm a half-dem-"

But as soon as he was going to reveal who he was to her, she heard a knock at her door and she grabbed the closest thing to her which was one of her damp, thin tights. In which she shoved in his mouth and then pushed him off the bed and on the other side away from the door so he couldn't be seen.

"HMGAAAAAH!" he furiously muffledly yelled but it was all blocked by the tights in his mouth.

"Hiro shut up!" she softly yelled

But he wasn't going to and he made some more noise, she threw all of that was on her bed over to where she pushed him and covered him with it to the point where she could barely hear him screaming now.

"Come in!"

As the door opened, her brother came in and he had a pan of sweets in his hand,

"Hey, I made some cookies want some? I'm trying a new recipe and I promise they're not poisonous~"

Looking at him she didn't believe it, she squinted her eyes and frowned at him because the last time he said that, she got food poising.

But then as he saw her disbelief, he smiled reassuringly and said,

"Druids promise"

But as he said that, and his eyes glew green. She shot up, running over to him, grabbing him, and pushing him out of her room,

"I'll have some later! Leave me one on the counter! You dumb idiot!"

"What has you so uptight?"

"Shut up you dumb dumb dumbass!"

Being forced out of her room and then having the door slammed in his face, he sighed,

"ALLFATHER my sister is a lost cause, I don't believe she'll make a good druid if she keeps acting up"

Turning away from the door, he started walking away but then something occurred to him?

"Unless she's on her period? Yeah, that probably explains it?"

Looking at the cookies he baked, a fly landed on it ad as soon as it ate a piece, it instantly died... ... ...

"Uh... Ummmmm... I guess I really do need to look at a recipe book don't I? shoot I almost gave Remi one haha... oh God I need to destroy these poisonous monstrosities!" he tried his best... But was very very bad at cooking.


Getting back inside her room and jumping on the bed, she crawled over to the other side and started picking stuff back up.

She didn't hear any noise so she acted fast encase he was suffocating down there.

Getting to the bottom where he was at, she saw him, still alive, but his eyes were spiraling as he was under a daze, probably because of suffocation...

Taking her tights out of his mouth which was now drenched in his saliva. But immediately going onto another thing, she was cautious, so she asked as he might have been able to still hear her,

"Did you hear a word of what was going on?"

But as she said that, he actually responded... But,

"You shoved used stockings in my mouth... ... ... You shoved used stockings in my mouth" swallowing as his mouth was wet as his mind was fizzy,

"It's not stockings, it's tights, and they weren't used... wait... no... they were on my bed so... ah..." she started blushing as she was wearing those earlier today and when she got dressed back home, she threw her old sweaty clothes onto her bed. where she had grabbed it from...

But before she could apologize, she was kicked in the nose by him down there on the floor and as she fell back,

"You ugly old hag! How dare you out your stinking stuff in my mouth, eww eww eww eww eww! eww, your disgusting crotch was on that and your taste is in my mouth! I think I'm going to puke!"

'I thought guys liked perverted stuff like that tho... wait'

"Who are you calling an ugly old had and I'm not smelly that's because of today's lesson! We were running around and you made me use that magic and I got all sweaty and--- bla bla bla bla bla"

Going into a rant, she tried making up an excuse for herself, but it was of no use as she was just making excuses now and deepening the blush's rosiness on her face from her embarrassment as she started embarrassing herself even more now.


With the excuses going nowhere, he managed to sit up and as he pouted, he demanded,

"Untie me retch, I'm leaving, I don't have time for you and your filthy games"

But as he insisted on that,

"I'm not a retch and I have a name, my name is Remi Tenya! Stop calling me girl or lady or miss! It's getting on my nerves!"

"I don't care who you are! Your ugly, smelly, annoying, mean, and you tied me up! Now release me or I'll tell master on you!"

But as he said that something occurred to her, back then when they were 10 she and Hiro were close, and so if this was 10 year old Hiro, It ment he saw everything and thought he was 10 again.

So he must have been surprised by her or something, or he was just too angry to realize it yet, but if she could just calm him down. A might be able to control him using the manipulation of their friendship from the past.

"Did you say, master? Ha, you have a master? hahaha that's funny, the only master you probably have is your hand when you wank"

Or she's going to be a bitch and taunt him some more...

As she said that his eyes turned scarlet and his teeth became fanged,

"How dare you insult my master, me and sister will kill you for that, you ;#_&#$!"

She didn't know what he said in that last part, but she was pretty sure he called her bitch or something? Nevertheless, this was entertaining for her, so she was going to play along.

"Sister? You mean Mari, sorry dear but I'm afraid she's had a crush on me for a long time~ So I doubt she would hurt me, just like how I know you wouldn't hurt me either~"

But as she teased him, he exhibited no indications of calming down or falling for her meager words like she thought he might have,

"Shut up you hag!"

'Hag? Why does he keep calling me that, am I that ugly to the Hiro in front of me?'

"I'm not talking about her, I'm talking about Lilith! She's way stronger than me and when she hears about what you did! She's going to give you a painful death!"

"Lilith, I didn't know you had another sister? ooh, do tell, I want to know all about this, and oh, tell me about that painful death you speak of you angry little child~"

"Sister Lilith is a powerful Demon! And you won't escape her, you stupid human. She'll tear you limb from limb and make you pay for making a mockery of me!'

This was amusing... Sure zombies existed but did he really think demons did too? She was wondering how low he'd go and how much he would make up until he finally started talking about something so stupid that not even he believed it to be true.

"You know you sound stupid, Hiro really? Demons? That just a myth? And I don't know about this Lilith, but I've never met her, and how powerful can see even be? tut, you have one crazy imagination don't you~"

He was giving her a death glair as she said that, he didn't care about most of what she said, but when she spoke about Lilith, it made him angry, really angry, and he wanted nothing more than to rip her head off and give it to his master...

She suddenly felt something slightly ominous, but it was like a cold spot on her shoulder, she could barely feel it... She was too powerful to be affected by his [demonic fear].

And demonic fear was way stronger than when he was a human so that ment she was extremely powerful compared to him.

'I need to escape and find Lilith, I can't fight this woman on my own, if I do I'll die... Wait where even am I, I don't recognize this land that well?'

"What's with that look, are you angry? Are you angry that I stomped on your imagination, haha, well, sorry, but all of what you said was a lie and a fantasy"


"Hey, Remi I heard from Derek that you weren't feeling well. Are you okay, I made some soup and left it with your brother if you feeling good enough to eat, it should help?"

But as boyfriend #2 came into her room to check on her after coming there with a whole pot of soup, he saw Remi sitting on a messy bed and over to where she was, was a kid in a blanket who was sitting on the floor right of the bed.

But as soon as he locked eyes with the scarlet eyed boy, he immediately felt something, no it wasn't just that, he smelled something too and he felt as if, as if-

"Brother save me! This human's kidnapping me!!!"

He felt the presence of another Demonkin.